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Offline Flyin6

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Another nail in the coffin that was California
« on: June 10, 2019, 08:34:46 PM »
Well if the citizens of Kalifornia want this, then they can live with it

Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline oklawall

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 09:19:53 PM »
Back when my kids where 3 or 4 they thought that as long as we had checks (I know some of the young people may not know what those are) we could buy anything. The people in that state must think that money grows trees, fruit and nut trees

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2019, 10:19:33 AM »
This is a PERFECT example of what happens when people stand idly by and do nothing.

Evil does not heal. It gets shoved out of the door by good

Do nothing and it remains and grows. Every Time someone does evil and good people just stay in their corner, what just happened is a small win for evil. Small win adds to small win and starts to become a pattern. That pattern in itself turns into a trend and attracts attention and many weak minded people who follow and add to the size and footprint of the evil.

Someone just has to confront it. If that someone is grounded and standing on the principals of God, he is likely to triumph, but absolutely, the work of the Lord is served, and in the end God wins.

Continue to stand and do nothing and see what happens.

And from an earlier posting I'd like to show a clear example of how that happens. (Apologies to the member, as i do not wish to put you down in any way, just illuminate the error in your thinking...in my view)

Minneapolis is a place where many somali refugees settled. More like Invaders, but we will go with refugees. So we see where people are afraid of the repercussions of speaking out against the evil and wrong they see. So these people grow stronger, because they are a strong people. Their will is not matched by the accommodating sheep they live amongst. So it goes until the day they gain enough strength to elect a congresswoman. Now this congresswoman who allegedly was married to her brother, and that went unchallenged. I lay that at the feet of politically correct brainwashed American citizens living all around them.

Should anyone have stood up against that community, pointed out the person who this congresswoman actually is, then the tide may have been stemmed. But no, those people in and around that community demonstrated cowardice in the face of the enemy.

I know this sounds harsh, but oftentimes the truth does. And this is EXACTLY how this whole politically correct thing got its start. When things are just too difficult to face, we just don't face them. And that is cowardice.

So now this congresswoman is America's problem. I have to take time out of my fight to assist on this one, another direct threat against my nation, a nation of (weak) Christians, and against our culture. Thanks a bunch!

But this is what the unwillingness to engage will lead to.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cruizng

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2019, 08:48:57 AM »

And from an earlier posting I'd like to show a clear example of how that happens. (Apologies to the member, as i do not wish to put you down in any way, just illuminate the error in your thinking...in my view)

No offense taken. That is the great thing about America. All viewpoints are welcome. :)

I don't know God's plan but it might be different than we all think.

Before Omar's election she was a no body. Other than Keith Ellison no one in America had much of an idea of what was happening in MN. Keith was totally ineffective in DC and that is why he quit and went onto try his hand at LawJihad instead of Congress. He has been relatively quiet. We will see.

Omar is pushed to the stage by the same Muslim Brotherhood that supported Keith Ellison. A couple of years later Omar and her cohorts like Talib and others now dominate the MSM. They have thrown off the covert plan that they have been executing for the past 40 years and are now stating for the World to see that they the Muslims are going to rule the world. Blatant antisemitism and hate for Christians now in plain site. The Christian of the world can no longer hold their eyes and say... it's the religion of peace. It is becoming plain to see that they don't want to assimilate. They have no love for America. Every day that becomes clearer.

2020 will be interesting to see if we are called to arms at the ballot box and all of these insurgents are voted out now that everyone can see them for what they are if they wish.

Also not sure if anyone noticed but Trump is now going after the root cause. Who has facilitated the overthrow for 50 years. If we are going to attack anyone it should be the "CHRISTIAN" organizations and open border groups that have brought this ilk into the USA over the years not from compassion or religious duty but mostly for the almighty dollar. Millions and Millions.

Does God have a hand in this? I'm thinking yes.


I am absolutely sure that these arrests were part of Trumps plan and part of the leverage conversation with Mexican President Orbrador. Go after those that support and pay for the invasion activities. They have all shown themselves and now it time to take them out.

And now for a dose of reality. I could have organized a counter protest to Omar in MN. It would have received zero press coverage unless it was violent. And that is exactly what the MB wants. More victims of Muslim hate that CAIR would have had nationwide coverage from MSM. Even if it wasn't violent it would have put targets on everyone's back from the social justice mod and internet doxing groups. It is a coordinated effort by multiple organizations with almost unlimited funds. (See Soros , Liberals billionaires, etc..)

