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Offline Flyin6

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The Democratic Party national platform
« on: November 01, 2018, 11:54:31 AM »
So, that we know what the Democrats stand for, I copied their platform from their official web site. I decided to dissect this piece by piece with commentary. So in the following posts, I'll take a look at what they say and compare that to what I know and have learned, believe to be true, or have witnessed



 Raising Workers’ Wages
 Protecting Workers’ Fundamental Rights
 Supporting Working Families
 Helping More Workers Share in Near-Record Corporate Profits
 Expanding Access to Affordable Housing and Homeownership
 Protecting and Expanding Social Security
 Ensuring a Secure and Dignified Retirement
 Revitalizing Our Nation’s Postal Service


 Building 21st Century Infrastructure
 Fostering a Manufacturing Renaissance
 Creating Good-Paying Clean Energy Jobs
 Pursuing Our Innovation Agenda: Science, Research, Education, and Technology
 Supporting America’s Small Businesses
 Creating Jobs for America’s Young People


 Reining in Wall Street and Fixing our Financial System
 Promoting Competition by Stopping Corporate Concentration
 Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes
 Promoting Trade That is Fair and Benefits American Workers


 Ending Systemic Racism
 Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
 Reforming our Criminal Justice System
 Fixing our Broken Immigration System
 Guaranteeing Civil Rights
 Guaranteeing Women’s Rights
 Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights
 Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities
 Respecting Faith and Service
 Investing in Rural America
 Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind
 Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas
 Promoting Arts and Culture
 Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
 Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico
 Honoring the People of the Territories


 Protecting Voting Rights
 Fixing Our Broken Campaign Finance System
 Appointing Judges
 Securing Statehood for Washington, DC
 Strengthening Management of Federal Government


 Building a Clean Energy Economy
 Securing Environmental and Climate Justice
 Protecting Our Public Lands and Waters


 Making Debt-Free College a Reality
 Providing Relief from Crushing Student Debt
 Supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions
 Cracking Down on Predatory For-Profit Schools
 Guaranteeing Universal Preschool and Good Schools for Every Child


 Securing Universal Health Care
 Supporting Community Health Centers
 Reducing Prescription Drug Costs
 Enabling Cutting-Edge Medical Research
 Combating Drug and Alcohol Addiction
 Treating Mental Health
 Supporting Those Living with Autism and their Families
 Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
 Ensuring Long-Term Care, Services, and Supports
 Protecting and Promoting Public Health
 Ending Violence Against Women
 Preventing Gun Violence


 Defense Spending
 Veterans and Service Members
 Military Families
 A Strong Military


 North Korea
 Cybersecurity and Online Privacy
 Non-Proliferation of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons
 Global Climate Leadership


 Women and Girls
 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People
 Trafficking and Modern Slavery
 Young People
 Religious Minorities
 Civil Society
 Closing Guantánamo Bay
 Development Assistance
 Global Health
 International Labor


 Middle East
 Global Economy and Institutions
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 12:23:03 PM by Flyin6 »
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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 12:20:52 PM »
OK, so I'll tackle the first section below.


 Raising Workers? Wages

During the eight years that the democrats ruled the nation, and I chose that word specifically, wages for most workers were frozen and most lost ground against inflation and ever increasing taxes. In stark contrast, since President Trump took office American workers have seen a tax cut that amounts ot an average of nearly a couple thousand dollars per household. Additionally business have grown at such a rate that the pool of available workers has dried up somewhat forcing workers wages to an all time high. So exactly what do democrats want to do to "Fix" that?

 Protecting Workers? Fundamental Rights

This is code for making unions more powerful. Unions are socialist and communist building blocks that grate against capitalism and free business. In a level playing field where a robust economy drives the train, like it is now, workers are sought after and rewarded by companies seeking the best. Only in a unionized system is it nearly impossible to get rid of average or underperforming employees, but that's what communists like...

 Supporting Working Families

More code for government supported unions bullying companies with regulations and unfair, artificially generated restrictions.

 Helping More Workers Share in Near-Record Corporate Profits

Redistribution of wealth plain and simple. Why does anyone have a right to anything they did not earn. Just because a business was successful, does it for some reason owe its profits to its workers? The answer is simply, NO. However companies with extra money in the till just may be motivated to pay non union regulated workers who outperform more than their peers in an effort to continue to attract highest quality employees

 Expanding Access to Affordable Housing and Homeownership

Remember the giant worldwide stock market crash and slide to oblivion that started in 2007 and continued through 2008? Well, that was due to the collapse of the sub-prime real estate market. Those loans were given to poorly qualified buyers in an effort to get a minimum wage worker into a $400K home. For obvious reasons many of those buyers defaulted on their loans causing the owners of the portfolios of those bundled mortgages to eat the loss as well. Ask me how I know??? Another dumb socialist failure from the recent past that Pelosi and her gang wish to revisit.

 Protecting and Expanding Social Security

The truth is Democrats use the monies in the social security till for other programs leaving very little of what we invested remaining. They also believe that someone who illegally enters the country and claims asylum should suddenly have access to social security, MY and YOUR MONEY. So their policy and practice is actually destroying actual Americans security.

