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Topics - Flyin6

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Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / USMC Raiders!
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:20:33 PM »

I was lucky enough to operate a little with MARSOC, providing them with some lift and gunship support while they cut their combat teeth in the Kandahar providence.
Good men, dammed good warriors!
They deserve this!

Date Signed: 10/16/2014
ALMARS Active Number: 039/14

R 170030Z OCT 14
ALMAR 039/14

Donations / Feeding Homeless 11 10 2014
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:02:20 PM »
We were blessed enough tonight again to be able to get out and listen to the gospel, and some stories, and some testimony, and feed some people again

I found two veterans, one with a bad back and $15 to his name and another a young ex-soldier who had been shot in the neck in the Stan. I'm not supposed to, but I gave them money, not that it helped, but I am going to try to find the older guy, Ray, a job. The younger man was drinking, he said to help with the pain, but I don't know. He couldn't remember where he was when he was shot, but he remembers who did it...a 11 year old girl, who his buddy killed the instant after she shot this man. He was really messed up. The bullet tore part of his spine apart and traveled up into his head. The scars proved his story out...man, that one was tough...

Ray is the guy with the old Army Ruck on his back. He had been a Tanker and a NCO

Liberals and Democrats have been undoing America for a long time!


Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR Evil in America
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:38:42 AM »
Yesterday while reading some of the comments made by members of this very site I was made to view the effect of the evil one in America. They were talking about needing permits, and permissions, and licenses and so forth to go reed homeless people on a given street corner.

Think about that for a moment

Somehow, doing God's work in that part of America now needs to be licensed. It needs to have some bureaucrat decide if the activity is pleasing, non offensive to the majority, is within so many feet of this building or that, won't impede traffic, interfere with the general safety and I'm betting won't offend muslim people.

Well let me set aside my Christian hoodie for a moment...to Hell with them! Both the bureaucrats and the muslims!

OK, I'm better now again. First of all, to qualify the statement I just made, I am not a good Christian. No Sir, I have a long ways to go to even get to the point of being a functional one, which is one step above a poor one. But in my way of thinking most of those bureaucrats are not saved, right? So they are, in fact going to hell, right? And people caught up in the Muslim cult are not followers of Jesus, correct? So they are also, at least at the present time, going to hell. So technically I am correct is saying to hell with them, although I long to get in front of them and speak a little truth into their lives.

But it would seem that in certain parts of our more evolved culture, we, the people who believe in one God, a God of love who's Son, Jesus set things right between we sinners and a perfect sin free God. It seems that evil has been at work there for quite some time, as it is most everywhere, however in those places, it has become very effective. You can't feed a hungry person without getting a ticket, or facing arrest or jail.

I'm a country boy and to me that seems as wrong as two left feet. You shouldn't ever need anyone's permission to do God's work...ever. SO how did that happen? Well, being somewhat of a student of history, and I read a lot, I know that it happened over many decades. And all the while the sleeping people remained asleep, as they do today. THey live enslaved, having their freedoms removed and only one act of kindness away from being made a criminal.

Cowards! That is the word that comes to mind when thinking of these people who live there. THey must be, either that or they agree with what is going on. Why isn't there a march on the government buildings demanding sanity? Why there are no spines remaining. It takes a spine to stand upright and walk.

But what if you grew up in this place. It was always that way? Then suppose one day you went to a church, which I imagine are few and far between in these culturally developed places, but what if you did. And what if you heard the truth being preached by some approved and lisenced, and socially acceptable preacher? WHat if that word struck a chord in you and started to do it's work. What if it led you to accept the unescapable truth which is one Jesus Christ. SO if all that happened, and you were filled with a spirit that never dies, never sleeps, and is always speaking to God on your behalf. THe bible actually says the spirit "Groans" on our behalf. Romans, Chapter 8, check it out...

So all that happened and you find yourself awakened and adrift in a world of 10W-30 weight evil. What would you do? Move away? Talk about it quietly amongst your friends? What would a coward do? What would Jesus do? Hey I've cowered to oppression myself, so I guess at times I have been like you spinless so called followers of Christ. I'm a weak knee follower myself at times.

