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Offline Flyin6

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Trump played a pretty good longball game
« on: May 04, 2017, 08:57:23 AM »
President Trump Realigning Geo-Political Alliances, and Few Paying Attention…
Posted on April 15, 2017   by sundance
Maybe it’s because the complexity is difficult to distill; maybe it’s because some just can’t give President Trump any credit; or maybe it’s because the scope is too challenging to comprehend against the constant belittlement meme du jour; regardless of reason, President Trump is fundamentally realigning international geo-political alliances and almost no-one is connecting the dots.

President Trump obviously held a long-ball strategy with the Chinese; he’s described the approach in his books and lived the approach in his business life:

At the outset, position yourself at the furthest oppositional point when it costs you nothing; then leverage inward toward your opponent as they expend their resources to meet your stance.

Almost no-one is noting the scope of what President Trump has accomplished simply by positioning himself at the furthest extreme from the best interests of China, and then working his leverage back toward dual-interests as the Chinese expend capital to meet the point of mutual benefit.

President Trump has expended nothing other than his sheer will, and yet he has leveraged gains that are jaw-droppingly consequential.

What’s the goal of identifying China as a currency manipulator?  To stop China from manipulating currency, right?  Well, arm-chair opposition says President Trump has reversed his position simply by ‘not doing something’.   However, that opposition doesn’t seem to acknowledge the end-goal of the labeling has been achieved without expending an effort.   The doing is unnecessary when merely the threat of the doing changes the behavior of the doer.

In two days, April 6th and April 7th, President Trump met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.  What actions has President Trump taken, other than ‘not’ doing something, and what actions has President Xi Jinping taken?

At the outset, position yourself at the furthest oppositional point when it costs you nothing, and leverage inward toward your opponent as they expend their resources to meet your stance.

Think about this when considering the consequences:

China agrees to the framework of a 100 day outline to assemble the trade way-points for renegotiated bi-lateral trade deals.

What did that action cost Trump?

For the first time ever, China did not support Russia in a U.N. Security Council veto vote surrounding Syria.   China abstained.

What did that action cost Trump?

China turned around 12 fully loaded cargo ships laden with imported coal from North Korea.  400,000 metric tonnes refused unloading.   China begins an embargo against North Korean coal.  China begins importing coking coal for steel-making from the U.S. coal mines.

What did that action cost Trump?

Additionally, in furtherance of economic sanctions – China halts oil exports to North Korea.

What did that action cost Trump?

Additionally, in furtherance of political isolation – China halts direct flights between Beijing, China and Pyongyang, North Korea.

What did that action cost Trump?

And in the most stunning seismic shift of geo-political alliances, China says it is now open to discussions of a denuclearized North Korea, meaning getting rid of N-Korean nukes, WITHOUT N-Korea being included in the talks. Hello?  China, the United States, Japan, Russia and South Korea discussing how to de-nuke North Korea.  (A new Marshal Plan of sorts)

What did that action cost Trump?

See how this works?  What affirmative action did President Trump have to take in order to get China to move toward the position of mutual benefit?

Answer: None!

Foolish people think President Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing.  Again:

…Position yourself at the furthest oppositional point when it costs you nothing, and leverage inward toward your opponent as they expend their resources to meet the position of mutual benefit…

To gain all of the aforementioned action, massive benefits in U.S. interests, President Trump has done what?

“Not” labeling China as a currency manipulator is not affirmative action.  It is actually the absence of action; POTUS Trump is not doing something.  President Trump positioned himself at the furthest oppositional point during the election, and immediately thereafter.

He staked out this position with an intention to leverage action toward his needs.

The affirmative action President Trump is doing, very publicly, is complimenting the friendship he has begun with Xi Jinping; and praising President Xi for his character, warmth and leadership.

To build upon that mutually beneficial friendship – President Trump seeded the background by appointing Ambassador Terry Branstad, a 30-year personal friend of President Xi Jinping.

