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Offline Flyin6

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Know your enemy
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:37:39 PM »
         Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER): regularly links anti-war and anti-Israel movements at rallies; coordinated rallies against Israel during flotilla and other wars.

·         Al-Awda: largest Palestinian-American grassroots organization. Hosts conferences to strategize about ways to oppose Israel; champions Palestinians’ “right of return.”  Norman Finkelstein is a member.

·         American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: Deals with cases of “discrimination, defamation, and hate crimes” against Arabs, monitors “stereotyping and bias in films”; this is an extension of Islamophobia, controlling what may be spoken about Muslims and Islam, including homeland security issues, etc.,  Gives voice to anti-Semitism, supporting terrorism and genocide, and destruction of the State of Israel

·         American Friends Service Committee: While claiming to work for peace and social justice in the US and around the world (including racial injustice, women’s issues, equality for sexual minorities), it has been called ‘the most militant and aggressive of Christian anti-Israel groups.

·         CODEPINK:  A woman-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement that is boycotting Israel products on behalf of Palestinian issues, and attracts anti-Semitic supporters.

·         Council for the National Interest  (CNI): an anti-Israel organization that opposes aid to Israel  and disseminates demonizing propaganda about Israel to academics, politicians, and other audiences.

·         Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation trial, is linked to Muslim Brotherhood, supports Hamas, and promotes lawsuits to thwart American laws (lawfare).

·         Friends of Sabeel-North American (FOSNA): Jerusalem-based Palestinian Christian organization, forges alliances with mainline Protestant churches; accuses Israel of racism, oppression, human rights violations.

·         HIAS:  Used to stand for Hebrew Immigration American Society, a charitable organization that responded to the needs of Jews from the pogroms of Eastern Europe to the Holocaust to the collapse of the Iron Curtain. HIAS and ADL under the auspices of the UJA Federation of NY have joined together, using Jewish money to bring Muslims to America – their commitment to diversity, without regard to consequences.

·         If Americans Knew (IAK):  Demands end to US support; speaks at colleges, etc. Invents conspiracy theories: USS Liberty, harvesting Palestinian organs, “transplant tourism,” etc.

·         International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: An international network of Jews committed to “liberating” the “Palestinian people” and land, and dismantling Israel. They create policy and set anti-Israel agenda.

·         International Solidarity Movement (ISM): Anti-Israel movement, such as “Free Gaza Movement” with eight-boat flotilla mission and violent clashes with Israeli Navy.

·         Islamic Society of North America (ISNA): named as unindicted co-conspirator in the US Dept of Justice Holy Land Foundation trials, it is connected to virtually all other Islamic organizations (including MSA). Its purpose it to replace the US  Constitution with sharia law and government with Islamic state.  Projects: Islamic education, youth organization, mosque construction and control, media and science.

·         J Street:  A George Soros-funded, far-left organization that claims to be “pro-Israel,” but spends its energy opposing Israeli policies. Posturing as pro-peace Americans who seek security, it consistently advocates for a perilous two-state solution that would ultimately diminish Isael's borders, cede land to her enemies, ad further endanger Israeli citizens.   

·         Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP): Led by Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of the New York chapter, JVP uses its Jewish identity to call an end to Israel. It is dedicated to disparage and defame Israel as a racist, apartheid state and support BDS – sometimes violently – against Israelis, and at the University of California.     

·         Muslim American Society (MAS): promotes, organizes anti-Israel activity in US.  Works with mosques to attract demonstrators to support terrorist groups; raised funds for Viva Palestina convoy to Gaza (2009). Co-sponsored Chicago conference to eradicate Israel.

·         Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP): Anti-Israel events and campaigns on campuses, including Israeli Apartheid weeks, mock “apartheid walls” and “checkpoint” displays. Divestment campaigns.

·         Student Muslim Union (SMU) or Association (SMA):  Purports to serve the needs of the Muslim community. With claims of social injustice and oppression, they instigate and encourage boycott (BDS) against Israel, and harassment against Jewish students.  They are the campus arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.

·         US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: Academics and organizations in “Palestine,” the US, the UK, and other countries to boycott Israeli universities and academics; to isolate Israel and align with the greater BDS movement. (Other scholars and politicians describe the campaign as “profoundly unjust.”

·         US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (USCEIO):  over 200 national groups to persuade US government to cut aid to Israel. They strategize and formulate policies and oppose Israeli blockades. Conspiratorial speakers included Dennis Kucinich (former US Representative from Ohio, twice candidate for Democratic nomination for US President, 53rd Mayor of Cleveland, with “the strongest liberal perspective,” and Brian Baird (president of Antioch University Seattle, US Representative for Washington’s 3rd congressional district, member of Democratic Partyl.


