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CIEMR Land of the free? Home of the brave?
« on: July 17, 2020, 12:00:48 PM »
Land of the free? Home of the brave?


By Don Harward

I believe I can challenge the popular line from the composition of one Francis Scott Key, the author for what became our National Anthem. I look around and I see freedom running counter clockwise down a toilet. I see people everywhere just standing there and taking it. Americans watching hoodlums tear down treasured statues, looting, burning everything, spewing hatred, and ushering in this socialist revolution that will lead to communism.

I won’t be there at that time to see it happen. I’ll be laying on some battlefield somewhere with many of my fellow patriots who died for the cause of freedom. I nor they are going to stand for it, and since a weak, a very weak America is not going to help us, we will have to do the heavy lifting by ourselves. So like my gunner would say to me just before I climbed into the cockpit for some mission in Afghanistan as he checked his mini-gun one last time, “Game face on, sir.” I would often lay a hand on the nose of the aircraft and silently pray over us and it, then get in and execute the mission.

That will happen here if we continue digressing from real freedom. I am not going to get all emotional and tear up, nope, when the time comes real patriots will just answer the call. Like it or not, there seems to be a war coming to America. It may be a natural progression of society or more likely it will be the result of some sinister forces having maneuvered our people over decades to arrive at this point for their purpose.

We have gun control because no one of a right mind did enough to stop it. We have this crazy woman who is mayor of Chicago because not enough people voted for the opposition. No one riots and protests for freedom, and no one is organizing and getting dammed angry publically over her stupid decisions. Finally, in the void of public protection, why hasn’t a few thousand good people not taken to the streets and pancaked these criminals? Hell, you know who they are…you know they killed that baby, right? If that mayor is more interested in going after the few remaining legal guns in the city or making sure cops use dignity and respect, then give her a lesson about self-defense. Show her how it’s done. Heck I thought people from the Chi-town were tough…apparently not.

If these criminals met a force equal and opposite in strength and power, they would 1. Stop being criminals, 2. Move, 3. No longer be a part of the human gene pool. So, what’s wrong with any of those choices? What are you waiting for? Look I am all about law and order, but when I see a government that is so dysfunctional and is falling over backwards to ensure police respect a career criminal while enacting legislation to imprison cops the very minute they make a mistake, then I say that government is no longer of reasonable people. So, get rid of it!
I think we should change those treasured lyrics to “Home of some brave.” And I’m sick of it. I don’t have two friggin clues why Me and thousands like me “Jocked up” and climbed in our vehicles and aircraft or moved out on foot to hunt Taliban, communists, VC, Al Qaeda, Sandinistas, Marxists, some bikers (Yep, did that!), and drug runners just so some chicken crap self-centered weak kneed American would sit on their fat haunches and do nothing to protect freedom back home. The few of us who do or did our part can hold our heads high, but 95% or more cannot.

Now to the honest hard working people, the Farmers and factory workers in this nation, to the small business owners and the struggling single moms, I’ll give you a pass. I recognize that life has you buried to your nostrils and you just don’t have the time to get involved. To you, when this thing starts to fold over, you need to fall in with us veterans and fight. Do that or behind door number two, surrender your freedoms and become a subject in some new country where special interests working through their “government” dictates to you: what and who, and where for the rest of your days. You’re gonna have to do that part on your own, as I said the folks on your block with the Marine Corps decal in the back window, and the flag waving from their house, well those brave men and women will no longer be around.

This land has been free because of the brave, and you have forgotten that. You are so willing to allow some overreaching mayor, or senator, or commissioner to crucify your police officers. I can’t stand a coward, and stuff like this is hard to write because I know a bunch of you cowards are reading this and squirming. You’d thing I’d enjoy the fact that this essay would make you squirm, but I just really don’t want to have anything to do with any of you. But because of our system of government which I steadfastly support as long as it is in accordance with the constitution, cowards like everyone else are afforded rights and privileges. They can vote. They can pro-create and create more cowards. Then can move together into city blocks and concentrate. They can branch outward from there and put together enough power to elect a councilmember, then two, then the mayor. And so goes Chicago. And Chicago is so huge it becomes the tail which wags the dog, the whole state of Illinois.

So those farmers down in Peoria have little voice in the whole matter. They use guns to shoot copperheads and water moccasin, but because of some lunatic in Chicago, they have to undergo more scrutiny than a street thug to buy a .22! You will never, ever keep a gun out of the hands of a criminal. You can, however place a bullet into the carcass of a thug if you happen to have a gun. The answer to gun control is 1. Not to have any, or, 2. Encourage gun ownership amongst all your citizens. Do that and a mom scared to death for her infant being assailed by some gangster is going to shoot that fool eleven-teen times just because she is scared. I don’t care how or why that happened, but the world will inventory one less thug at day’s end and our planet, therefore, will be a much better place.