So onto doxing... They would have published my home address, phone numbers, kids names, where they go to school, where I work, etc... MY work would have received harassment calls, emails, and personal confrontations from a host of CAIR related organizations. Even though they are a Christian based private company I have no doubt that they would have fired me for bringing this @#$storm down on their otherwise innocuous company of 65 years. They would not have cheered me on "go get'em you modern day Crusader.

So after they fire me I would lose my health insurance unless I paid the crazy amount of COBRA to keep it intact. Probably $1500.00 a month or more. And because I have cancer trying to get a new policy would be even more expensive. So not to bankrupt my family just so that I could continue to have treatment I would drop from any policy and just provide insurance for them and therefore making it at least somewhat affordable. Being 62 and in my health situation it would be almost impossible for me to get another job that provides healthcare. It is illegal to ask those questions or discriminate against me but we all know how the real world works.

So my wife would need to find a job (She hasn't worked outside the home since our daughter was born 21 years ago. At 51 not very marketable either) just so she and the kids could get health insurance. Maybe a government job. :) That is probably doable and hopefully God would provide a way.

So that leaves me. I would suspend treatments so as not to bankrupt the household (my treatments for just one year were over $250,000.00. That would wipe out investments and savings very quickly) and the small amount of money we do have and could still possibly send my 17 year old son to college. The Life Insurance on me would help my wife and son relocate closer to her folks in FL and possibly help with living expenses for a few years. She would still need to work in some capacity until she reached 65 and could apply for Medicaid/Medicare and possibly stop working. That is 14 years from now.

SOooooo I have no idea what God's plan is and how it will shape out in the future but for now I will try to keep my job and health insurance and hopefully put my son through college over the next 5 years and then we will see.

Maybe over dramatic but this is my reality... in my view... :) SO what are you willing to lose?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 06:27:58 PM by KensAuto »
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2019, 11:42:29 AM »
mike, was that meant to be a quote from don, or were you just posting in general?
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Offline cruizng

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2019, 03:37:32 PM »
mike, was that meant to be a quote from don, or were you just posting in general?

Nate, I was referring to this from Don that I think was a reference to my post before regarding MN and Ohmar.

"And from an earlier posting I'd like to show a clear example of how that happens. (Apologies to the member, as i do not wish to put you down in any way, just illuminate the error in your thinking...in my view)"

I could be wrong.. that has happened before... LOL
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2019, 06:23:16 PM »
Mike accidentally put his post in Don's quote.
...edit: I fixed it
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 06:28:35 PM by KensAuto »
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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2019, 06:45:54 PM »
Thx ken, i would have fixed it for him, but wasnt sure whos was who.....lol
If you need the promise of eternity in the kingdom of heaven to be a good person … You were never a good person in the first place!

Offline cruizng

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Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2019, 07:20:15 PM »
Sorry. I didn’t think it was that confusing. My post was directly responding to Don’s post basically stating that Omar is now a National problem because someone (coward) in MN didn’t do anything to stop her while she was running for election.  He directly called out a member that I interpret as me with apologies not to put me down but in his opinion illuminate the errors in my thinking.

Then proceeds on to highlight Minnesota and the Somali community here and then the election of Omar and the lack of opposition/confrontation to her campaign. Because there was no evidence of confrontation Dons truth is that lack of confrontation exhibits cowardice.

Again this is my interpretation of what Don wrote. I don’t take any offense to what he says and he has his opinion.

What I wrote was my perception and what I see as personal reality.

There is no doubt there is a huge issue. What is God’s plan in all of this I don’t know. I can say for me personally I haven’t felt called to personally confront this. Possibly someday just not today.

I just related what I feel would have and what would happen if I personally confronted someone like Omar or a campaign.

Don’s specific verbiage below from post above.

Clear as mud?  Lol. I’ll put down my typewriter now.

P.S. I feel like I’m waiting for Don’s voice to pipe and say....  hey, I’m sitting right here in the room!  Lol

Someone just has to confront it. If that someone is grounded and standing on the principals of God, he is likely to triumph, but absolutely, the work of the Lord is served, and in the end God wins.

Continue to stand and do nothing and see what happens.

A from an earlier posting I'd like to show a clear example of how that happens. (Apologies to the member, as i do not wish to put you down in any way, just illuminate the error in your thinking...in my view)

Minneapolis is a place where many somali refugees settled. More like Invaders, but we will go with refugees. So we see where people are afraid of the repercussions of speaking out against the evil and wrong they see. So these people grow stronger, because they are a strong people. Their will is not matched by the accommodating sheep they live amongst. So it goes until the day they gain enough strength to elect a congresswoman. Now this congresswoman who allegedly was married to her brother, and that went unchallenged. I lay that at the feet of politically correct brainwashed American citizens living all around them.

