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Offline Flyin6

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End Times...
« on: April 15, 2021, 02:11:24 PM »
For your consideration:



On December 6th President Trump's words shook the world.

For the first time in over 2000 years, Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel.

Whether he knows it or not, President Trump fulfilled his part in a frightening biblical prophecy exactly as the scriptures predicted.

Only the top church leaders and Bible scholars know the real meaning behind this great and terrible moment, yet no one is saying a thing about it…

Until now!

This ancient biblical prophecy will be revealed and then you will see the signs and the undeniable proof of the word of God coming true…

You will understand how five other major recent events foretold by the prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah and John the Apostle have already happened and why this too was inevitable.

But, before reading any further I must warn you:

What you are about to see is deeply disturbing…

Because it will link current events to ancient Biblical prophecies, step by step.

And you will realize why we are standing at the precipice of the darkest event in the history of mankind…

An event that may leave 290 million Americans dead in its wake!

But take comfort for it is God’s will that you are here now. You will understand the terrible tribulation that is about to happen, so that you may have time to prepare.

I understand you might be feeling skeptical right now.

There have been countless false prophets and doomsayers claiming they know the Biblical revelations and spewing falseness and deceit…

When the truth has always been there in the holy book for all to see.

You just have to know where to look!

So, let me ask you one question:

Only those who read Ezekiel chapter 37

This is what the prophet wrote 2700 years ago:

“The hand of the Lord was on me […]and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel, my people.”

“I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel.

Word by word, the prophecy made by Ezekiel came true. In 1947 the nation of Israel was born after the horror of the Holocaust symbolized by the valley of bones. Scattered for more than 2000 years, the Jewish people came from all over the world into this new state and made it an economic and military power.

This is the first prophecy that has come true!

Yet in spite of all they have achieved, in spite of all the wars they fought against impossible odds, Israel was not whole.

It needed Jerusalem to become its rightful capital again.

And that only happened with the support of President Trump.

This was President Trump’s role in Bible prophecy and another major event that happened exactly as predicted.

However, to the north of Israel, other terrible biblical prophecies have come true!

This is what the prophet Isaiah says:

Damascus will no longer be a city
but will become a heap of ruins. (Isaiah 17)

And these are the words of Jeremiah.

Damascus has become feeble,
she has turned to flee
and panic has gripped her;
anguish and pain have seized her,

Surely, her young men will fall in the streets; (Jeremiah 49)
For 5000 years Damascus, the capital of Syria stood as one of the oldest and most prosperous cities in the world.

But the civil war that began in 2011 turned it into a ruin.

Not only do the prophets talk about the war but also the refugee crisis and the deaths of its men fighting for one side or the other.

The army of Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad has been fighting the rebels backed by the United States, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and ISIS terrorists[ii]…

In 2015, Bashar al Assad was on the brink of total defeat, yet exactly at that time, another biblical prophecy was fulfilled.

It is this stage of the prophecy that so alarmed the Pope and made the war in Syria become truly global….

The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your army, Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets,6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah. In the latter years, you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel.

One only has to look at a map of the world as it was known at the time of the prophet to understand.

To the north of the Caspian Sea, we find the people known as Magog inhabiting the land known as Rosh.

Over time, the ancient name of Rosh became current day Russia.

Twice, Ezekiel says that Magog will bring his armies from "the extreme north" (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2) to the border of Israel. When you look north of Israel on any map of the Middle East, and guess what nation you'll find? That's right - Russia.

Non-other than President Ronald Regan, a devout Christian, said many times that he truly believed Russia to be Magog according to Ezekiel.

What about the word Gog? Bible scholars agree that the word Gog is not an actual name but a title. He is the ruler of the land of Magog like a king or a czar.

Ezekiel clearly says that Russia will come to the “Mountains of Israel” in the “latter years”.

This happened in September 2015 and never before[iii].

For the first time in history, the Russian army, navy and air force became involved in a war in the Middle East.

This is the 3rd major event mentioned in the Bible.

It’s frightening how accurate the prophecy is.

