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Offline Flyin6

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21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« on: December 08, 2018, 06:49:30 PM »
It’s remarkable we have had this many crashes. Many of our most advanced aircraft which necessitate some of the most rigorous training regiments and the best people.

Wanna know why?

It’s simple. Someone messed with the recipe. You see for decades killers in the military (Yes that is what a lot of us are) have been told they are killers, ran around in the morning singing songs about it, trained through pain, had our bodies bruised and broken by some really tough Sergeants and instructors, and prepared for war.

But someone came along and messed with the recipe

Someone told a bunch of Navy fighter pilots that it was wrong to use foul language and not to grab some good looking girls butt at a party designed for just such a thing. No, at that point in time, killer men had to be polite in the presence of ladies, then go out and blow some commie into a million bloody pieces.

But we learned our manners and became more polite killers.

We used to gather at a place called an Officers Club to drink and do stupid things. Yes I have worn a bowl of chili, a full bowl, as a hat, and walked around with half my flight suit torn off of me by somebody from a different service who just wanted a fight. But someone decided that it was prejudicial to separate the ranks, so the clubs were combined and now your street smart private fresh off the street, the leathered Sergeant and commissioned officer alike were obliged to socialize together in the same building. So the chili bowls on the head stuff stopped and for the most part everyone stopped having fun, so everyone just went home. A vital part of the comraderie of a fighting unit passed into the darkness of political correctness.

Killers became more sensitive to their brethren of different ranks and everyone, really.

But somebody messed with the recipe.

Although for as long as Armies have been comprised of killers, and killers are for the most part men, and men are, well, at least, used to be men, have liked to drink and do hard men things. But someone decided that drinking is not socially acceptable. Warriors wondered how socially acceptable it is to call down an airstrike on an enemy position where you know there are kids and women, and it doesn’t make sense. But somehow, we absorbed all of that and gave in to the notion that we were wrong about our God given instincts. Then the effect of countless DUI's which almost always result in the soldier having to depart military service, culled quite a bunch of otherwise good soldiers. Somehow in the minds of our leaders, that was a good thing.

We were confused, but someone had changed the recipe

And they have been changing it for such a long time that one cannot see the totality of the change during just one career. You have to gaze back to another time and compare what they were like then to what we have become to see the gaping gulf of what a warrior used to be and what he has been forced to become.

WW2 soldiers were shell shocked. Korea and Vietnam warriors suffered battle fatigue, and modern day warriors suffer PTSD. Nothing changed there. But the level that is reported and observed is thousands of times greater today than before. My dad, a B-17G pilot in command had his men shot to pieces inside his plane, He got to smell the blood and feces blown out of abdominal cavities for hours as he flew the corpses back to England. All that and a whole lot more and he never spoke of it. Not a word while I grew up, nothing. When I came home from my first combat, I was rattled and went to my parents to find some quiet time beneath the old chestnut tree. On that day, he came outside with two glasses of sweet tea and said, "Tell me about it." I did, he talked, and two warriors met on the common ground of those who survived which is set in the spiritual a few proverbial feet above the plane of death.

But apparently that was not good enough for our evolving society. Now everyone has PTSD. I read of a Berkeley student who said he was suffering PTSD after attending a protest where conservatives were counter demonstrating. Pretty low threshold to what can cause a disorder to spring to life, wouldn’t you say? He like 80% of every other young American living today who thinks likewise is a _____, nothing else.

But someone validated him and millions of other non-deserving do-nothings and then suddenly the American warrior found himself categorized with the likes of the former wimp who couldn't face the truth even if it was in his face.

Someone messed with the recipe.

Some thought that all jobs in the military should be open to women, I mean why not? Just because throughout thirty or so centuries of recorded history, no women of a significant number have ever served as knife wielding killers of the night why should we recognize a cold hard fact? Some soviet women made great snipers, and I knew a few that could outfly me, but for the most part, in females, all that mass below the chin and above the navel is not muscle. It won't serve them when its two AM in Mogadishu and you're out of ammo and playing "Batter-up" with charging hajis.

But somebody changed the recipe and women started showing up in the strangest of places

A couple now wear the coveted "Ranger" tab. I find it remarkably odd that during some of their final testing in the patrol evaluations that their patrol leaders were General officers! Honestly I nor any other have ever heard of such a thing. Ranger instructors are Sergeants, and dammed good ones. They are folks who know what it takes to be a warrior and an elite one at that. I doubt you could have gotten them to lie about anything, and well they didn’t get to make the final decisions like they always have. Some General led the patrols, so what are we supposed to make of that?

But someone changed the recipe and now we have women rangers.