Should anyone have stood up against that community, pointed out the person who this congresswoman actually is, then the tide may have been stemmed. But no, those people in and around that community demonstrated cowardice in the face of the enemy.

I know this sounds harsh, but oftentimes the truth does. And this is EXACTLY how this whole politically correct thing got its start. When things are just too difficult to face, we just don't face them. And that is cowardice.

So now this congresswoman is America's problem. I have to take time out of my fight to assist on this one, another direct threat against my nation, a nation of (weak) Christians, and against our culture. Thanks a bunch!

But this is what the unwillingness to engage will lead to.

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« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 07:28:16 PM by cruizng »
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2019, 08:37:30 PM »
Yea, Mike, good response and I understand, really do.

So I still have to ask, just exactly how did CAIR get so strong? The answer is I think that too few Christians or other than Christian people just let them slide. Not enough people got in front of this political correctness that was brought onto center stage by the Clintons, or at least during their time. And all along the way, right up to now, not enough good people put their foot down and said, BULL CRAP!

Refusing to face your enemy is sometimes the best thing to do, but face him you must or he will eat you and control you. So not confronting him to perhaps wait until you have a greater tactical advantage, OK I can buy that. Waiting until you have leveraged public opinion or the legal system or something against them, that works, but face him you must. If you don't you have only left that dangerous creature out there to threaten your family, friends, neighbors.

Mike is in a delicate position, to be sure. But how many others are not so precariously perched? How many wealthy, established, healthy, people who feel this Muslim takeover is wrong, just refuse to do anything? I'm saying way too many. Most people show cowardice in the face of the enemy. And yea, the price is high. They will come after your children. So have you prepared them in all ways? And I'm speaking generally, to everyone...But it is easy to see this crap is out there, and they will not remain passive.

Just like in that town in Texas where musloids called out someone (I believe the mayor??) under Sharia law. Like as in tried and convicted someone in violation of Sharia law. Well, what applicability does Sharia have here? The answer is none, of course. I believe in Texas, that use of any law other than federal or state law is a felony. So when this happens the Shria court needs to be arrested and tried, and if found guilty, jailed. And if no charges are filed, then tens of thousands of us need to surround the county courthouse and demand to know why. We just can't afford to let these invaders get away with anything.

Referencing Mike's statement about how CAIR will come after you, well in this Texas example they did. And know what that Texas mayor did? He/she pulled their credentials and found them to be out of state attorneys practicing Texas law, as in did not pass the Texas BAR and therefore could not legally practice law in this CAIR intervention. I want to say they committed a class D felony in doing so. Now I want to see the FBI move in and arrest these attorneys. Federal because they did so across state lines. I want to see them publically tried, stripped of their licenses and sentenced to jail time, and I want to see the supervisors who sent them made public and have them sanctioned.

If we see that then all is good. If we don't then we need to march on that county seat or washington and demand the law be enforced. We do that enough times and the bully (Coward) called Islam will run just like they do on the battlefield.
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2019, 08:41:51 PM »
I want to say something else here. I did not like making an example of what Mike said here. None of you know, because I do not share, but over the years Mike has been very generous in supporting the Christmas things we do in the name of Jesus. I know him to be of solid character but above that, I value the lesson we could all learn from. And because now is the time. We can lose this country. Death from a thousand papercuts. We,or someone needs to stand up on our law, on our history, and our values and declare, I will not pass the buck onto my children. God take me if you have to, but while I draw a breath, let me be useful to the kingdom of God and let me be a protector of democracy and the United States.
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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2019, 09:02:22 AM »

Thank you and just for the record I get a lot of enjoyment, fellowship, support, and education from this site and I am happy to help anyway I can.

Interesting how a thread on California turns into a discussion on Islamism. DOT's!  :knucklehead:

I see this as a great discussion topic.

You asked a rhetorical question of how CAIR got so strong. I know how they did. They have been planning this for over 50 years. If anyone has any interest in the plan from the mouth of the Muslim Brotherhood themselves you only need to read the FBI confiscation papers from the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terror funding case. This is from 1980's and 1990's. Way before 911.


If you look on the last page of the 32 page document it lists all of the CAIR like organizations that had already been established with more to come.

I won't list out all of the documents for the FBI case but they are here if you have an interest. Of particular interest are the CAIR Amicus Brief and the Indictment. This was going on all through the late 80's and 90's. It hasn't stopped. Only more sophisticated now.

This is probably the best description of how they take over. It has happened exactly like this all over the world. Asia and now Europe. Starting in the USA.

SO the plan has been laid and executed for years with no real resistance. None from the Bushes, Clinton presidencies and just the opposite with the Obama 8 dismal years. He actually facilitated and supported the MB from Egypt to here in the USA. It is appalling how many times the terrorist groups and it's associated were invited into the White House.

