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Offline Flyin6

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Another CIEMR
« on: June 10, 2019, 10:38:45 AM »
So, how many people out there believe it is time for the Christian community to become more outspoken? It appears to me as if the voice of few has taken over the conversation and has somehow quieted the voices of middle America. I once wrote a piece on the cowardice of Christian Americans in just letting their values get bulldozed into the gutter by the noisy fringe, and I believe that is true to a great extent.

But how many are left who would stand their ground? Not many I think, as fighting for something is not in the American genome. I know that a lot of folks here would like to think we are fighters, but statics would suggest otherwise. During the revolutionary war, I believe only 3.5% of Americans jocked up and stood the ramparts against the British. That percentage fell to some incredible lows with the war on terror. I think that around one half of one percent actually did something and fought our enemies.

Yea, we stand around with pride thumping our collective chests thinking we did it. But the truth is far different. A very few did it. And a very few supported them while they did it. Most of America concentrated on the next bachelorette.

I saw many of my fellow warriors come home to a vacuum. The amount of support we get/got is laughable. The VA is a collection of clerks, actually sometimes hateful non caring clerks who manage some decent medical people who would otherwise feel empowered to do their job. I know I am getting off on a tangent here, I just want to make a point about how much America really does not care.

My examples:
1. The VA thing I just mentioned
2. A constant loss of freedoms
3. Moral decay
4. The advancement of fringe beliefs into mainline thought
5. Entitlement (See: millennials)
6. A dysfunctional Congress
7. An inability of anyone to point out the obvious
8. The feminization of the American male
9. Demonizing of things which just recently were thought of as normal

And on and on.
So again how many of you would like to see our pulpits stop catering to the popular view and start speaking up for what is right? And when authorities come to cart them away, how many of you would have the courage to stand in the way? How many of you would be willing or actually take up the challenge during those challenging one on one's?

I doubt there are many who would. Your veteran warriors would. I don't care how little this nation did to actually help them, never the less, they would stand to the man and march to their deaths if they had to. But most of the Bachelorette crowd would simply continue to do nothing and hope it all will just go away.

I was asked to give a talk to a men's ministry group once. I was asked to talk about something that happened in Baghdad. So I did and went on for about thirty minutes talking about things I guessed my audience (Devoid of warriors) scarcely knew, and I concluded my talk. Afterward, I was engaged by several men, one at a time. One man, wearing his cardigan sweater stated that all that was just incredible, and on and on but he finished rather oddly. He said "You know, if they came for me like that, well, I think I'd just have to surrender and do what they asked." He went on to state that he had never served (You don't say!), but I stopped him. I was enraged and choking it back.

In my classic style, I stepped in close, face to face and said, "Aren't you glad some young man had the courage to stand in your stay?" His expression turned to one of fear. I told him in a voice obviously suppressing rage, "Get away from me you f___ing coward!" Ya, I can't believe I said that either but it just came out. You see I hate cowards, but like some psychotic patient on the seventh floor, I will stand in the front of them to protect them from danger.

I could go on and on, but I would like to end with just a simple thought. The nation is on a collision course with a disaster and there are quite a few of us who are not happy with that. Remember that 3.5% freed this nation from the mightest military on earth a couple hundred years ago...
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 12:50:50 PM »
Three percent, is 10,500,000 people in the US

Let’s hope we have that many

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2019, 03:09:29 PM »
I think it is sad but true that it boils down to what do you have to lose and what are you willing to lose at all for?

Like I have always told my kids when they see some some miscreant post something on social media or selling drugs on campus or any scum bag move. Do you challenge them on social media and then have them and their crowd harass you at school, destroy your car in the parking lot because you stood up to them, always be looking over your shoulder to make sure they are coming up on you, let your grades suffer, chances at college because you mixed it up with them, lose your sports scholarship... etc.. Or do you just avoid them and ignore them unless they involve you directly? Who has the most to lose? You are the scum. It's almost always you.