So what do you do? Well what you are doing is nearly nothing. You obviously don't go out and actually do anything to help your fellow man, you can't even offer him a bag full of burgers without going to the man and asking permission! If you went to stand outside a mosque (Den of hell BTW) to try to speak about Jesus to one of their lost, you'd be arrested, I'm guessing. SO you harbor your anger and frustration and talk amongst yourselves about how bad things are getting and you do nothing. We'd be in hell for eternity if Jesus did that. If Paul felt that way, we would have no bible to study. If any of the apostles acted like you people, Jesuswould have found you to be useless, probably much the same as he finds you today.

Truth sucks doesn't it...it hurts. I hate hearing it myself. I hate hearing that I profess to be some great good guy feeding the people, or writing, or preaching about something then having to fight and lose to sin at times. I hate it but it's the truth. It is the standard, I cannot escape it, and neither can you. You, whoever you are are as a sergeant at the Army's Air Assault school used to say, speaking about our hearts, our resolve actually: weak-kneed, yellow belly Kool-Aid filled, jelly pumping hearts...

Wear it, you earned it and through your inaction continue to wear it. Live in it, and on be thinking about what you will say to that one and only God on judgment day when he asks you about how you used your time on earth. Account for yourself?

I think about Jesus speaking about one of the churches in antiquity. He spoke of them with disdain, saying they were lukewarm, and that his father would spit them out of his mouth.

Get up. Stop settling. Are you a real man or a fake? Get in front of a mirror all by yourself and look at that man. Are you real or a liar. You a Christian or a wanna-be? You willing to stand up like the 3.5% of our population who fought for and won our independence from Britain, or are you one of the cowardly other 96%? Who are you?

Tech/Electronics / SEMA 2014
« on: November 05, 2014, 07:42:27 PM »
Folks, we have one of our own, Dustoff35 out at the SEMA show right now in Las Vegas.
After talking to him, we decided to post up a SEMA thread to show some of the cool stuff that's out there. HE has a booth there where a company he is heavily invested in employs him every year to stand in the booth and meet and greet, and give little classes on their innovative product. But what he really does is walk around and get Chip Foose to sign his air cleaner from his Cobra kit car and stuff like that.

This year he is in the same building/area as the off-road crowd so he is sending streaming data about what he is finding. So far, he has found a Survival truck.com, and some trailer company who makes survival trailers, and others that make survival knick-noids. Bottom line is if I ever figure out to get his 400 pics off my I-phone, I'll start sticking them up here.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / A letter from a son to his father:
« on: November 04, 2014, 01:06:59 PM »

Hi all,

My son Ken is back in the Middle East and sent along this background piece on the local situation. Since our media fails to provide any serious insights into the real situation, I felt you all might find this analysis of Ken’s enlightening.



After thinking about your comment on the Kurds, and what the Press won't tell you, I thought you might like the perspective of someone whose spent a bit of time over here, and what I know from my personal experience of being over here, which is a perspective the general American public is clueless about because of our bought and paid for media.

So let me start by defining the players:
Arab Sunni Islam:  They believe there was only one prophet, Mohammad, and that anyone that believes otherwise is an infidel. They hate  Israel , and don't acknowledge their existence. They were allies of the Nazi's in WWII.
Arab Shia (Shi'ite) Islam: They believe that they were follow-on prophets after Mohammad. These "Prophets" are known as "Imams" and their word is god's law, anyone who doesn't believe as they do is an Infidel. They hate Israel , and don't acknowledge their existence. They were allies of the Nazi's in WWII as well.
That's the primary difference between these two groups, but both are radical in their view of Islam, (Wahhabism - the ultra conservative or othodox belief in islamic law, created by the Saudi royal family - think Amish vs Modern Christianity) and feel that anyone that doesn't believe like they do, is ok to kill as defined by their version of the Quran.

