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Online Flyin6

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CIEMR You Ready?
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:52:52 AM »
You Ready?
Don Harward

Writing here in by favorite kintuckee vernacular, in the proper kings language, “Are you ready” would be so much more the proper use of the words at hand, but, know what? I’m just going to keep it Kintuckee!

Ready for what you may ask, what’s the crazy old white boy talking about this time. Well in all honesty, I can’t really say because when I try to correlate all that I see happening, my conclusions are, well, inconclusive. I think I see a trend line, well, more like a swath from a ruddy brush on a repainted bumpy canvas, but it’s there sure enough.

We are in an unprecedented time of change, but unless you live at 354 Under the Rock Street, you have also probably noticed. Some of us are paying attention, but most are not. The evidence I present for my case: Empty toilet paper shelves all over this broad nation. (Not a female broad, but a big ole wide, broad). Need I say more? Fools abound, also in unprecedented numbers. Think herds of sheep, buffalo, schools of mindless minnows and things like that and you get the picture. An anesthetized general public that is as easily led as a hungry dog by a sliver of meat.

Although you likely have noticed, I’d like to point out some recent events: Our economy is falling apart. Communists are breaking out everywhere in our nation’s leadership like unwanted cold sores right before your high school prom. We are in the midst of this so called pandemic, where hospital beds are gathering dust by the thousands. Dr Faucchi, a man well rooted in the CDC and WHO and associated with people like Bill Gates (Who happens to believe we need to get back to just one billion humans on earth) is foretelling a return of the virus this fall/winter. Can anyone say “goodbye Christmas?”

We have Tyson Meats which isn’t exactly your corner butcher shop taking out adds stating that the food production lines are breaking and what happens now will reverberate for years into our future. We have mini dictators who were elected as socialist leaning candidates because it was a popular thing to be progressive at the time, seem to be shedding their skins much the same as a snake does and coming out as communists. Look at Michigan. Yesterday armed protestors entered the capital building. I saw a picture of freedom loving citizens carrying AK-47’s and M-4 carbines standing nose to nose with Michigan State troopers. Anyone here think that’s nothing to worry about? Just a little thing? If so, please stop reading, go away and get back to watching reruns of “The Voice”, you are just one of those minnows I spoke of earlier and someday someone’s gunna use you for bait!

OK, the maroons (I like Winnie the Pooh) should be gone so the six remaining people please read on. Speaking of maroons and gun control, to my Canadian friends, I am so sorry you are about to lose a vital FRT (Freedom Retention Tool). That idiot communist leader you elected, Trudeau is about to take all your assault rifles away from you. To heck with protection against the common criminal, wolves, bears (Some polar) and the like, as if you actually have any of those up there. Your supreme party boss deems it necessary in his acquired wisdom from what 20 years (…Is he that old?) has given him, the savoir and the oracle of your nation deems that the time has come to take your guns away. We all know you don’t want sheep with guns, especially when approaching shearing time!

Ah, well, I guess we have the same thing going on here in these somewhat united states. Well, problems actually. We definitely have the maroons. We don’t have a Trudeau, but we have a Gavin, a Pelosi, that idiot in Virginia, what’s his name? We have a runaway mayor in New York, of course our aforementioned Governess of Michigan and sadly, even my own governor here in the Tuck. Most of these maroons, are communists and are using this time of untold human suffering (As the media would have you believe), as camouflage while they work on their own schemes of gun control, or just control in general. They tirelessly work to shore up abortion, and fund all their communist buddies while taking swings at our only true hope, President Donald Trump.

My Governor told us we could not gather for Easter worship, not even in parking lots! He said he would send police out to take down our license plate numbers. My recently stolen truck (Which was just miraculously returned to me) was very prominent in one of those photos, and yes, the police showed up and parked in our parking lot during the making of our livestream broadcast. I never felt before like I did that day about America and our police. Didn’t Hitler and the fascists do the same thing to the Jews some time back? And all that just ended peacefully didn’t it?

So, yea, I’m not liking that very much. Tell you something else I don’t like. I don’t like this so called pandemic. So we have a disease that has killed a hundred thousand odd people worldwide! In a normal year flus would have killed a hundred thousand odd people, but it wouldn’t be called Covid 19 so it wouldn’t be as prominent I guess. When people just called it the Flu, well nobody responded. We just wrapped up and went to work. When they called it SARS, we didn’t feel well, but we went to church, then not feeling much better, got up Monday morning and went to work. We called it this and that in years past, but no one noticed because we were busy tending to our lives and doing our thing. OK, so this is the truth. People sometimes get old. When they get that way they sometimes die. If they were welders, smokers, drug addicts, walk around looking like beluga whales, they sometimes die. Now I’m just a highly educated hillbilly as my wife likes to say, but if you abuse your body or you get old, seems to me that dying is sort of expected, or am I wrong?