I have thought about this a lot and have thought to myself, self, what am I willing to do knowing that I would lose my job, lose my house, lose my life savings, lose any chance at retirement with dignity, put my family in harms way even after I am gone, and the many other things that would happen if I did one simple thing like protest our MN little Mogadishu. It wouldn't take much to trigger an avalanche of liberal hate to descend. Would I want and be ready for that? Would that be in line with the prime objective of keeping my family safe and protected the best way I know how? I don't think so.

So unless something happens that directly impacts my family (not sure what that is yet) I will have to watch and wait unless I have no choice or my ball of string is about to run out.
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Offline KensAuto

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2019, 04:27:45 PM »
I can see both sides Bob. I do have a little story, that has little to do with US politics, but is the result of them, if that makes sense.

I typically hunt in highly travelled illegal alien and cartel influenced areas. No, not in south america but here in Arizona. I have confronted some of them, shared locations with BP, and even drawn a weapon on at least one occasion, in self defense. I always try to do what is right, no matter the cost to myself.

Fast forward to last year. I think I posted pics of a "herd" of camo wearing illegals, on here, from one of my game cameras. The cameras I have send me photos on the hour, so they're quiet "fresh". I have a good friend that is a higher up in BP...he runs a group that actively hunts down illegal crossers, mules, and spotters.
I sent him the coordinates and within a couple hours, all but 2 of them were rounded up with the help of dogs, trackers, and atvs. One of the ones caught was a known gang member that had been let go previously. (trying to be vague)
I felt really good about this, and planned on continuing the relationship with my BP friend...I mean, these guys love their job, especially working on good intel.

Well, within a day, that camera quit sending me updates, so I planned to go out there the following weekend.
When I arrived, I found the camera gone, and the large tree it was attached to cut down into pieces. No foot prints and they tried to cover the tire tracks.
Ok, so I lost a camera (with pics of my face on the sd card). Big deal...it happens to everyone...but they didn't stop there. They graffitied several of the ranchers water tanks with messages to BP. Now I feel responsible for causing someone else grief, for doing the right thing. Where will the cartel stop? I'm sure I can handle myself out there, but what about the rancher, his wife?..kids?
I'm sure they have my licsense plate numbers, and what I look like. Do they already have my adress? If I was single would it change anything? I could still do something that might affect the ranchers.
I know a guy, near my hunting grounds, that bragged on the news that he had located the spotters that had been breaking into his house for supplies, and the sheriffs caught them. He is now on the cartel "list" according to law enforcement, and hired security for an undetermined length of time, to help protect his family. Did he do the right thing?
I believe standing for what is right comes with some difficult decisions.
Underpaid and misunderstood since 2014

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2019, 08:17:55 PM »
I can see both sides Bob. I do have a little story, that has little to do with US politics, but is the result of them, if that makes sense.

I typically hunt in highly travelled illegal alien and cartel influenced areas. No, not in south america but here in Arizona. I have confronted some of them, shared locations with BP, and even drawn a weapon on at least one occasion, in self defense. I always try to do what is right, no matter the cost to myself.

Fast forward to last year. I think I posted pics of a "herd" of camo wearing illegals, on here, from one of my game cameras. The cameras I have send me photos on the hour, so they're quiet "fresh". I have a good friend that is a higher up in BP...he runs a group that actively hunts down illegal crossers, mules, and spotters.
I sent him the coordinates and within a couple hours, all but 2 of them were rounded up with the help of dogs, trackers, and atvs. One of the ones caught was a known gang member that had been let go previously. (trying to be vague)
I felt really good about this, and planned on continuing the relationship with my BP friend...I mean, these guys love their job, especially working on good intel.