They all believe in Sharia law as greater than any government, and both sects believe in a Caliphate, or Islamic State forming again one day like the  Ottoman Empire ,which was the last one prior to the breakup after WW1. That's why you see Christians being culled and killed in places like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Syria, etc. as both sides believe Christianity to be an abomination, and are intolerant of anything but their own religion; yes even in the countries we consider allies, like Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc. (Pretty much all the oil producing countries, and places with royal families)
Groups supported by Arab Sunni's: ISIS (yes, the terrorists we are fighting, as all Sunni's traditionally support the ethnic cleansing of religions other than Sunni Islam. The Royal family is just worried now that they will gain too much power and threaten them.)
Saudi Arabia
Groups supported by Arab Shia (Shi'ite): (they have been the controlling minority and Ruling class in  Iraq since the 40's)
80+% of the Arab Muslim population, whether Sunni or Shia, support what is going on with  ISIS - as they are supporting ethnic cleansing of Christians and other beliefs which are non-Muslim. There are no civilian casualties when bombing ISIS, as if they aren't pointing a gun, they are in direct support of the  ISIS fighters, so don't believe a word the media says about civilian casualties. The military knows this, but the media doesn't have a clue.
Now for the Kurds.

The Kurds are a dispersed ethnic group, across the entire Middle East, and predominantly live in  Kurdistan ,  Turkey , northern  Syria , and northern  Iraq , where there has traditionally been peace. Kurds comprise anywhere from 18% to 25% of the population in Turkey, 15-20% in Iraq, 9% in Syria, 7% in Iran and 1.3% in Armenia. In all of these countries except  Iran , Kurds form the second largest ethnic group. Roughly 55% of the world's Kurds live in  Turkey , about 18% each in  Iran and  Iraq , and a bit over 5% in Syria . They are purportedly the descendants of King Solomon, and are Persian in ancestry. They encompass a variety of religions, they are Islam, Yarsan (Muslim, but non-confrontational), Yazidis (Christian theology),  Zoroastrianism (Ahura Mazda - Persian religion), Judaism (yes, there are Kurdish Jews), and Christianity.
While I was in Iraq, it was in Irbil where private western financial capital was flowing, (not U.S. government bribes, like in the south) in building three to five star resorts like Marriot, Best Western, Howard Johnson, and was the only area considered "safe" enough in the entire country to walk the streets without body armour outside the wire. Investment capital was flowing there, not in Bagdad as one might think, as the Kurds have a very European mindset, and are the only place in  Iraq , and in the  Middle East as a whole, where their public schools allowed girls to be educated. They are thought as chattel everywhere else, including places like  Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Kuwait , etc., who are supposed to be our allies.
The Kurds have the Peshmerga, which has always been feared by both Sunni's AND Shia, because the Kurds have been used as cannon fodder for generations when under Arab control, and now that they have autonomy in northern  Iraq , they despise most Arabs, which has the Royal families worried. What scares them even more, are the female Peshmerga, which are so feared by  ISIS , they are avoiding the Peshmerga wherever they can, which is why you don't see much in the way of conflict against the Kurds in the north.
All we have to do in order to get rid of ISIS, which all rumours indicate is being funded by both the Saudi's, and the Yemeni's, is to arm the Kurds, and tell them Iraq is theirs for the taking. They have a 375,000 man/woman standing army in the Peshmerga, and only need the weapons to do the job. They don't want our help on the ground, but welcome our air support. It's the smart move to not get re-engaged in another Saudi Prince dictated war.
Hope that helps you to understand a bit about this side of the world, and why picking any allies against ISIS, puts us in bed with other terrorists, like Hamas, and Hezbollah, or puts us in cooperation with Iran , unless we do the right thing, and pick helping just the Kurds. If Israel was very smart, they would come to the aid of the Kurds, join forces, and make us all look like idiots, as the Kurds and the Israelis together could clean out the entire  Middle East with ease, and both have common ancestry.
Anyway, have a great day dad.
Love Ken

Donations / Feeding Homeless 11/3/2014
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:25:40 PM »
We had yet another successful evening meal on the streets of Cincinnati tonight.
The weather was chilly, but the crowd was big and we fed for over an hour until we exhausted all our food
Here's some pics:

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Good message about Duty and the NRA
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:08:44 AM »

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Remembering...
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:00:19 AM »
NSDQ! Bro's

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Muslim Threat: You better wake up!
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:53:52 AM »

20 years from now, I will be in Heaven --bye !!This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.. Make sure you read the paragraph  (in red) towards the end.


Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish


In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9.

The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.


Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.

To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.

Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.
The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.
The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.
In the Western World ( Canada , Australia , United States and Britain ) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American, Canadian, Universities and British Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.
By passing this on, enlightened Canadian, Australians, American and British women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law.

Ripping the West in Two.

Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.


She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law. Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza .....


When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society..
But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.