 Ensuring a Secure and Dignified Retirement

How exactly? By first doling out my social security money to immigrants? By mandating that I purchase health care insurance that quadrupled my premiums in as many years? What kind of special stupid are you actually? Do Democrats actually live in opposite day, like all the time?

 Revitalizing Our Nation?s Postal Service

The postal system has its place. However the postal system will never be successful because the government makes it pay money to several other social programs (Did you all know that?) Therefore it can never compete on a level playing field with FedEx and UPS or others who all share the same costs but have no such additional taxation. Let the natural playing field of competition run its course and if the post office can make hard decisions and survive, then more power to it. However if it fails because of the ball and chain it is forced to carry, then let that be another chapter is the book of lessons on dumb government ideas.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2018, 01:10:08 PM »
I'll take on this one next


 Ending Systemic Racism

Two words: Bull Crap! The definition of racism the democrats want us to believe makes me the worse kind of person because i am an older white christian man. I think that just makes me: 1. Old, 2. White, 3. Christian, 4. Male, nothing more. Oh and I believe as do most conservatives that there are only males and females barring a natural genetic deviation. I firmly believe that many liberals through their own ignorance think that there is some overwhelming facial divide that some good old boys keep going. Grow up already and smell the coffee. We are about as good a functioning culture as mankind has ever seen in the last 5,000 years!

 Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

How exactly? Because if you say, that we will normalize testing standards and eliminate artificial racial balancing and allow for a man or a woman to be the best they can be, then, I'm with you all the way. But if you tell me that my son cannot enter college with a 3.0 GPA whereas someone of another race can enter with a 2.1 GPA, then I think that is unfair. Further if that person of whatever race wishes to never better him/herself and do their best to succeed, then I am fine with them choosing to live under bridges and in patches of poison ivy and honey suckle

 Reforming our Criminal Justice System

Dunno on this one, haven't studied it

 Fixing our Broken Immigration System

Yep lets do that. Frankly I didn't know it was broken. I do, however think the leftists are not happy with it because it causes the influx to slow down so we can get a chance to screen those who wish to come here. I do not believe that the socialists care about immigrants. I would love to see thousands of immigrants take up residence directly outside the homes of the democrats who so desperately want them. I think that would be a good start to reforming the system. Let them see what a group of these people can be like.

 Guaranteeing Civil Rights

We already do that, I's suggest democrats take a look at a document called the Bill of Rights, and chase that with another lesser known publication called the Constitution.

 Guaranteeing Women?s Rights

See above (Already done)
But I think Democrats want some women to have more rights. Witness the Kavanaugh hearings. Democrats made an argument for the presumption of guilt, IF, a woman makes the accusation, and that accusal is of a sexual nature.

 Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights

No, Absolutely not. Unless of course you also guarantee the rights of older white christian men. You see, I may be out of tune with the leading edge uber cool lefties, but in my silly world everyone has the same rights...blind eye of justice and all that...

Gays have no more rights than "Straight" people. Lesbians and just gays, so same-same. Transgenders arguably may be mentally ill, and have no more rights than anyone else, This whole proposition that any group has any more rights than anyone else is anti american and wrong in so many ways!

 Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities

Same rights as everyone else... (This is getting old...)

 Respecting Faith and Service

Yea, I can get with this. So why do we not do that Democrat leftists? Why do you oppose a Christians right to practice their beliefs? Why do you elevate islam above Christianity? There were no muslims founding this nation. There were no hindus, buddhists or muslims fighting for our national identity in the revolutionary war. So I may be off here, but I think this is a Christian nation first and foremost. I think if you are of any other persuasion, then YOU need to change to fit in with us, not the other way around. I further thing that if you push your views on me, you are being a racist against me, not vise versa.

 Investing in Rural America

Liar, Liar, pants on fire! Lying democrats! So taking away coal is investing in rural america? allowing tariffs against our farmers is investing in rural america? allowing our tobacco farmers to grow the product that all of europe and the islamic world is fighting over to buy...That is investing in rural america? The only rural america a practicing democrat ever saw is the piece of land they own in the country where they build a second home.

 Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind

Like you did in detroit? How exactly did that work out for ya? If communities don't care enough to self police and improve, then maybe slums is the thing they naturally turn into? Or would you prefer to send them all to harvard for a basket weaving degree?
Look given the choice between squandering our good money on a bunch of useless programs and welfare that causes good people not to have the opportunities that could make them more productive, that or build a fifteen foot tall anchor fence around the failing community...Well, I vote for door number two!

 Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas

I'm with you on this one. Isn't that what Mr Trump is doing?

 Promoting Arts and Culture

No, disagree. At least no monies from the general fund spent in this area. Money is too valuable and we need infrastructure first

 Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations

Although I respect American indians and I think things like the trail of tears is a national disgrace, Indian people are strong and like any other culture will do fine without government interference. Heck some reservations who build resorts or engage in other enterprises are better off that surrounding US communities. I think this is just the democrats trying to appease everyone and I do not believe indian nation people like being treated this way by socialists.


Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico

No, No, NO!
This is a state issue. The people of Puerto Rico have their own government which like many democratic administrations has run the place into the ground. They created the mess they are in, they need to fix it themselves. Democrats want puerto ricans because they are predominantly democratic voting. Beyond that, they fit pretty well into the socialist model of welfare state and being dependent on the government till...

 Honoring the People of the Territories

Why honor them more than anyone else? And why we're making all this noise about honoring the named people, why didn't the party of the democrats not single out police officers? Or fire fighters? or the military? In my view, those groups far surpass the peoples mentioned in this platform, don't you think?
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2018, 01:44:43 PM »
If you need the promise of eternity in the kingdom of heaven to be a good person … You were never a good person in the first place!

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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2018, 03:43:25 PM »

 Building a Clean Energy Economy

Code for putting government subsidies into wind and solar energy programs. Not so sure if that isn't a good idea, but the way it is done is so underhanded that the democratic politicians like Harry Reid just get rich from Chinese payoffs and the darned energy developments don't work anyway. Remember Solyndra, the failed Obama pet project solar panel company? The whole debacle with the standoff between the militia and the bureau of land management in nevada was over government condemnation of farm land that was to be sold to the Chinese to develop a solar farm. That was so crooked that although people died, prominent politicians should have gone to jail

 Securing Environmental and Climate Justice

Giving more authority to the EPA and the BLM to bully private citizens. Ridiculous things like placing fines on private landowners of $50,000 a day and burying normal citizens in a mountain of legal crap that a single person has no hope of surviving. I do not trust the politically motivated portion of the EPA and like agencies.

 Protecting Our Public Lands and Waters

Theoretically this would be a good idea if the laws and programs were not weaponized by left leaning bureaucrats. We have seen them criminalize ranchers for simply building a pond. In one case the pond was named a navigable waterway so that the rancher could be fined and convicted by laws that should have never applied. We have seen the BLM come in and wreck a pond dam leaving the farmer with insufficient water to keep his cows alive. This is bullying and frankly the more power we give the government, the more likely things like this happen. Democrats are all about bigger government, more control and the subsequent loss of liberties.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2018, 03:52:24 PM »
He's on a roll, please get out of the way!
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Thomas Jefferson

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Re: The Democratic Party national platform
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2018, 05:32:57 PM »

 Building 21st Century Infrastructure

Concur, we should do this. I would recommend just going with Mr Trumps plan. Rename it the democratic party infastructure plan or something like that, but use his plan and do it his way.

 Fostering a Manufacturing Renaissance

Well, again Mr. Trump has brought back over a trillion dollars of manufacturing and business money that had previously departed under the heavy taxation of comrade Obama and his merry men. (Can I say men, nevermind, we'll call them shims for she/him) So we are amidst a manufacturing renaissance which was necessary because the democrats made trade deals which caused American manufacturing to move to Mexico, China, India and other places not served with a zip code.

Creating Good-Paying Clean Energy Jobs

Like clean coal? Like those? Well, you all but killed them and considering that America is like 70% coal, you democrats tried to kill low cost energy altogether. Remember Hillary's platform? If it's coal related, it dies. Thanks to those times I still pay a premium on my electric bill of nearly $70 a month for some particle collector that doesn't work but serves to better concentrate the poisons and carcinogens in the rural areas where the food producers life.

 Pursuing Our Innovation Agenda: Science, Research, Education, and Technology

Oh yea, good one. I remember Obama's innovation agenda. Check your history, that which the liberals have not erased or tried to change. Under Obama we lost the space shuttle...The ONLY space shuttle on earth. That forced us to step up with pride into a soviet spacecraft to hitch a ride to our space station. Oh, not done yet. Obama redirected NASA to study better ways to integrate the muslim culture into America. One can easily see where that program furthered the space program (Hashtag idiots, waste of money, really stupid things the Obama administration did)

 Supporting America?s Small Businesses

Really? Even if it isn't owned by a gay/transgender couple? Or does the liberal democrats think that suing owners of bakery's who refuse to bake wedding cakes for gay marriages advances the cause for small business? Reducing regulations and dumping the ultra stupid universal healthcare system benefits small businesses. Reducing taxes benefits small businesses. Nothing that the democratic party has demonstratively done would indicate they support small businesses.

 Creating Jobs for America?s Young People

Those jobs now exist. In fact under president trump there will be 80,000 new slots in America's military. Because Mr Trump has tightened up our borders, illegal immigrants are no longer around in as great a number so more jobs are available for us, Americans, not some other "Can." The strong business growth is gobbling up workers at a rate not seen in what, four decades? How did that happen? Well Mr. Obama said last week that this explosive growth is a result of his administration. Bull Crap. Democrats ran this nation into the ground and was busy at pushing her off a cliff! But a hard talking street fighter landed a good one in your better than though attitude and America came back. Democrats do not create anything except obstructionism, conspiracy, investigation after investigation, and things like the KKK and slavery. You Democrats did it, you have always been evil, and now you have to own it. A bunch of inexperienced college kids and privileged brats are not going to make any of that history go away.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 05:34:37 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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