And Russia is not alone…

According to Ezekiel, Magog’s army has several allies: Persia, Put, Kush and Gomer and Togarma.

Iran has been known as Persia for much of its history, during the time of the prophets and beyond. It only changed its official name to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1935.

Right now, Iranian troops are on the ground in Syria fighting side by side with the Russians and the forces loyal to the regime of Bashar al Assad.

Put and Kush are the ancient names of Libya and Egypt.

Over the past 2 years, Russia and Iran have built alliances with other Middle Eastern Muslim nations. Egypt[iv] and Libya, both suffered civil wars and the new leadership is very friendly to the Russians.

The historian Flavius Josephus references Togarmah and Gomer as the people that lived on the territory of present-day Turkey. In fact, Turkish history books identify these tribes as living on their land at the time of the prophets.

It is just terrifying how accurate the prophecy is.

3 years ago, Turkey was a strong NATO ally but everything changed after the failed coup attempt in 2016.

Now, Turkey has become increasingly hostile to NATO and the United States.

It forced NATO to remove forces from its bases.

It’s buying weapons from Russia.[v]

It fully condemned the idea of Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel…

And in fact, right now, the Turkish army is in Syria, fighting to defeat the enemies of the Syrian dictator.

The end times alliance prophesized in the first verses of Ezekiel chapter 38 has already been formed.[vi]

Never in the history of mankind has there been an alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey…

This is the 4th major event the prophets wrote about!

The fact that we are seeing this right now is further proof that the end times are very near.

Now, one final prophecy needs to be fulfilled before the start of World War 3

We saw how Jeremiah predicted the destruction of Damascus in chapter 49

But there is one more thing he wrote about that has not happened yet:

And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Benhadad. (Jeremiah 49:27)

Benhaddad is not an actual person but a title. Just do a simple search online and you will discover that Benhaddad is the ruler of Aram-Damascus.

While it is clear that Bashar al Assad is the current ruler of Damascus, Aram is a region in Syria now known as Aleppo.[vii]

The city of Aleppo was just recently recaptured by the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad with the help of Iran and Russia. This is shockingly accurate and the last event that happened exactly as foretold…

What happens next, however, is darker and will send shivers down the spine of every true Christian and patriot.

As you can imagine, Assad very rarely leaves the most secure place in Damascus, the Presidential Palace and Jeremiah says that soon it will be burning.

How does this happen? Look no further than the headlines of recent months and you see time and time again Israel calling for the assassination of the Syrian dictator.

Isaiah also writes about the end of Syria’s dictator.

The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim and royal power from Damascus;(Isaiah 17)

This is overwhelming prophetic evidence. We are months, maybe weeks away from this prophecy being fulfilled.

Already, the Israeli Air Force has bombed over and over again the territory or the Syrian regime.

Russia and its allies are fighting to keep Bashar al Assad in power and Israel wants him dead.

According to prophecy, the assassination of Assad will trigger a war between the Magog alliance and Israel. This is the spark that ignites World War 3.

Isaiah talks about the war in Northern Israel in Chapter 17, the same one announcing the destruction of Damascus and the death of Assad.

And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Israel shall be made thin

It shall be as when the harvester gathers the grain,

But the harvest will be a heap of ruins

In the day of grief and desperate sorrow”.

Ezekiel chapter 38 states that 2/3 of Israel will be destroyed in this coming war and those left in the holy lands will face grief and pain and hardship.

So what happens to the United States?

Will we not help Israel in its darkest hour?

To answer this question, we must first find the United States in biblical prophecy.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cj7ox

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2021, 12:06:12 PM »
So, are we going to get to read how the US enters into the prophesy?
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2021, 02:41:42 PM »
So, are we going to get to read how the US enters into the prophesy?
To my courageous soldier friend, I think it is rather obvious.

The black sea, failure with regards to a threatening China, Iran now once again financed and on short final to a real nuclear bomb, and the Israel question. Through one of many doors brought about a clearly failing presidency/America, our troops, you, both of my boys and tens of thousands of others will be deployed and fight in Syria.

Doesn't the east and west meet in a valley there to fight the big one?