 In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping shariah law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.
For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual.. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.
Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.
While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Shariah encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.
While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Shariah advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.
It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.
While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.
(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters inCanada, Australia , the U.S. And Britain To elect the heads of Government by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. Is one and there are others....) ( Britain has several cities now totally controlled by Muslims)
I think everyone in Canada , Australia , the U.S. And Great Britain Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion.While Canada, Australia, the U.S.A. and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America,Australia and Britain .

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Quotes...Pilot stuff
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:20:24 AM »
The brave may not live forever - but the cautious do not live at all!
~ Sir Richard Branson

One day, long, long ago, there was this pilot who,
surprisingly, was not full of stuff, (Real word changed)
But it was a long time ago.............
And just for one day.

Flying is like sex - I've never had all I wanted but occasionally I've had all I could stand.
~Stephen Coonts, "The Cannibal Queen" 1988

It's not you're mistake that matters but it's how you recover that counts.
~Bill Cherwin, Retired flight lead of the Lima Lima Flight Team

Were' not happy till you're not happy.
~Perceived motto of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Once upon a time, a pilot asked a beautiful princess, “Will you marry me”?
The princess said, “No”!
And the pilot lived happily ever after and flew fighters all over the world and
drove hot cars and chased skinny, long-legged, flight attendants
and hunted and fished and went to movies and dated women half his age
and drank Weihenstephaner German beer and Captain Morgan and never heard
complaining and never paid child support or alimony and kept his house and guns and
ate cold leftovers, potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never
got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he
was friggin’ cool.
And he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.
The End

What kind of man would live where there is no daring?
I don't believe in taking foolish chances,
but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all.
~Charles A. Lindbergh, American aviator

Not all birds can fly. What separates the flyers from the walkers is the ability to take off.
~Carl Sagan (1934-1996) Astronomer

Pilots vs. Drones
Drones will not be late to briefings, start fights at happy hour,
destroy clubs, attempt to seduce others' dates, spill flaming hookers,
purchase huge watches, insult other services, sing O'Leary's Balls,
dance on tables, yell  "Show us your t__s!" or do all of the other
things that we know win wars!
~Attributed to a USAF fighter pilot

A mile of highway will take you a mile, a mile of runway will take you anywhere.
~Steve, Blogger from Ohio

They are cold, steely-eyed, weapons systems managers who kill bad people
and break things. However, they can also be very charming and personable.
The average pilot, despite sometimes having a swaggering exterior, is very
much capable of such feelings as love, affection, intimacy and caring.
These feelings generally just don't involve anyone else.

Beware, dear son of my heart, lest in thy new-found power thou seekest even the gates
of Olympus... These wings may bring thy freedom but may also come thy death.
~Daedalus to Icarus. After teaching his son to use his new wings of wax and feathers.

A superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid situations
which require the use of his superior skills.
~Frank Borman - Apollo 8

Nobody who gets too damned relaxed builds up much flying time.
~Ernest K. Gann, advice from the "old pelican."

The J3 Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you.
~Max Stanley, Northrop test pilot

When a prang seems inevitable, endeavor to strike the softest,
cheapest object in the vicinity, as slowly and gently as possible.
~advice given to RAF pilots during WWII

There's a lot of Hollywood bullcrap about flying. I mean, look at the
movies about test pilots or fighter pilots who face imminent death.
The controls are jammed or something really important has fallen
off the plane, and these guys are talking like magpies; their lives are
flashing past their eyes, and they're flailing around in their seat. It
just doesn't happen. You don't have time to talk. You're too damn
busy trying to get out of the problem you're in to talk or ricochet
around the flight deck. Or think about what happened the night of
your senior prom.
~Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF

When asked by someone how much money flying takes:
Why, all of it!
~ Gordon Baxter

And let's get one thing straight. There's a big difference
between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician;
the other is an artist in love with flight.
~E. B. Jeppesen

Never fly in the aircraft with someone braver than you.
~Richard Herman

An airplane might disappoint any pilot but it'll never surprise a good one.
~Len Morgan

You'll be bothered from time to time by storms, fog, snow. When you are, think of those who went through it before you, and say to yourself, "what they could do, I can do.
~Antoine de Saint Exupery, "Wind Sand, and Stars," 1939

