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Offline Flyin6

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Dangerous times
« on: January 07, 2020, 09:59:09 AM »
Don's comment: I believe it is to the lack of courage that this creeping evil, a mere itch a decade ago has grown into a full body cancer in the last few years. If the liberals are allowed to come into control I actually doubt that we will start to change into a socialist or communist country. I believe we will devolve into a civil war rather quickly. This civil war, with the left still in charge will be the open door through which the UN comes in to stabilize things. And with that, we will either be in a perpetual state of war or real Americans and american freedoms and values will disappear into the pages of history.

Evil exists because no one stopped it. You'd kill a black widow spider in your kids bedroom, why won't regular Americans stand up against loss of freedoms? Why do so many listen to ranting old men who never really did anything? Why do so many believe America is failing when in actuality our economy is the best it has ever been. Blacks believe the democrats are the answer when the democratic policies serve to keep the black man down and this current president has raised that culture up out of the ashes and is getting them jobs and good lives at historic levels?

Why, in the face of all these irrefutable facts, do so many Americans believe the lie of the liberal/communist/democratic movement? Madness is one reason, but I believe it is ignorance and stupidity, and a lack of education. Higher education is really about causing one to be able to process and think, so why does it seem to have an opposite effect?

I for one, being just a country boy who did good with his life, have come to believe that if you are a democrat, you are not a real american, you are just a person residing in America who benefit from the unsung efforts of guys like Bobby the infantryman, JR, the deputy, our firemen and our strong and patriotic farmers and businessmen, our clergy, and good people far and wide.

But hear me. You real Americans had either be sharpening the blade and quickening your fighting skills, or stomp this rattlesnake of liberal cancer to death. Beat them at the election booth. Argue with them using fact. Call them liars. Point out their hatred for God which is likely at the very root of all this over the clift sliding.

And, Men of God and America...STAND!

The Most Pivotal Year In Our History

By Ray DiLorenzo —— Bio and Archives--January 5, 2020

The Most Pivotal Year In Our History 2020 promises to be the most crucial and pivotal year for America, if not, certainly in our lifetime. This new year will either produce our best chance for a stable social, political, and financially secure future or it will radically alter everything this country stands for, our values, and the freedoms we have come to enjoy and take for granted.

The Democrat Party is not your grandfather’s or even your father’s Democrat Party. It has morphed and contorted, into a deranged radical left-wing antagonist, resolved on transforming America into a secular, socialist/communist system.

The new Democrat Party has defined deviancy up and normalcy down

In any other time in our history, the current party leadership would have been labeled ‘enemies of the state.’ Instead, they are widely celebrated by a well-indoctrinated and ignorant youth determined to move our country to where it has never been before.

Somehow, somewhere along the way there has been a massive deviation from the norm. The new Democrat Party has defined deviancy up and normalcy down. They claim moral superiority and, at the same time, despise it. In actuality, they have re-defined morality.

They support the killing of children up to birth and in some states like Virginia, their governor has expressed support for the killing of the newborn after birth.
They are determined to open our borders with no restrictions, without any remorse for the deaths and injury from crime, disease, and terrorism. They want to see an enlargement of the welfare state and its loyal voting block.
The left has recently expressed opposition to private home ownership and private property. They want strict limits on rural and suburban residences with large segments of the population moving into cities.
They strongly advocate for fighting climate change, one of the greatest political hoaxes in history. They want to block all use of fossil fuels, based only on theory, even though there is no current alternative. They accuse the right of perpetrating what has been naturally occurring for millions of years for which we have very little control.
The representation of homosexuality is now way beyond their numbers.
The left wants an end to unrestricted free speech.
The left wants an end to gun ownership. The one right that effectively keeps them at bay.
The left demands an end to the electoral college, leaving most of the country unrepresented.
The radical left wants our citizens to be totally dependent on government for healthcare and housing. Go to any Indian reservation and examine the result.
The left knew exactly what their policies would wrought…crime, poverty, broken families, immorality, disenchantment, discontent

Religion, especially Christianity and Judaism, is to be removed from the public square and highly discouraged.
Every Democrat presidential candidate has advocated for ‘free’ health- care, ‘free’ college tuition, the investment of trillions fighting human-caused climate change, a mere theory, without the slightest idea of how to pay for it all.
Liberal policies have devastated the black family. In 1965, President Johnson was warned that the black family was on the verge of a “complete breakdown” because the out-of-wedlock births were at a staggering 23.6%. It is now 77%. The left has distorted the cause, now saying it is social injustice. They rabidly supports Planned Parenthood, an organization instituted for the sole purpose of ridding America of blacks and the undesirable.
Where Martin Luther King wanted a ‘color blind’ society, the left prefers identity politics, labeling everyone according to their race, gender, sexual preference, even religion, and political persuasion. An anathema to the very egalitarianism they preach.
The left knew exactly what their policies would wrought…crime, poverty, broken families, immorality, disenchantment, discontent. All to make as many people as possible ready for an alternative. But their alternative is a life of limitation, dependence, and slavery. Today’s left is a conflict in terms, thought, and beliefs. What they believe will never produce the result they say they want. This leaves only the conclusion that they have something totally different in mind.

The Democrats have become a Utopian party, imposing THEIR concept of bliss. The right is also somewhat Utopian, but freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are all achievable and proven. One is based on government dictates. The other is based on the individual’s concept of a fulfilled life.

The last few years saw proof of a political party’s intolerance of any difference or diversion of their world view. They intend to dictate, not recommend or request. 100 million deaths in the 20th century cry out with confirmation.

We have a choice next November, possibly the last chance for honest choice we will ever get. Choose wisely.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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