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CIEMR: How cancer grows
« on: June 25, 2019, 10:16:34 AM »
CIEMR: How Cancer grows (By not cutting it out)

OK, so here we can see how acceptance of some abnormal concept like that of the LBGTAEIOU acceptance can have a certain “creep” effect. One day it pops up on the radar, then the next day it takes the next step, then the next and so forth. If you were to plot out a line on some cultural graph, well just use your imagination as to where that line may extend to. At some point the line crosses the legal threshold where one may suffer consequences from breaking a law protecting this new “Norm.” Then later on it might get a bit worse, and if allowed to continue its evolution, would this line someday enter a zone where people who don’t/can’t support this concept are punishable by death?

Can’t happen, right? Silly old Don (Only two of those three words are accurate ;-). But wait grasshopper, I can point you to post WW1 Germany and the rise of the Nazis. When they first started calling out Jews, it would have been a good time to stomp a mud hole in the middle of their movement, but cowards of that day just went along with things, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, and just look how that turned out.

So what of this utter bull crap that some front line supervisor (Sergeant?? Lieutenant/Captain??) Pulled by disallowing this Christian scout group, (Royal Rangers I’m guessing??), to visit this National Guard camp. That junior leader was operating under still present DOD rules that provide for the (More than) equal treatment of LBGTWHATSNEXT identified soldiers. Well, a small point in this is that all citizens are equal, none are more equal than others. And in this age of the Pennsylvania 102nd snowflake comrade regiment, I am personally offended. I think I should be more equal, but that’s just me…

Note: I am so thankful that God gave me life when he did so that I could serve a long career in the Army before all this nonsense ever started!

I’m an old white guy who wore combat boots for like 1/3rd of my life. Oddly, however, I see no special recognition for old white guys who walked around in combat boots for like WAY TOO MANY years. So I think we need an old white man caucus in congress. Biden can be our leader should the election rigging by the demon-crats prove successful this time. I think we need special rules that constantly poke into everyone’s awareness that old white guys are something special and somehow should be valued more than others, like, say very young green women. We should have an old white guy pride movement.

We should celebrate these old white guys with a month long time where speed limits are reduced nationwide by 25%! Anyone who does not agree with me is obviously, gizzer-ah-phobic, and I would suggest we dismiss these bigoted haters as a bunch of no-gooders! Since a lot of us have money, we’ll hire those LBGTFREAKSHOW people to carry our banners and push our wheelchairs for us during our many mandatory attendance, public celebrations. We could use an old white T-shirt with some paint stains and holes in it for a flag representing our movement.

I’m on a roll here ;-). Yea and since we are being constantly shoved into the public conscious, if young green folks do something to offend us, then congress should get together (Did you just hear that…Congress get together!!!!!!!) and enact laws which would curtail and punish anything that might remotely suggest that we old white men are anything but good. Yep, mess with us and we’re gonna get our lap dogs in the congress (I mentioned we were rich, right?) to get their cronies to act to always promote us and consider our needs above all others.

For example: Should we walk into a supermarket, having forgotten to put our pants on and some young children become traumatized by some wrinkled biology or something, then, well, to heck with them. Old White Men of the newly founded, old white people movement, the OWPM, or Oh-Wappums have special rights which in our view are more important than those of you intolerant LBGTWHAT”SUPers and the NPNP’s (Normal peoples Normalcy Party) or “Nips” for short.

(Yea, I know, I’m close on that last one…running the razors edge, I am!)

Well that all seems quite silly, right? Because of the unnatural tendency for some things to be shoved into the public consciousness, then then crafted into law we ought to be careful with taking those first steps. We should to be applying something we learned from history to the modern context to see how this latest deviation from normal may end up. I didn’t fall asleep in history class, and I also care a bit about our constitution. I care about the rule of law over anarchy or any other archy. That exists out there. I am concerned when scouts who simply believe in God are denied to visit Fort Indian Town Gap.

That camp (Read: Fort or Base), is an American warrior base and to whoever over there who thinks it’s yours I have news, it isn’t. It is mine, and I am the citizens of the United States. I fought for your dammed right to still have that camp, Leaders, I would suggest you start putting oath ahead of career and ambition and set things right again. Fix this stupid LBGTFELLOFFTHE RAILROADTRACKS favoring policy and come to your senses. You don’t believe in this LBGT nonsense any more than I do. Hell, almost all of America is against this crap, but they are mostly cowards, you should not be.