To enhance and amplify the friendship and personal respect – U.S. President Trump used Mar-a-Lago as the venue for their visit, not the White House.  And President Trump’s beautiful granddaughter, Arabella, sweetly serenaded the Chinese First Family in Mandarin Chinese song showing the utmost respect for the honored guests.

Unfortunately most people are unfamiliar with the severity of Chinese tradition as it relates to family and respect.  However, these gestures are intensely well received.  Russia’s Vladimir Putin can deliver nothing even remotely comparable to the charm of the granddaughter of the U.S. President singing for President Xi and his wife in their native tongue.

Do not underestimate the value of these gestures and how it was perceived by the recipients as personal respect – far above the level of traditional political respect which would be customary during such encounters.   President Trump made this visit personal, and his words after the meeting were all personal, not positional.

Whether or not people want to give President Trump credit for the approach, no-one should be able to challenge the outcomes all listed above.

Grandfather President Trump has highlighted Grandfather President Xi as a person, not a political figure.  Trump sets the relationship as personal, and with mutual human benefit.

One thing is certain, North Korea will NOT make any hostile action toward the U.S. because President Trump has elevated President Xi to a role beyond politics in the words highlighted within Chinese media.  The panda fur has not only been stroked perfectly, it has been elevated in its own magnanimity without even so much as a bow.

As a consequence it would now be a matter of personal disrespect for North Korea’s Kim Jung-un to take hostile action toward the U.S. President who has exhibited such personal respect to the regional Goliath.

Three things appear odd:  #1) How no-one amid almost all media can see how effective this approach by President Trump has been; and #2) Nothing has been expended in order to achieve these remarkable results; and #3) Accepting all of the above, Donald Trump has planned this out for a long, long time.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 08:58:48 AM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Trump played a pretty good longball game
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 10:44:54 AM »
Don the media attacks Trump for being stupid just like they did W (funny how a guy they basically described as drooling on himself could land a jet on an aircraft carrier but that's for another discussion). But like Bush Trump has surrounded himself with really smart people. And really smart people like Mnuchin, Tillerson et al don't go work for a stupid person. We all know what it's like to work for a stupid person and when you're the head of ExxonMobil or Goldman Sachs you don't make that trade (to go work for a moron) at all. That they did tells me a LOT about Trump.

I like this analysis of what he has done with China and it makes a ton of sense (I don't think the writer is being obtuse in his analysis). I think the reality is that world politicians got used to the Obama Administration and the band of nitwits (John Kerry? Please... Hillary? They knew she could be bought through the Clinton GI) they put out there. That Trump has immediately had success is no surprise. I think the key is ultimately that (as he said on trade negotiations) the deals have to be good for both sides. Business people get that, political ideologues and bureaucrats don't. And the press, which is made up of actors who can't memorize lines (so read off teleprompters) are so woefully unequipped to understand it all they can do is stamp their feet and complain. They've been replaced by alternative media and just like Hillary blaming everyone else for her loss, they do the same thing.

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Re: Trump played a pretty good longball game
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2017, 12:01:21 PM »
It is good how all this is coming together. Many of the news outlets I listen to have been covering this in small pieces.

I would much rather have China as an Ally right now with Europe falling apart. It also sort of keeps Putin off balance with stable lower oil prices keeping them in check. Maybe he will fly another bear just a little to close next time.

Similar to the budget the main stream are say Trump was rolled on. NO PREZ has ever gotten their budget passed in the first year. Trump got a lot of what he wants in this budget, which is still really the BO's budget. Funny though how they call it the Presidents budget when all he gets to do is make a few policy speeches and sign or VETO it.
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Re: Trump played a pretty good longball game
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2017, 11:56:41 PM »
I like Sundance the writer. He is on American Thinker and produces a lot of great analysis.

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Offline Wilbur

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Re: Trump played a pretty good longball game
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2017, 02:08:23 AM »
I like Sundance the writer. He is on American Thinker and produces a lot of great analysis.

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I didn't know that thanks. Love a lot of the stuff at American Thinker. I will have to look for him there.

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Re: Trump played a pretty good longball game
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2017, 01:17:01 PM »
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

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