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Offline Flyin6

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Veterans SHOULD NOT be in college!
« on: September 01, 2017, 02:29:55 PM »
Edit: Personal comments in red...

A newsletter distributed at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs says veterans shouldn't be in college:
(Oh, this is gonna be good!)
The newsletter reads as follows:

"A four-year, traditional university is supposed to be a place of learning, of understanding, of safety and security. However, there is an element among us who may be frustrating those goals: Veterans. (How is that, exactly???)

UCCS is known for its number of veterans who are full and part-time students. But these veterans of much of the school prides themselves on may be hurting the university. (Because the university endeavors to create non-thinking, leadership free, confused-wossies?)

First off, many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society. (That's because veterans know of a thing called courage) This is directly in contradiction to the mission of UCCS. (What is the mission of UCCS exactly? Creation of the new CCP? (Cowardly communist Party)) Many veterans utter the mantra that they, "do not see color". (True! THey see rank and authority in their fellow warrior) But the problem lies in their socialization into the military culture that is that of a white supremacist organization. (Anybody with a brain buying this? I mean, really, who believes this crap?)They have been permanently tainted, and are no long fit for a four-year university. (It is not a matter of fitness of a university, it is more a matter of subjecting good men and women who served to the bull crap they have to contend with in this institution of high learning, of which is certainly is not!)

Second, many students are frightened by the presence of veterans in their classrooms. (Good! You are not supposed to stand in the presence of killers and not fear them to some degree...That is by design! Just suppose that our enemies felt more like dating our warriors than running from them...Would we as a country be better off? Put down the rose colored glasses and step away from the weed and nobody gets hurt!)Veterans usually have an overwhelming presence in the classroom, which can distract other students. This is usually true for vulnerable individual such as LGBTQQI2SAA, (What the frick is that?) who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans. (Dude, you color your hair purple, Publically kiss on another man, well, boy, forget to wash for a week, wear T-shirts exalting rapists, hate police, protest everything, do absolutely nothing, want everyone to serve you, and talk as if you are the upcoming poster child for the "I love Stupid" CBS mini series. And we veterans and other normal people are supposed to take you seriously?)

Finally, veterans usually are associated with extremists right-wing groups such as the tea party and the NRA. In order to provide a safe place for all students, extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. (Try and change it and I'll show you what supressed means!) This would include their followers: veterans.

That is not to say that veterans should not be allowed an education. (Naturally! They should be allowed to, what, go to some carpentry or transmission repair class?) Veterans should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college. (I'm laughing now!...Maybe even community college...!!!!!!!!!) But, in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities." (Wouldn't want to interfere with the "free thinking" that goes on there would we? Wouldn't want to try and deal with adversity or listen to an alternative view now...Man this is hurting my head...)

Oh, there is so much awful here.

Yes, veterans mock safe spaces. (What exactly is a safe place again?)Especially the current batch of veterans who spent time being shot at in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're not sympathetic to the idea that people might need a place to hide for fear of being looked at wrong. (Well, you see, they grew up. They were frightened, but they learned to deal with it. Unlike you, you sniveling wossie, they grew a spine and went out there to try and do something about it. Question for myself: Are these things really worth defending or saving??? I'm thinking I just turn my back for say six months and let the wolf have his way with them, then turn around and shoot everything with hair that is still moving!)

Veterans aren't mocking diversity in and of itself: after all, the military integrated prior to the rest of the nation, and it's one of the most diverse bodies in the country. What veterans mock is the idea that diversity matters more than anything else. Something we all learn in the military is that competence matters more than skin color. Everything does. Just treat people as individuals. (Thank you!)

I can't help but laugh at the idea that the military is a white supremacist organization. The entity that named Gen. Colin Powell as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. (Oops, you WF's (Woose freaks) forgot about that one!)

This newsletter was apparently written in defense of people who are afraid of veterans on campus. I hate to break it to them, but there are veterans everywhere. (Yea, like right next door to you sheep-people things) They're in almost every business, often succeeding in key roles because of their leadership and selflessness. (And that, my purple headed bozo, is why you aien't gettin hired anywhere! Ha-Ha!)If you feel unsafe, that's on you. Because you're safer with veterans than anyone else.

Further, veterans like myself served to protect these snowflakes' right to free speech, and this is protected as that
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 03:13:10 PM by Flyin6 »
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Offline cj7ox

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Re: Veterans SHOULD NOT be in college!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2017, 03:25:25 PM »
LOL! Love your comments, Big D! I can't believe this article was even published on a college campus. SMDH
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Offline Wilbur

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Re: Veterans SHOULD NOT be in college!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2017, 03:56:24 PM »
So this is a critique by Don of a critique by someone else of a nitwit article saying veterans have no place on a college campus....do I have that right?  :shocked:

I think the actual article starts with "A four year, traditional university...."

and ends with ".....we must ban veterans from four year universities."

Then there is the critique of that dribble by a veteran. Which I agree with starting with "oh there is so much awful here." (YUP!) and following with some very accurate points about just how stupid the original author was.

And Don's comments only highlight very well just how stupid the original author and article were!

Unbelievable that people like the first writer exist in our society. Yeesh. And worse, I am sure they vote. So awful.   :facepalm:

Offline Sammconn

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Re: Veterans SHOULD NOT be in college!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2017, 04:27:20 PM »
Wow, if only this was fake news, but I'm sure it's as real as I read it.

I'm sporting my "Guns have two enemies" shirt today, and man am I a target of some seriously screwed up glares.

Sorry I used up your safe space...LOL.
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Offline cudakidd53

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Re: Veterans SHOULD NOT be in college!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2017, 04:28:47 PM »
Can we move this entire "University" to the middle of Afghanistan, and let the "safe space", asexual, "veal" who picture themselves as intellectually advanced, see how enlightened the rest of the world is and hopefully become "immersed" in real world education?

How "rigorous" is their intellectual training when they never have a single one of their retarded "thoughts", feelings or actions challenged, let alone have to defend them?

Are these gossamer winged fairies not "afraid" of athletes?  I know toddlers with more intellectual honesty and physical toughness!  They'd probably run up to and hug every veteran they'd meet and laugh at their sternest scowls; while metro college students wet their panties and cringe into a ball!
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