Everyone started falling all over themselves when the anti-American came to power and now the United States entered a time where our leaders apologized to everyone, empowered and financed our enemies, weakened social institutions, and drastically reduced the size of our military. With the diminishing size of the military, the top slots became fewer and fewer. So the vying for them became more political. Where a leader may have been vetted for a command position for his/her warrior spirit/ethos, the emphasis turned more toward the political. The climate of the day suggested that embracing all things of the current leadership was the winning hand so we had leaders telling Chaplains not to preach the gospel of Jesus, making infantrymen wear pink high-heels (Really happened) establishing safe places for other pussies who made it somehow into uniform and a whole world of WTF!

Embracing homosexuality and sexual confusion became the cornerstone of the day. Not special weapons, advanced training, better medical support. Nope it was telling the world that the department of defense has gay pride. Well, let me tell ya, the warriors in the military do not have any gay pride. Most of them do not like nor trust gays and they dammed sure spend more time thinking about getting in trouble by some callous remark they made by mistake. Think about it, we have warriors who have to spend time thinking about how something that they said may get mistaken!
Personal story: One day while attending equality training, I am listening to a staff sergeant tell me I have to think of him as a Latino person and so forth. I got up and walked out. My battalion commander followed me to ask why I left. I told him simply that to me is neither a Latino nor a sergeant. He is simply the guy who is supposed to pump a thousand gallons of gas into my helicopter at zero three thirty. I don’t care to spend one more thought on the matter. It’s only about mission. But I was wrong. I was too much a part of the warrior ethos, and not properly evolving, I would soon become obsolete and a dinosaur of sorts.

Men are no longer men in today’s military, but whatever they chose. God was no longer right when he appointed you door number one or two. Some delusional nutcase could change his sex at the drop of a hat and suddenly be showering with the ladies and somehow that was right. On one hand, a warrior can’t pinch a woman’s butt, but he can call himself a woman and shower with a bunch of them????? OK is it just me or has this friggin world flipped to stupid.
But someone changed the recipe and now you could join the Army to get a career, get a college education and get a sex change. Seems to me we were spending valuable range time on a bunch of nonsense that any third grader could point out as being wrong.

It goes on and on. If I were to say anything, I mean nearly anything, I am some sort of phobic or racist, or hater or whatever. Truth is I am no different than the norm found in the flyover states. I am none of those things, but someone wants you to think so. That person is really an evil movement who is on a roll and wants to change the recipe just a little more.
Toxic masculinity you say. Perhaps you should find your feminine side while running your knife through the juggler of someone, or find come compassion for some bastard who just gutted your friend. Think that doesn’t happen? I’m here to tell you it does, it did, and I was there when it did once. Can I say that we went back and killed every living thing within a kilometer of that spot where that young American died? I don’t give a crap, and I’d do it again and again because some people just aren’t going to get better.

But none of that fits with the kindler legalistic, sensitive, gender neutral warrior our leaders supposedly want. I can tell you from experience, nothing like that exists, if you leave men to the business of killing and training to kill. If you give them allowances for too many beers, a few young ladies who actually wanted to have their arses pinched, some foul language, Air Force pilots drawing penises in the sky with jet exhaust, and pointing out two guys kissing as a couple of homos, then you can have a warrior and a safer one at that. He will go and do what he has to without being all wired up from having to try to act in a manner contrary to his DNA. You can’t make killing nice. You can’t make men into women or believe women can hump a 200 pound ruck up a mountainside then immediately go into a protracted fight or that changing someone’s sex is in any way combat effective.

Someone changed the recipe, and all the time they have been changing the recipe, a dark, calculating enemy has been watching, training, and waiting. They do not pray, but they hope for the day when that _____ shows up on their battlefield…They wait
« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 06:50:43 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Offline cudakidd53

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Re: 21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2018, 08:30:15 AM »
And in the world of Education, we they’re dumbing down EVERYTHING as well - not only did the recipe change, so did the quality of the ingredients!  Chicken Salad made outta Chicken Sh!+ tastes like crap because it is!
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Offline stlaser

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Re: 21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2018, 09:04:35 AM »
Sounds like the movie idiocracy......
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: 21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2018, 04:34:06 PM »
I have a feeling that Big D has been wanting to get that off his chest for some time,  and with good reason.
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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: 21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2018, 07:17:35 PM »
Dennis Miller quality rant right there....
Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24

Offline Flyin6

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Re: 21 Fatal Military Crashes this year! I think I know why...
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2018, 08:29:22 PM »
Dennis Miller quality rant right there....
Places me in good company, Danka!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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