There is so much up in the air at this point, with America having lost its moral compass, led by the senile, idiots and those disconnected from reality, my take is an America very close to regional unrest which will grow into areas of lawlessness. That will bring us to our knees just trying to fix our own problems and leave us is a weak at best position to influence the world, save for one big white elephant in the room.

Remembering back to the days and hours leading up to Desert Storm. With my serving with the special ops command, AFSOC to be specific, we answered to an Air Force one star. In those final days of desert shield, a young captain showed up in fatigues in a sea of flight suits and BDU's...With this big minute-man missile patch on his left pocket. He jokingly told me he was "Long range artillery" when I asked him after one briefing, who he was.

Because of the threats growing to us everywhere, we will likely not be able to help Taiwan, but will likely pour back into the jordan/Syria/Israel/Iraq region. We won't risk a war from a totally emboldened China who is witnessing a lost in the snowstorm president Harris and that other guy...her assistant F up every important policy decision. Nope my money sez we won't tangle with a China which just may be in a position to finally beat us militarily, but wanting to show some strength, we'll answer the call to the growing thread and the place of meeting will be Syria.

History: In the waning days of WWII with the Russian juggernaut advancing on Berlin, seemingly at full throttle and no known anti-lock brake system, Eisenhower's command heavily influenced by the brits who hosted us told us we must stop the Russians or we would continue the war a few more years, kicking them out of France and Germany. Stalin was going for it all. We had a technological tool in our backpack called the 8th Air Force and the ability to project war nearly a thousand miles with our thousands of medium and heavy bombers.

It was decided to demonstrate the totality of our destructive potential. We picked a place to do that...Dresden. A beautiful and picturesque German ancient city. It was their "San Francisco" festooned with arts from the antiquity and really just a great vacation spot for native Germans. We bombed that city, not because it was any threat, but because it was directly in front of the advancing Russian Army. They got to see what hundreds of thousands of bombs, including incendiary bombs could do to a city side area. My dad flew two missions over that city as a B-17 pilot. He said in all the war he had never seen such a spectacle. On both of his bomb runs, he personally witnessed pieces of buildings and flames reaching up to around 20,000 feet. At ground level thousands lost their lives as 100+ mph winds swept them off their fleeing feet and carried them into the inferno. It was so hot, that steel actually burnt.

We, Americans and the British did that. We killed tens of thousands of innocents to make a point. Fast forward to today...You have all this two front war, Taiwan or something like that there on that side of the planet, and the pesky persians prepping a missile to loft a nuke just a few hundred miles and possibly with deployed American soldiers under that threat...a threat we could have stopped, and was almost eliminated. We would have little choice but to unlock the big arms room. What do we currently maintain, 7,000ish fission and fusion bombs? I say one to a half dozen of them get to do what they were designed to do.

I don't know exactly how it all unravels, but it does not seem to me like we are marching away from that point, nor adding a few precious seconds to the doomsday clock. Nossir, I thing our weak to no leadership, all buttressed by transvestites, bigots, and outright fools are setting up the game of the millennium. I think we are headed to not only World War 3 but to a regional war which will rip us to pieces here on precious American soil. I would give anything to be 100% wrong.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Flyin6

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2021, 02:43:03 PM »
So, are we going to get to read how the US enters into the prophesy?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 02:44:00 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2021, 02:44:13 PM »
To my courageous soldier friend, I think it is rather obvious.

You can read on through the link if you'd like...

The black sea, failure with regards to a threatening China, Iran now once again financed and on short final to a real nuclear bomb, and the Israel question. Through one of many doors brought about a clearly failing presidency/America, our troops, you, both of my boys and tens of thousands of others will be deployed and fight in Syria.

Doesn't the east and west meet in a valley there to fight the big one?

There is so much up in the air at this point, with America having lost its moral compass, led by the senile, idiots and those disconnected from reality, my take is an America very close to regional unrest which will grow into areas of lawlessness. That will bring us to our knees just trying to fix our own problems and leave us is a weak at best position to influence the world, save for one big white elephant in the room.