The quality of the box matters little. Success depends upon the man who sits in it.
~Baron Manfred von Richthofen, AKA The Red Baron

The only time an aircraft has too much fuel on board is when it is on fire.
~Sir Charles Kingsford Smith

If an airplane is still in one piece, don't cheat on it. Ride the bastard down.
~Ernest K, Gann, advice from an the "old pelican," 'The Black Watch'

A pilot who says he has never been frightened in an airplane is, I'm afraid, lying.
~Louise Thaden

Keep thy airspeed up, less the earth come from below and smit thee.
~William Kershner

I was always afraid of dying. Always. It was my fear that made me learn everything I could about my airplane and my
emergency equipment, and kept me flying respectful of my machine and always alert in the aircraft.
~General Chuck Yeager

"Are you ever afraid when you fly?"
That's a good question. Yeah. I'm always a little afraid when I fly. That's what makes me so damn good. I've seen pilots
who weren't afraid of anything, who would forget about checking their instruments, who flew by instinct as though they
were immortal. I've pissed on the graves of those poor bastards too. The pilot who isn't a little bit afraid always screws
up and when you screw up bad in a jet, you get a corporal playing taps at the expense of the government.
~Lieutenant Colonel Bull Meecham, USMC

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been,
and there you will always long to return.
~Leonardo da Vinci

Aviation is proof, that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.
~Captain Edward Rickenbacker

You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky.
~Amelia Earhart

There is an art, or rather a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
~ Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.
~ Gil Stern

I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Fly the thing as far into the crash as possible.
~Bob Hoover

The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling travels across trackless lands in
prehistoric times, looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air.
~ Wilber Wright

There is one thing that I can promise you about the outer-space program - your tax dollar will go further.
~ Werner von Braun

If black boxes survive air crashes, why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
~George Carlin

I pick the prettiest part of the sky and I melt into the wing and then into the air, till I'm just a soul on a sunbeam.
~Richard Bach

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / New Taxes
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:08:14 AM »


a Registered Investment Advisor

(Celebrating 42 years of Professional Service)

In case you didn't notice.
Here is what happened on January 1, 2014 :

Top Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%

Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%

Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 522%

Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%

Dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6%

Estate tax went from 0% to 55%

Remember this fact: These taxes were all passed only with democrat votes, no republicans voted for these taxes

These taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

If you think that it is important that everyone in the U.S. should know this, pass it on. If not, then delete it.

Elections are coming!

Donations / Feeding Homeless 10 27 2014
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:16:41 AM »
Happened again last night

This time it was spaghetti night with quite a bit of the squiggly stuff showing up. What we made started with 6 pounds of beef, 13 jars of sauce, and I think 8-9 packs of spaghetti. It was enough to fill up three of those big foil serving trays. Each one weighed maybe 15 plus pounds.
Another couple showed up with two more, so a total of five trays of just spaghetti there along with veggies, bread, fruit, drinks and condiments, and they ran out of food!
I didn't get to go, my knee is giving me fits, but my wife went along with a bunch of other folks. Pastor Jim actually had a baptismal pool set up on the back of his truck trailer, and he was doing God's work right there on the street corner.
All in all it was a good night with estimates ranging around 250+ folks showing up to eat and worship.
Sorry but she didn't get any pics...

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Harbor Freight Welding Table
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:32:05 PM »
Duane picked up a couple welding tables for me last month when they were on sale for $59.99 ea. Decent enough buy, I will use them as a base to assemble the A518 transmission for Square D.

They start with this modest collection of Chinese made parts. Sort of made me feel a little like eating some rice, but I pushed ahead!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / New CIEMR
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:03:38 AM »
Comment on why these school shootings occur

Weakness and relative safety breeds this sort of thing. The more social systems develop the less individuals need to contribute. The longer they life having to contribute less and still meet their needs, the more lackadaisical and lazy attitudes are reinforced. After a time, being lazy is simply the way it always was and you have the basis for a system of users and producers.

If natural selection were allowed to prevail, they would have died off long ago and things would be what those of us who produce call normal. But as the lazy people increase in numbers they will work to fortify their position as normal and justified. Somehow evolved social systems come to embrace that notion and social welfare is born.
The cycle more or less repeats, with welfare now being the norm, replacing the laziness that gave birth to it in the first place. Move along a few generations and all the history is forgotten and you have a system like we have now.