But now we are huddled up in our homes. We are being preached fear constantly, and that’s a bunch of bunk if you ask me, but I do see a purpose for all this. The Special Forces manual, page one paragraph two reads: “If you wanna control people you first gotta scare em.” To be truthful, it doesn’t say that, but you get the idea. If you don’t then try doing this: Read! Study! Learn! Turn off “America’s got talent” and use the brain that GOD gave you!
If you ask me, and some of you have, it looks to me like this worldwide pandemic thing is a carefully engineered scheme designed to introduce us to being controlled after having been given regular doses of fear. Keep in mind the first page of the Armee Special Forces manual, and also, the toilet paper shelves… OK, still wit me? (KY speak right there) And now that we have been taught to stay home and assemble puzzles (Ha! You too?) We are growing tired and about to say, “Yea, whatever, just get me out of the house! You can be worn down and handed a tofu bar to munch on and somehow believe it tastes good!

But where are you going to go exactly when you’re released from the pen? Anyone have any clue as to what things are going to look like when we can move about more freely? My congressman, Tom Massie who is probably a tea party libertarian exposed an interesting fact about this so called small business bailout. In his district where I live, small business owners are stating that they do not qualify for the initial loan/grant. The reason is that the loan money was to be used to pay their employees which they could, therefore retain. But because in part due to the timing of events, the workers all lost their jobs because the country flipped the off switch all at once, they all went on unemployment. Now recall if you will that folks who are now on unemployment get a little extra money because of these unprecedented times. Well, that amount is now greater than they would make at some of the lower paid positions which are so common in small businesses. Workers are getting paid more to stay home! Therefore the small businesses cannot qualify for the loan because the workers would have to take a pay cut if they went back to work. Now because of this disconnect quite a few of these small businesses are set to fail sometime during the J-months.

You see, just like that, workers were transferred in mass to the government till. We leaped to Socialism/Communism just like that. Maybe not totally, but you kill the frog by turning up the heat a little at a time.

And what of our future? College grads this year have nowhere to go, not even Mickey-D’s. We are looking at tens of millions out of work and the actual engine that drives this nation, small businesses, failing everywhere. We may be facing a return of this severe cold called COVID, which kills people who were most likely old, had diabetes, had lung or heart issues, were fat, or were missing their heads. So let’s shut down America again so we can save Grandma! Honestly if you were to ask a grandma or a grandpa (I’m one of those ;-) what we thought about all that foolishness we’ll tell you to let us go. Drive on and keep on, keeping on.

We are looking at regional food shortages as farmers have to plow under unharvested crops and tens of thousands of animals are euthanized because they can’t be sold and it costs money the farmers don’t have to keep them alive. Those dead animals don’t make new animals going forward or do anything unlike dead humans who can somehow still vote democrat in future elections. Heck some can even pass on their social security numbers to Kenyan Columbia law school grads (Who were never actually there) who become president! Apparently there is life after death.

We’ve not seen a time like this since the dark days of World War two, a time which almost none of us witnessed. I don’t trust many of my leaders. I feel that they are bending to the desires of a bunch of freaks and trying not to offend anyone. To heck with all that, lead the silent majority please! Represent our needs! Stand up for freedom, for God, for Israel. Stand against lies, and weakness, and cowardice, but also offer a helping hand to those who truly need it and will not squander your valuable resources and time.

Anyone other than me see a setup for a move toward this one world government thing? Maybe I’m just suspicious, but I am looking at a whole world full of scared and soon to be hungry people. As this virus continues to kill off people in their 120’s and governments feel it is necessary to shut down everything so we can protect those who have long weeks still to live. Yea, I’m being a bit harsh here, but doesn’t it sort of feel like that? Shouldn’t we just honor those we know who died by getting up and getting to work? Shouldn’t we be willing to accept the fact that people sometimes die? Wouldn’t we be better off producing duck decoys than playing tidily-winks while waiting for our unemployment check? Or perhaps for Pelosi’s proposed guaranteed minimum income check?