Remembering back to the days and hours leading up to Desert Storm. With my serving with the special ops command, AFSOC to be specific, we answered to an Air Force one star. In those final days of desert shield, a young captain showed up in fatigues in a sea of flight suits and BDU's...With this big minute-man missile patch on his left pocket. He jokingly told me he was "Long range artillery" when I asked him after one briefing, who he was.

Because of the threats growing to us everywhere, we will likely not be able to help Taiwan, but will likely pour back into the jordan/Syria/Israel/Iraq region. We won't risk a war from a totally emboldened China who is witnessing a lost in the snowstorm president Harris and that other guy...her assistant F up every important policy decision. Nope my money sez we won't tangle with a China which just may be in a position to finally beat us militarily, but wanting to show some strength, we'll answer the call to the growing thread and the place of meeting will be Syria.

History: In the waning days of WWII with the Russian juggernaut advancing on Berlin, seemingly at full throttle and no known anti-lock brake system, Eisenhower's command heavily influenced by the brits who hosted us told us we must stop the Russians or we would continue the war a few more years, kicking them out of France and Germany. Stalin was going for it all. We had a technological tool in our backpack called the 8th Air Force and the ability to project war nearly a thousand miles with our thousands of medium and heavy bombers.

It was decided to demonstrate the totality of our destructive potential. We picked a place to do that...Dresden. A beautiful and picturesque German ancient city. It was their "San Francisco" festooned with arts from the antiquity and really just a great vacation spot for native Germans. We bombed that city, not because it was any threat, but because it was directly in front of the advancing Russian Army. They got to see what hundreds of thousands of bombs, including incendiary bombs could do to a city side area. My dad flew two missions over that city as a B-17 pilot. He said in all the war he had never seen such a spectacle. On both of his bomb runs, he personally witnessed pieces of buildings and flames reaching up to around 20,000 feet. At ground level thousands lost their lives as 100+ mph winds swept them off their fleeing feet and carried them into the inferno. It was so hot, that steel actually burnt.

We, Americans and the British did that. We killed tens of thousands of innocents to make a point. Fast forward to today...You have all this two front war, Taiwan or something like that there on that side of the planet, and the pesky persians prepping a missile to loft a nuke just a few hundred miles and possibly with deployed American soldiers under that threat...a threat we could have stopped, and was almost eliminated. We would have little choice but to unlock the big arms room. What do we currently maintain, 7,000ish fission and fusion bombs? I say one to a half dozen of them get to do what they were designed to do.

I don't know exactly how it all unravels, but it does not seem to me like we are marching away from that point, nor adding a few precious seconds to the doomsday clock. Nossir, I thing our weak to no leadership, all buttressed by transvestites, bigots, and outright fools are setting up the game of the millennium. I think we are headed to not only World War 3 but to a regional war which will rip us to pieces here on precious American soil. I would give anything to be 100% wrong.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cj7ox

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2021, 03:25:20 PM »
I'm not too sure on your assessment on China. On paper, you are right, until you start realizing that most of their units are still outfitted with 1950's era Soviet equipment. They have been studying our current BCT design, and have mimicked it in a number of ways, though.
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2021, 11:20:11 AM »
I'm not too sure on your assessment on China. On paper, you are right, until you start realizing that most of their units are still outfitted with 1950's era Soviet equipment. They have been studying our current BCT design, and have mimicked it in a number of ways, though.
With respect to the Chinamen, fighting them on their soil is going to be a pretty big hassle. Here, no way, we'd wear them out.

I had some dealings with them back in my regiment days...Spec ops stuff...They were lacking/way behind
But there's so many of them...
They came to participate in a little something.
Afterward I was sitting next to General Stiner, was he a three or four star at the time...???
One of our guys asked, "General, do you think we can take them?"
He replied something like, "How much sleep do you need?"
He continued:
If you lined up the entire Chinese military into a column of three files and marched them off a cliff, their numbers would continue to increase!

In the end, I am not worried, just concerned. Jesus wins and my faith in my fellow American warrior is very strong.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 11:22:21 AM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cj7ox

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Re: End Times...
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2021, 03:29:55 PM »
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

Μολων Λαβε


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