Just like the muslims move into a culture, then grow in numbers, then become influential, then start to take bits of control, then consolidate control, so have the welfare and lazy class and those who believe in all that.

Then the resources start to dry up or the lazy people have attained too much power, or some natural disaster or man made one such as a war comes along, and you experience shortages. Shortages in food and what not. We the producers scramble to fill in the gaps but because resources aren't there or we are being hindered by too much regulation, we can't meet demands, and that is when the crazy element of the "Entitled" people really comes out.

While all this was happening, the non producers have spent an inordinate amount of time doing little to nothing that actually helps society and have given themselves over to thinking and philosophy. This is a time when the only people who will listen to them are themselves, and with some of them having reached positions of credibility, those few endorsements give credence to the foolish notions these lazy people have come up with. They are pretty good at giving foolishness a veil of credibility. A shining example of that would be our President winning the Nobel peace prize for doing little to nothing of value.

These foolish notions usually make no sense and include gun control and closing down tens of thousands of farm land to save some endangered newt that lives in the water source. An alien world examining us from afar would note that our society had turned mad for making such decisions, however at this stage in cultural and social development these policies born of laziness and of madness are now ripened into legitimate policy.

All of that happened while we were at work or off fighting a war somewhere or raising out children.
We saw it from time to time, but did little to nothing about it. And now we have kids with feather earrings and pants pulled half way down their butts telling us what is right and wrong. I think that makes it partly our fault.

Here's the bad part, it isn't going to change easily. Personally, I'm just waiting for the meltdown which will adjust their numbers in a very big way and introduce some harsh reality to the lazy American person who seems now to reign supreme. While we wait patiently, we should resist every measure of stupidity that comes our way. What are you folks in Washington doing to stop the stupidity of this gun control measure? Are you marching on your capital. Are you shutting down everything to be heard. Are you standing on street corners talking to those who will listen? Are you open carrying where you are allowed to? Are you uniting with your police to let them know you are their real friends? Are you doing anything?

School shootings are awful. Some children dying in violence is abhorrent. But so is a road side bomb that severed the legs of a young man or girl. So is having to shoot a child who is carrying a bomb to dispatch your buddy. There is a lot of bad stuff around. Want to reduce death in America? Seriously? Then stop serving liquor! Stop producing tobacco!
Gun control is about people control, period. It has nothing to do with public safety. Chicago proves that every day and especially on weekends when scores of people are shot by criminals with guns. It is absolute madness to take guns away from normal people in the hopes of making things safer. Normal people with guns are what is making things safer.
So the argument needs to be: We need more guns on the streets and in the hands of responsible citizens. If a cafeteria worker in that school was armed, there is a possibility that no children would have died
Seriously in places that have given in to the liberal madness like Washington and California, You who live there need to give it your all to fix those places or leave them!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / another short essay on Islam
« on: October 24, 2014, 01:39:23 PM »
Islam is not a religion.  Islam is a fascist ideology masquerading as a religion.

The founders of Islam, supposedly the prophet Mohammad, built this sham religion on a foundation of absolute intolerance of any belief other than Islam and they have been at war with infidels (non-believers) since the earliest history of Islam and will continue their effort to destroy all infidels forever.  The Islamic holy book, the Quran, demands the killing of infidels in 109 of its verses.  http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/023-violence.htm

We are told the threat of Islam comes from a small minority of radicals.  If that were true, why do the majority of supposed non-radical Muslims fail to resist or even condemn the brutality and savagery so prevalent throughout this “Religion of Peace?”  If the intimidation of the flock by the extremists is so intense that those who abhor violence are muzzled by fear of their fellow believers, then the cancer must be excised completely.  More likely, Islamists all believe the same evils, but the extremists are the wolves and the remaining are simply the sheep that fear public condemnation almost as much as reprisal from the extremists. In short, these people believe that you should die if you do not believe as they do.  This belief will not change….ever….as long as there are those who believe in Islam, Allah and the Quran’s words.

 Make no mistake; we are at war with Islam!

 Unfortunately our President does not understand that in order to destroy/”dismantle” ISIS/ISIL, he must destroy Islam. The destruction of Islam requires a completely different strategy than the miniscule bombing operation Obama has belatedly begun.  Obama’s strategy ensures continuing Islamic terror because it leaves the root cause of the problem whole.