Criminal’s having rights? Screw that. I have roads that need fixin’! I think it would be creative to have the crime point to the method of punishment or labor you’d have to do. You do the bad thing with a BLM shirt on, well, OK, you’re saying to me you want to work on the asphalt laying crew, cool! Want to tear down statues? Great. You see that tall one over there? With the two decades of pigeon crap adorning it” Get to it, and since its brass, use this metal polish too, worked for me when I was a warrant officer candidate. Use a gun in a failed crime, and you are still alive? Awesome, hey look you have some choices. You can, get to work in the iron mine digging out the rusty stuff to make more guns, you can volunteer to be a training actor for military and police where you get to play a criminal and they hunt you all day and shoot you. Sub caliber, mind you, wax bullets and so forth, we don’t want you injured because you still have three years of training aid service to perform. There was a third thing I could see gun yielding thugs doing, but I had so much fun with the first two, I forgot what it was! Kidney donor??? No not that…

You fellow Americans have not been brave or we would not have riots. Still allowing these snowflake kids out there with insect legs and biceps taking over anything except for their copy of modern warfare? What about the local drug dealers muscling good people around. Heck a 30-30 from a second floor window could ruin their day at 2,600 feet per second. As long as everyone was of the same mind, why, I just bet no one saw anything, right? How about the next time you see anyone disrespect a police officer, you step up to the loud mouth and say, “Shut it pal, around here we respect officers of the law, and if they weren’t here protecting you, I’d introduce you to some mid-town courtesy counselling.” It would take courage to do something like that, but mainstream America lacks it.

Parents are also in large part cowards. They threaten to spank their out of control kids in line at Lowes then never do it. Ask my boys about that. If I said a thing, I did that thing, like right now. And there were times when some fool would say something to me about hitting my boys. Mostly I’d ignore them, but the boys knew that as long as I was in earshot or range, should they cross the line, some sort of correction was enroute. And guess what I hear all the time today? Don, those boys of yours are so polite, and well mannered. And to their credit, they are, what about yours? Anyone who says you should not apply the rod to a misbehaving child is a Kool-Aid drinking fool.

Inner city and some extremely rural families are fatherless with mothers still having many children. That is a major problem as a proper father is the discipline figure of a well-functioning family. The inner city black community is the best, or perhaps poorest example of this. There are so many black kids growing up on their own with a mom hopelessly burdened with the job of raising them and their siblings that the important lessons a father can teach are missing. We all know that many of these kids yearning for a father’s love and approval move on in search of it and find poor substitutes in gangs and criminal enterprises. We end up fighting them, suffering at their hands, imprisoning them, and many of them die young after a short and embattled life.
Much of the engine that powers this system of broken families is enabled by the welfare system, brainchild of one President Lyndon Johnson. He created the financial system which now sustains people going nowhere who make plans to further thwart a broken system. Take away the fuel and a fire goes out. Remove welfare and people are going to have to trade in those escalades for old Buicks that will get them to/from a real job. Then as the pride wrought from a good day’s work works its healing magic over time, these broken people are going to become whole once again. Not all, some will fail, but most will come out of it just fine. And after they wake up, I’ll bet they see the light and end the reign of the communist/democratic party.

You aren’t very brave and you certainly aren’t free. Do you own your paid off home? Nope, refuse to pay taxes on it and the guberment will snatch your life’s work right out of your hands and send you under the I-95 Bridge over there. Buy a machine gun? Nope not allowed. Do what you want to on public land? Sure, as long as you comply with a long list of regulations. Convert your gas guzzling truck over to diesel? Not in commiefornia or Illinois, or Maryland, or… Brew up you own corn liquor? Nope, sorry once again. If you did that, then how could the guberment tax it?

You’re not free, you just enjoy a shrinking list of things the authorities allow you to do. It came to this because when action was needed to stop the regression you did nothing, or you were scared, you displayed cowardice above and beyond the call for normal cowardice. Well, you all created this, so enjoy being told BLM rioters have rights too, that your kid may or may not be allowed to attend public school, and no, you can’t own a pistol. Get used to hearing the merits of a Muslim lifestyle taught in public school, where if your kid points a finger like a pistol at another kid he is suspended. If you ask me the only thing that is suspended in the public school system is common sense.

Free? Not really. Brave? Except for a few, no, you aren’t

Jesus please come soon
Soldier on, NSDQ
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 08:21:18 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Sammconn

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Re: Land of the free? Home of the brave?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2020, 01:50:10 PM »
Ask my wife about he check out line in Safeway or Walmart.
Don’t remember don’t matter.
Austin was 3 or so, being an out of control brat in the seat of the cart.
Snowflake mom ahead, 50 something cashier at the till.

I told Austin enough and we’re done.
He kept at it, got a hot one across the face...

Snowflake mom looked and before she had a chance to say anything I sternly asked “you need one too?”  She sheepishly walked away head now hung low, and the cashier beamed at me and said good for you.

I too have a well mannered and well behaved now young man for a son.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.


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