Well, within a day, that camera quit sending me updates, so I planned to go out there the following weekend.
When I arrived, I found the camera gone, and the large tree it was attached to cut down into pieces. No foot prints and they tried to cover the tire tracks.
Ok, so I lost a camera (with pics of my face on the sd card). Big deal...it happens to everyone...but they didn't stop there. They graffitied several of the ranchers water tanks with messages to BP. Now I feel responsible for causing someone else grief, for doing the right thing. Where will the cartel stop? I'm sure I can handle myself out there, but what about the rancher, his wife?..kids?
I'm sure they have my licsense plate numbers, and what I look like. Do they already have my adress? If I was single would it change anything? I could still do something that might affect the ranchers.
I know a guy, near my hunting grounds, that bragged on the news that he had located the spotters that had been breaking into his house for supplies, and the sheriffs caught them. He is now on the cartel "list" according to law enforcement, and hired security for an undetermined length of time, to help protect his family. Did he do the right thing?
I believe standing for what is right comes with some difficult decisions.
So, in my view, this is the point its gets physical.
Next week or two a few of them could have an accidient, somehow get all hung upside down on a barbed wire fence. Police may not find any of their personal effects.
Oddly back at the casa del mexico some hate mail shows up from anomonous known militayr affiliated groups who are looking for some off duty play time.
I wouldn't play with them, take them out. Figure out how that happens. Show them they aren't having their way on our turf.

Should the government oversight in some areas like that fall apart, I'd hope some militias or ex military/LEO people would take matters into their own hands. I think I'd suspend the bill of rights and all that for those emissaries of evil. Just set things right

Then maintain a vigil because they will come back. When they do reenact the little bighorn. Be willing to take the fight to them. I'm afraid Mike's position of sitting it out is not the way. It isn't easy, it never is, but you have to find it and get it done. We are losing our nation. The situation is going to drive us to a fight, so why not get it going now while the enemy is not so well organized.

Coming from where I came from, it is hard for me to speak of taking matters into your own hands, but we can't wait forever. And, cowardice is never the answer. Sitting and waiting for the right time/opportunity, that's fine. Heck, this all sounds fine but I look at it this way. Do I want to listen to some bureaucrat tell me they are going to find the people responsible for doing this??? Or do I prevent, say my son, or yours from having to be harmed or worse at their hands. Think about it...
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Atkinsmatt

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2019, 09:33:58 PM »
Those folks are all physically dangerous and a serious threat that we each must decide how to handle.  Peace through strength.  Kind of Reaganesque.  It is a large problem but we also have the internal problem of the silent majority being silent.  We can't stop the folks here legally that we sent to represent us from acting crazy and overtly and covertly assisting the very same bad guys who are an immediate physical threat.  Each of these needs to be dealt with and if the majority stays silent, nothing will improve, but continue on the heading we are on now.
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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2019, 07:23:34 AM »
Rule#1. Leave no witnesses

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2019, 10:01:41 AM »
Rule#1. Leave no witnesses

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Small caveat from a lesson I learned in a dusty place

Shoot all of them, but leave one fatally wounded. Just so he can ride his little motorbike over to that village and tell them that the helicopters that go whop-whop-whop did this, seconds before he expires.

Messaging: can be effective is used correctly
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline dave945

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2019, 11:29:05 AM »
I thought it was so you could follow his blood trail back to the lair and lay down some more hurt.   Must have been confused. I guess messaging is good too

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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2019, 11:58:39 AM »
Rule#1. Leave no witnesses

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Small caveat from a lesson I learned in a dusty place

Shoot all of them, but leave one fatally wounded. Just so he can ride his little motorbike over to that village and tell them that the helicopters that go whop-whop-whop did this, seconds before he expires.

Messaging: can be effective is used correctly
That’s but one of the differences between a pro like you and just a guy like me. I want to slip back into obscurity and wait. Don’t mind trouble but don’t want to go look for it either.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another CIEMR
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2019, 11:37:19 PM »
I thought it was so you could follow his blood trail back to the lair and lay down some more hurt.   Must have been confused. I guess messaging is good too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, not follow. This actually happened BTW. The last guy got hit while trying to get away. Great shot by a buddy of mine. The dude slumped when hit in the back but kept motoring toward the village maybe three clicks away. We figure he told his story, starting with, "I'm the only one left..."
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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