Back to how CAIR became powerful in the USA. They had a plan, and they have funding. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Obama, etc.. Now they need infrastructure.

They were excited when 911 happened. It gave them the perfect time to build and push the narrative of Muslim persecution in the USA. Backlash from the 911 terrorist attack. All fake. No backlash was observed. Quite the opposite. The MB took the opportunity to build their army bases (mosque's)in the USA. Since 911 they have built 1000's of them. Again without opposition. They even had the balls to build one on the site of 911. How is that for their ultimate goal of submission. They take over main roads in Europe and UK for prayers. They submit and let it happen.

Good article on Army Base growth.

Below is a link to a translated DAWA. (Islamic Instruction to all Muslims). It is just a summary of the original text. I you click on the link at the top it has 62 pages of instructions. Good read.  :shocked:

So they have a plan, funding, infrastructure, now they just need soldiers. They just need to fill up the army bases which they have been doing for years. I could go on and on but my point is what do the Christians/Jews have? They are distracted whether to allow gay ministers.

There is no equivalent organized resistance in the non Muslim world. That is why they win.

There are a few things happening. Trump has floated the idea of making the MB designated as the terrorist organization that it is. If he does that then they can start to go after the cash cow that supports all of the Infrastructure and LegalJihad that is currently going on in the USA. Cut off the money flow and it will be slowed down. If he does that you will see all heck break lose. It will also dry up support for the Omar's of the world. She would not be able to fund a campaign without their support.

Maybe, just maybe they will actual investigate and PROSECUTE every single case of fraud that occurs. You might remember the case here in MN. It was six months to investigate and still no real actionable results. Possible $100 Million. That is a lot of profitable bodega's cash heading back to Somalia.


So we need to go after the cash.

I am still waiting on the Joel Osteen's of the world to organize and not be afraid of the phobia label. I won't hold my breath. Every church in the USA needs to have a coordinated portion of their sermon every time they speak that motivates and educates. But I have very little faith in organized religion. 

I will stop but could go on forever.. still have to do my day job! LOL

And just for icing on top!
They hate dogs / unclean abused on a regular basis. https://twitter.com/Protect_Wldlife/status/980475693715910656


Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: Another nail in the coffin that was California
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2019, 12:00:36 PM »
  Just one thing nobody is really talking about is the current education(if even considered) system that has taught the last couple generations.  Since I work with mostly Children(18-35yr olds) daily I have a good perspective.  Its not just California, but a problem that is spreading nationwide

  I have a much different view on this and the real reason evil/bad ideas are not challenged.  Recently two of the techs that work for me took a vacation to Japan for two weeks.  They visited the Hiroshima museum and both of them told me how they could not finish going thru the entire museum.  I listened too them unit they got done saying how ashamed they were of what the USA did to this city and how those women and children didn’t deserve that to happen to them.

  So I asked them if in that same museum it was talked about why and what caused the dropping of the bomb in the first place, the reply was “because Japan invaded Pearl Harbor” then I spent the next 30 min or so explaining to them that is what got the USA involved in the war, and the only reason Japan invaded Pearl Harbor was because USA stopped selling Japan oil.   
 I went on to explain what Japan was doing to places like China, Indochina, Vietnam, Korea, Philippines, Bataan and so on, also told them about Unit 731, pact with Germany and how truly evil that empire was and how the NOBODY challenged them not even the US in most cases.  They had NO IDEA of those facts, the modern school system will not teach those things so they don’t understand the reasons of why decisions were made, its presented in a light that makes the USA look like the aggressor so its not a surprise people will not challenge evil because that is what they are taught from a very early age.

  Like me, most of my family is prior Military but like many of the early generations or veterans they never talked about what they saw and went thru during their time in combat, most of my family members that were direct combat Air/ground never talked about combat experiences or the cultures they were exposed to.  They started to open up on me and my brothers after we enlisted and didn’t really open up until after we visited on leave and then really opened up after we started deployments.

But back to why this happens, it starts in the school system and what I encourage everyone that has Children or works with young people is to quiz them on the how and why to see if they are given the complete picture or really know the back story.  The liberals have infiltrated the education system as they are aware they how to in-doctrine the new generations early and if they are never given the facts they will grow up thing WE/USA are the evil ones so when people want to destroy the USA there is very little push back from anyone because they think that is the way it needs to be. I strongly encourage everyone that has been deployed to talk to young adults and supposed adults about the cultures you saw and how they were and your experiences, don't force the conservation but when the opportunity arises to share those experiences and true history.       


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