Ya know, this one wasn’t easy to write. It didn’t flow out like many of the other pieces I’ve written. Maybe I’m just a kook or maybe I don’t have a properly collated thought here. Maybe I’m just confused by the raw volume of change and negativity I am seeing. So, this is what I’m going to do. Taking the advice of Hillary Clinton, I think I’ll just go back to my bible and guns. Not nearly as much to the gun thing because the power I yield through prayer and the proper dividing of the word of God is far more powerful than any 5.56 millimeter round. And I think I’ll get after mulching the yard then later on rest on the solid bedrock of knowing I am a child of God, and defended by angels and have an advocate in the heavenly realm called Jesus
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NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cj7ox

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2020, 10:51:46 AM »
Amen, Don. I've suspicious of this whole situation from the beginning. I feel that trying times are coming, but I also believe that the people instituting this situation to push their agenda are going to be sorely surprised come November. The silent majority spoke clearly in 2016, and I think they are going to get a little louder this year.
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

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Online Flyin6

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 11:06:52 AM »
Amen, Don. I've suspicious of this whole situation from the beginning. I feel that trying times are coming, but I also believe that the people instituting this situation to push their agenda are going to be sorely surprised come November. The silent majority spoke clearly in 2016, and I think they are going to get a little louder this year.
I think you are right Sean, but I'm just keeping bended knee and doing my part there and at the ballot.

Ultimately, things much larger than a US presidential election are in play here.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Bob Smith

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2020, 11:52:55 AM »
Another part of this mess. We got home from AZ to find my propane system shut down and locked out. Have to call the company to have it checked and turned back on because the tank was empty. Well all the office has been sent home so leave a message and we might get back to you. Now if I had gas available I could find and fix the problem if there is one. The system was fine all winter so not sure what if anything is wrong.
One hearing aid is not working but the office is closed.
My partial bridge is broken so eating using my front teeth. Called the dentist but unless an emergency the office is closed.
Not much hair but what is left needs cut, and when the barbershop is able to be reopened I can make an appointment.
Not too hard to stay at home as the government has everything shut down. Can’t even use the boat ramp to get the boat out on the water. Couldn’t fish either because they closed that too.

Offline EL TATE

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2020, 01:23:24 PM »
Another part of this mess. We got home from AZ to find my propane system shut down and locked out. Have to call the company to have it checked and turned back on because the tank was empty. Well all the office has been sent home so leave a message and we might get back to you. Now if I had gas available I could find and fix the problem if there is one. The system was fine all winter so not sure what if anything is wrong.
One hearing aid is not working but the office is closed.
My partial bridge is broken so eating using my front teeth. Called the dentist but unless an emergency the office is closed.
Not much hair but what is left needs cut, and when the barbershop is able to be reopened I can make an appointment.
Not too hard to stay at home as the government has everything shut down. Can’t even use the boat ramp to get the boat out on the water. Couldn’t fish either because they closed that too.

yeah, welcome back...
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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2020, 06:26:49 PM »
Bob, this is why when I had farm and was on propane I owned my tanks. Something to consider....
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2020, 08:35:59 PM »
Not sure it’s the same everywhere Sean.  In Texas, eve if you own your tanks you are supposed to  pressure test before refilling if they are empty.  Not that I have tested that since I installed all my own stuff

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Offline Bob Smith

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2020, 09:32:52 PM »
Well no call to come check my propane system. Funny thing is, if it simply ran out of product I wonder if they will wave the testing fees since the darn tank is on a keep full plan.

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2020, 10:05:26 PM »
Bob, who is your propane and propane accessories dealer?
If you need the promise of eternity in the kingdom of heaven to be a good person … You were never a good person in the first place!

Offline stlaser

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2020, 10:16:16 PM »
Not sure it’s the same everywhere Sean.  In Texas, eve if you own your tanks you are supposed to  pressure test before refilling if they are empty.  Not that I have tested that since I installed all my own stuff

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Colorado is very similar if not the same. May very well be fed regulations. So the deal back in Indiana when I owned several tanks was that they could not fill them up unless they were connected to a working unit. Made it difficult to have several extras I could swap out with my loader in the middle of winter if needed. Deal was I wanted to fill mid summer when price was cheap. So I picked up an extra wall mounted propane used heater and hung it in shop then ran regulator and line into building with it. Was a pain but saved money as an end result.

Years ago when I first started out we contracted X per year and in the contract they maintained equipment. Now Bob if they didn’t have access to the house this may hdve been why you were shut down as they couldn’t test interior device.
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline Bob Smith

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2020, 10:37:53 AM »
Nate, cenex owns the tank and contract says they do auto filling for me.
Shawn, they could not check inside as the garage is locked when we are gone. So now I am just waiting for someone to return my call and message on website.

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2020, 12:10:17 PM »
I would assume that may have been the issue, needing to make sure if they fill it’s just not dumping directly into house with faulty appliance. Liability issues
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline Bob Smith

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Re: CIEMR You Ready?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2020, 11:25:13 PM »
Well the propane is back on, no leaks just not filled before it went empty. The guy checked all the fittings and did a pressure test for 5 minutes. Said he was sorry for the inconvenience and will put note in file to check tank level mid March next year.



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