The following are some organizations that are known for strongly supporting Israel:

·         ZOA - Zionist Organization of America,

·         AFSI - Americans For a Safe Israel,

·         CAMERA - Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America,

·         CJUI - Christians and Jews United for Israel,

·         EMET – Endowment for Middle East Truth,

·         HonestReporting,

·         MEMRI - Middle East Media Research Institute,

·         Stand With Us, and

·         Tom Trento’s The United West organization
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Atkinsmatt

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Re: Know your enemy
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 10:53:13 PM »
Thanks for the Intel brief. You must know them to be effective and mass fires at the critical point.
16 GMC Denali 2500 HD

Offline Wilbur

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Re: Know your enemy
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2015, 01:33:34 AM »
Thanks Don....I knew some of these names but not all by any means....we are our own worst enemy- the freedoms we have get used against us by our enemy so much more than we wish to think about. :(

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Know your enemy
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2015, 12:46:56 PM »
Thanks Don....I knew some of these names but not all by any means....we are our own worst enemy- the freedoms we have get used against us by our enemy so much more than we wish to think about. :(
True Wilbur,
But those freedoms are being twisted so that some people are a bit more free than others.

Thing is, and I know many of you have noticed it. Conservatives are much smarter than liberals as a whole. In the liberal movement, leadership counts on their herd to be emotional and not very smart. Am I saying those on welfare, those that riot, those that coerce police, and those that brandish hatred are stupid?

Absolutely, that is exactly what I am saying! I have dealt with enough of them while trying to help them that I see a clear example of the scripture that warns me not to cast pearls after swine, because they will just trample them.

Conservatives know a lot about the issues, for many reasons. First of all most of us can read! That's a big plus. Most of us have some moral compass that tells us it is not appropriate to take a dump in a police car. I just know that, can't tell you why, but I do. Most of us work, and a lot of those jobs are either technical or require a lot of social interface where varied communication is always taking place. And from that communication, we are learning, always learning.

So when you have a thinking flock, that is striving to better their lives and care for their families and just fit in as productive members of society, well these folks will be more of a challenge to lead astray. When we learn that a white cop shot a black kid in Ferguson, we don't assume a racial incident just took place. Nope, first thing we do is ask, "Well, what happened? Why? What caused it?

What is that? It's gathering information and facts from which we make a determination, or in other words, something the liberal hoards are largely devoid of, THINKING!

So when I see a particular group, I like to know a little about them. Personally I am for the abolishment of all ethnic groups. NAACP? Don't need it. Should be replaced with the NAAAP (National Association for the advancement of America people).

Congressional black caucus you ask?? Not needed, not unless there is a balancing so we could have the congressional white caucus, the congressional Indian caucus, the congressional Latin caucus, the congressional eskimo caucus, and while we're at it how about the congressional white hair caucus, the black hair caucus, my favorite the congressional blonde caucus, caucus of high heel wearers, bird watchers, golfers, hunters and anything else...OR Just get rid of all of them!

Why do we have college endowment funds for one color without having one for every other color race? Why do we consider race, sex, income or anything else as a factor for job placement? Well all of those, and all those in the several preceding paragraphs are the telltale (Residue??) of the Liberal left.

It's all about creating happy voters, not about truth, just power.

And if you haven't figured it out, OB care, Comrade, Just drove the nail in the coffin of this generation or season of conservatives. When an engineer making 60K a year pays $482 a month for a healthcare plan while his girlfriend who works in a school cafeteria making $18K annually buys the same, the exact same policy for $4 a month, what you have there is a person who is ALWAYS going to vote for $4 a month healthcare. She won't care if the invading Chinese reinforced by ISIS conscripts administer that healthcare, she will only know she gets it for free.

And that means you and I lost. We're cooked, done, toast, on our own.

I believe it is just a matter of time. We are half way down a slippery slope. It is just a matter of time before conservatives have seen enough to literally fight for their freedoms. Count about 30 odd million of former and existing military and patriots of all sizes, ages, colors, genders and backgrounds.

Yep it is a bit unfair for us, but pit bulls will not be mistreated forever without taking off the hand of the abuser!

Prepare, network, educate, stay frosty
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Wilbur

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Re: Know your enemy
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2015, 02:37:54 PM »
Thing is, and I know many of you have noticed it. Conservatives are much smarter than liberals as a whole. In the liberal movement, leadership counts on their herd to be emotional and not very smart. Am I saying those on welfare, those that riot, those that coerce police, and those that brandish hatred are stupid?

My wife calls liberals "perpetual adolescents". They only do things based on emotion (like young teenagers). Being a true "grown-up" is realizing that some times you must do hard things to get to a better place. Liberals today just WISH it would be good for everyone. Sadly we have a whole group of politicians willing to lie to the masses and say that they can make things great for EVERYONE without killing the goose. Some of us get it and see through the BS, most/all of them have no f'ing clue. 


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