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Offline husker77c

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Stock Up On Canned Food Mainstream Media
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:30:47 PM »

Telling people to be prepared for a month.  Have food, water, and cash available in case banks close.

Man this crap needs to hold off till I get the Ford done.

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Stock Up On Canned Food Mainstream Media
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 09:34:50 AM »
Well, this is a survival site...

This is all coming. Now or soon

Financial markets are simply not sustainable

Having barter (Cash, silver, gold, food ammo, pharmaceutials, good water) will be essential.

Second to that will be your ability to defend that and stay reasonably safe where you are less likely to be "Touched" by fellow humans.

Rural communities are probably the safest places to be. Urban areas closest to the "Bad sections of town" are the worse.

Decide where you fall in "Don's Security Range" (Named it after me, cause it's my idea, my best guess) and take the appropriate action.
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Offline Dawg25385

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Re: Stock Up On Canned Food Mainstream Media
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 11:01:06 AM »
Another one from the Mirror..


'If the internet goes down, half the planet will come to a standstill': why 'preppers' will be the last ones standing

These days the world is a scary place to live in.

If there's not an asteroid on its way to obliterate us or terrorists plotting our imminent downfall, there's the dangers of giant online data hacks or complete economic collapse.

But when the end does arrive, there are a few people who aren't just able to cope with the apocalypse - they've been actively preparing for it.

These people call themselves 'preppers' or 'survivalists' and they belong to a vast underground community. When the ATMs stop running or the internet goes down, they'll be the ones that make it out alive.

"Its a huge community, especially in the States. But in the UK it's becoming more and more recognised," explained Steve Hart, the man behind the UK's top prepping website: ukpreppersguide.co.uk.

"Prepping itself is just another form of insurance. People have life, car or pet insurance for the "what ifs" - this is just looking at a "what if" from a slightly different perspective.

"What if a serious earthquake hits? Or a tsunami or a volcano or even a bio-terrorism attack," said Steve, whose website racks up around 100,000 hits a month.

Admittedly, those situations are a little unlikely - but 59-year-old Steve sets us straight pretty quickly.

"What if the government starts acting up? That's the number one fear among most preppers: economic collapse.

"The next thing you know the whole world is plummeting down to a position you can't get out of."

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And technology?

Steve Hart's Preppers' website is the largest survivalism website in the UK
"If anything to do with the internet goes down, half the planet will come to a standstill," Steve told Mirror Online, citing the fact that we work, bank and socialise online in the 21st century. "99% of your life relies on technology."

He recognizes that many of these apocalyptic scenarios won't come to pass, but calmly suggests it's better to be safe than sorry.

Some of the hallmarks of prepping involve keeping stockpiles of food in your house - enough to last a week or so if the power goes out - and learning survival skills for how to cope in the natural world.
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Re: Stock Up On Canned Food Mainstream Media
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 02:39:15 PM »
I don't think I'd panic just yet. There are a couple of major wars being fought right now, it all remains to be seen how we weather it.

The "oil war" Clearly the Saudi's are trying to hedge there market dominance in the oil industry. They have the "coffers" to tough out a couple years of low oil prices, so they will not cut back production. They are openly attacking our shale industry and the United States position as the new leader in oil production. Given that Russia is also increasing production even as their economy is tanking, quickly makes another interesting point.

Iran....When Iran's oil hits the market it will also hurt the US and Russia... which one of us worse? Putin's been trading in Bullion... remains to be seen how that will play out.

China... this one is the most interesting in my opinion. China is no question showing a decrease in economic growth, and is showing strong signs of a quick decline. They continue to devalue their money to prop up sales and at the same time it's gut punching areas of our economy. You also then have the issue of their population isn't exactly getting to work boosting their economy of late. Also they have some real dissent regarding their goverment as is to be expected in a suddenly much more wealthy pvt sector, and a boom state mentality.

So.... my guess. We will continue to see Obama avoid showing real close ties with Israel as much as possible...this will appease the Saudis a bit. We will also have to watch as the Saudi's are none to happy about the prospect of Iran getting any more of the oil market. This is also why the Saudis refuse to cut back production. Low oil prices keep Iran in check somewhat.

The Russians will keep rattling sabers in the Ukraine, a conflict I have often thought we are playing more of a role in than media suggest. As long as he keeps causing "issues" Putin has a bargaining chip. Also Russia is playing gate keeper with the scrap metal prices as well. They have the largest stock pile of scrap, and are in line to help China immensely with future manufacturing. And China will need oil so.....

I'd say no one "knows" where this mess will lead exactly. Who will benefit who will not... Some points.

Our Dollar needs to shrink if we are to slow down China. Our economy shrinking some would also hurt Iran as their oil will also drop in value. The Chinese devaluing their currency against a stronger dollar will hurt them and us both...So... watch for an exit of junk bonds.. when you see that happening it's time to get ready for the next wall street melt down. Big banks, the usual, much like what was it 88?


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