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After the Coup is over!
« on: February 18, 2019, 10:21:32 PM »
Commentary: After the Coup Is Over
February 16, 2019 Admin

by Julie Kelly

As the perpetrators of one of the most shameful scandals in American
political history begin slowly to retreat, we are left to ponder one
overarching question:
What now?
The tale we've been told for more than two years-that Donald Trump's
campaign team, possibly even the candidate himself, colluded with the
Kremlin to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election-has been
exposed as a lie. Various investigations into this alleged conspiracy are
coming up empty and the accomplices are trying to change the subject. Even
more pathetically, some still are clinging to the farce, desperate to
salvage whatever still remains of their already sketchy credibility.
To describe it as a witch hunt, the president's preferred term, is too
generous. The American public has witnessed a seditious attempt by powerful
interests garrisoned throughout our political complex to overthrow a sitting
U.S. president. The orchestrated and failed coup has exceeded the routine
combat of our two-party system, where out-of-power partisans disrupt and
agitate the other side. No, this has been a full-scale insurrection that has
violated the boundaries of law, normalcy, and civility in an unprecedented
Both Democrats and Republicans have been complicit. The national news media
have acted as hatchet men. Influential public officials, operating both
inside and outside of government, have aided the stratagem. One of the main
culprits just revealed-no, bragged-how a handful of corrupt bureaucrats
plotted unlawfully to remove the president from the Oval Office based on the
fantastical scheme.
It's the kind of treachery that is supposed to animate banana republics or
Soviet-style regimes-not our country.
And now that the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed this week that
their two-year investigation-which involved the interrogation of 200
witnesses and a review of 300,000 documents-will find no evidence of
collusion, the aftermath of this scandal is coming into view. How it plays
out is anyone's guess at this point, but one thing is evident: There is deep
rage at what has happened not just to this president but to this country-and
people want answers.
On his show Tuesday night, Tucker Carlson unleashed a tirade that reflected
the anger felt by millions of Americans. "In the end, it was all fake, and
they knew it wasn't real, they knew they were lying," Carlson said after
playing a series of clips by Democratic leaders accusing the president of
colluding with the Russians. "We've spent two years perpetuating a fraud and
they are still doing it. What is it? It's negligence on a stunning scale.
Historians will look back on this moment in amazement and sadness. Why
didn't any responsible person in the media say anything about it, why did
they collude in the charade?"
Carlson unloaded on House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff
(D-Calif.), one of the key conspirators from the beginning, insisting that
Schiff's grandchildren "will be ashamed of what he did." Perhaps they will.
But only if his progeny have more integrity and decency than Schiff does
which, I admit, sets a very low bar.
The cast of villains in this national nightmare is long. At the highest
echelon is the Obama White House; to date, no one knows how involved the
former president was in executing this scheme because not one journalist has
yet confronted Obama about what he knew or when he knew it. Think about that
for a moment. Barack Obama's Justice Department weaponized federal law
enforcement and intelligence powers to infiltrate and spy on a rival
presidential campaign then leveraged that same authority after the election
to raze an incoming administration, yet not one member of the press corps
has asked him one question about it.
Former administration officials who pulled all the strings, including ex-FBI
Director James Comey, ex-CIA Director John Brennan and ex-Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper continue to attack the president, even
accusing Trump of being a traitor and a Russian asset. Members of both the
Obama and Bush administrations have become media celebrities by legitimizing
the collusion fantasy on cable news shows and opinion pages. NeverTrump
Republicans who long ago should have been run out of the public square for
their consistently-wrong analysis on nearly every political and policy issue
over the past two decades have earned earn rock-star status on social media
from Democrats and liberals eager to exploit their nonstop rants about
Trump-Russia as proof "even Republicans" are suspicious.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have diverted time, money, and
attention away from critical issues that matter to Americans in order to
chase after a ruse that most, if not all, knew was a head fake from the
start. It will be impossible to measure how many opportunities to fix
illegal immigration or health care or entitlement reform over the past two
years were lost while our political leaders across the country were mired in
a nonexistent crisis. And probably that was the point. The Justice
Department has diverted needed resources to a special counsel probe that has
nothing to do with the safety and security of the American people.
Meanwhile, Robert Mueller's investigation has not yielded one indictment
related to collusion, yet it has wrecked countless reputations and
livelihoods. Gutless elected officials have cowered in the presence of
representatives from this ostensible fourth branch of government while
Trump-Russia propagandists demand that every politician swear his allegiance
and fealty to the almighty and unaccountable Robert Mueller. Any hint of
disagreement with the special counsel is portrayed as either cowardice or
But no entity has acted more recklessly and destructively than the national
news media. From publishing illegally leaked information intended to destroy
anyone in Trump's orbit to ambushing elderly supporters of Donald Trump, the
media have defiled their industry to a degree that will be unrecoverable.
False reporting has been corrected quietly (when it is corrected at all) and
without any consequence. Sex-for-Trump-Russia-Scoop arrangements result in
Consider these numbers: Since May 2017, the New York Times has cited the
Mueller investigation 4,392 times and posted nearly 1,200 articles, columns
and editorials about Russian collusion since January 2017. The Washington
Post has cited Robert Mueller 4,162 times and posted 1,100 pieces about
Russian collusion just in the past 12 months. CNN has devoted more than
3,000 articles and news segments to Robert Mueller since he was appointed.
Those are just the results of a few cursory searches.
But we will never know the total amount of air time, column inches and
social media chatter that have been dedicated to a fabricated conspiracy
peddled by a media infrastructure desperate to believe it was true and
maliciously trying to convince the public of a lie in a vain attempt to
satiate their own appetite for political revenge against Donald Trump.
So, what now? Who will pay the price for unleashing this ordeal on the
American public? Which lawmaker will be rebuked and censured for pretending
to have evidence of malfeasance that never happened? Which former high-level
official will be charged for abuse of power?
What journalist will be fired and permanently jettisoned from the industry
for intentionally misleading readers and viewers? What editor or media owner
will be held accountable for publishing illegally leaked information that
exacted real harm on innocent people? When will NeverTrumperers who accused
more astute observers of this scheme of being "conspiracy theorists" going
to apologize?
How will people harassed by the media and investigators restore their
professional standing, squandered savings and mental wellbeing? How can the
president regain the time in his term that has been lost to this craven
These are only a handful of the questions now arising from the wreckage of
the failed Trump-Russia collusion gambit; the answers might be just as
infuriating as the questions themselves.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: After the Coup is over!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2019, 03:42:57 AM »
Hell of an editorial Don. What's the source? I've never heard of Julie Kelly.
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

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Re: After the Coup is over!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2019, 07:49:02 AM »
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.


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