At some point you are going to have to stand up and say, look, I am a believer in God and this new policy is inconsistent with my beliefs and I simply cannot support them. Do that by the thousands and someone is gonna hear you. We will hear you! While you’re at it do it in a big public way. Heck, you’re warriors, and don’t all of us knowing that it is over, know what to do next? We fix bayonets and charge and thank God for the days he gave to us. We show courage in the face of evil, to the end!

For those in any place of the government, you should be mindful that there is a second amendment. Do not forget that you have trained millions of us in the art of war. It would be wise to assume we will hold to our oath should this nation ever become threatened from external or internal foes. This is a country founded by men who loved God and should you study your history books, read about one of the first acts of the Congress of the United States in the late 1780’s.

The first continental Congress, at the swearing in of President George Washington in a little church in Manhattan, New York, listened to his first words as president. President Washington asked the congress to follow him outside. There at a corner in the shadow of a tree, he knelt and prayed unto God. He asked God that this country would be protected allowed to grow to be a mighty nation where truth and law and liberty and equality would reign. He then concentrated this nation unto God.

A concentration is way more than a simple promise. He spoke the words, that this nation will always serve God and that he would in turn always protect it. But, should this nation ever stop doing the will of God, that the Lord would remove his protection from it. President Washington knew a United States living under the rule of law would be a very powerful thing, In that day with the constitution hot off of the press,  law was derived from biblical principles, And he knew that if something as powerful as his vision of the United States were move away from serving our divine creator it could then only serve the devil. Therefore when he asked God to remove his protection, he was asking God to kill this nation if we strayed and stayed.

Don’t be that person who supports anything outside the original concept and construct that is the United States. We are walking a fine line at the moment, while millions of us pray for the nation, for its safety and for a revival of faith to sweep us back to our biblical roots, we have killed millions and millions of unborn. We celebrate this LBGT thing. We turn away from truth and we have become cowards. Yep, you. About face, Parade Rest, and stare into the mirror. If you feel you don’t want to rock the boat for the safety of you and your family, then promote yourself to yellow leader second class, and add a half yellow stripe on your sleeve to match the stripe on your back. I and men like me want to see those bright yellow half stripes so that we will know you are of no use in the moral crisis and fight we see coming. Things like what you are about to read below can only happen in the face of cowardice:

National Guard
Banned Christian Scouts Over LGBT Policy
Todd Starnes · Jun. 24, 2019
A National Guard facility in Pennsylvania refused to allow a Trail Life USA scouting troop to tour its facility, and the reason why is going to blow your mind.

The Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard facility regularly hosts tours for Boy Scout troops and other organizations, but Trail Life boys were told they could not participate because they belonged to a Christian scouting organization.

The National Guard tells me it had concerns about whether the Christian group was supportive of the LGBT community.

“After researching the organization online, it was quickly discovered that the organization restricted membership to certain persons,” the National Guard told me. “Army values and policy prevent discrimination against gender or sexual orientation within our ranks, which in turn led to the first-level reviewer denying the request.”

So the National Guard launched an investigation to determine whether a bunch of Christian teenagers were gay friendly? I wasn’t aware that was a prerequisite for taking a tour of a military facility paid for by the tax dollars of Christian citizens (among others).

John Stemberger, the chair of the board at Trail Life USA, blasted the National Guard’s explanation.

“Requiring a Christian code of conduct does not equal improper discrimination,” he told the “Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “Christian churches and organizations have never allowed their own members to promote views that are opposed to the clear teachings and values of the Bible.”

The National Guard lifted the ban on Christian scouts after First Liberty Institute and the Independence Law Center got involved. The law firms, which handle religious-liberty cases, said the National Guard’s decision to ban the Christian scouting group is “discriminatory and unconstitutional.”

“It was not until after receiving the letter from the group’s attorneys that the issue was raised to the appropriate level for a legal and full staff review,” the National Guard said. “There, it was determined that granting a tour to the organization would not violate policy and should be permitted. The decision has been reversed and the tour is being granted.”

The idea that Christian boys would be banned strictly because of their religious beliefs is not only ludicrous, it’s also illegal.

“The bottom line is that the original decision was still discrimination against these boys and their families because of their religion,” Stemberger told me. “That is simply un-American, un-Constitutional, and just morally wrong.”

Let’s hope the National Guard has learned its lesson and will never again discriminate against Christian citizens.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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