Since Obama and his sycophants believe ISIS/ISIL to be a threat to the USA, it is incumbent upon him to include in any strategy the securing of our borders, the cessation of Muslim immigrants to the USA and control of the Muslims already in the USA.

Firearms / Good deals here
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:35:20 PM »
There are always a ton of good deals here at Aim Surplus.

Near Dayton, OH, they ship ammo to you with some validating and weapons to a FFL if you're going that route. I just missed surplus police S&W 9mm's, stainless for $329 today. OUCH!

Anyway, keep the link and check it out every once in awhile or stick yourself on their email alert list.


Radio/Comms / Voyager Emergency Radio
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:00:37 PM »
I was coming up a bit short in the commo department, especially compared to guys like RedNeck here of this forum.

I found this Voyager on Amazon for $64 and thought it was a pretty good deal for what it offers
It is powered by either of: A NiCad battery, 3 AA batteries, a solar panel, or a hand crank.

It receives AM/FM, SW/LW, and NOAA emergency weather channels. I thought for that many features and the paltry price, I'd give it a try.

Today, I cave it a few turns, opened the solar cell, then listened to K-Love hammer away my favorite Christian Rock while I worked on fixing damage the red dog created and on SquareD

Anyone ready to get back into building this cool truck?
Been a long sabbatical with the knee surgery and L O N G recovery time, which is still not complete BTW!

OK the medium term objective is to get the engine reinstalled.
To do that I am cleaning up all areas of the vehicle that relate in preparation. My hope is to rebuild the transmission next week, but first get a bunch of stuff that is laying around, cluttering up my shop, back on the truck.

So that's what I have been doing, that and messing with the door panels which I just had to pull to make something custom.

Might as well start there.

OK, the plan was to pull the plastic interior door panels and replace with a flat fiberglass/wood panel that serves as a mount for a carbine, magazines, flashlight and other immediate need emergency stuff

First I pulled the door panel

Donations / Feeding homeless 10 20 2014
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:10:37 AM »
Well it happened again.
The crowd was not as big but the church service on the street was bigger!
The guy who we were concerned about last time showed up this time across the street, but instead of being bitter and mean, he was pleasant. He thanked us and said he had been eating regularly and wasn't hungry!

The weather was good, but the temps are starting to turn downward. It is going to be tough in the months to come, but for now, at least all is well.
Your donations provided these people with vegetables on this night, although I doctored them up with a bunch of bacon!

Medical Corner / Ebola IS AIRBORNE!
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:16:24 AM »
ALERT: U.S. Army researchers at USAMRIID confirm Ebola variant was airborne in 1990

Sunday, October 19, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Ebola Reston, airborne transmission, USAMRIID

ALERT: U.S. Army researchers at USAMRIID confirm Ebola variant was airborne in 1990
(NaturalNews) U.S. Army virologists working at USAMRIID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) [1] confirmed in 1990 that a strain of Ebola was airborne and could spread through air ducts, resembling the contagiousness of the flu.

Details of the airborne transmission and the "nuking" of all the primates in an entire research center are detailed beginning on page 273 of The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, a non-fiction documentary book based on dozens of detailed interviews with top military virologists. This non-fiction book was called "A riveting nonfiction thriller" by the New York Times.

The book is described by Internet Scientific Publications [2] as follows:

In 1989, Reston, VA -- one of the most famous U.S. planned communities located about 10 miles from Washington DC -- stood at the epicenter of a potential biological disaster. This well-known story was narrated by Richard Preston in a bone chilling account related to the recognition and containment of a devastating tropical filovirus at a monkey facility -- the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit.

The outbreak of Ebola Reston, and its documenting in The Hot Zone is also described in a USA Today article entitled "25 years ago, a different Ebola outbreak - in USA." [3]

In a wild attempt at revisionist history, the Obama administration is today telling us that Ebola can't be airborne; that it can't spread via contaminated surfaces; and that we are all in no real danger from it. The testimony of these U.S. Army virologists from 1990 tells a very different story of what happened with a strain of Ebola that was named "Reston" because it got out of control in Reston, Virginia and was barely contained. The threat from any strain of Ebola, we are told, concerns how rapidly it can mutate and adapt to new hosts while becoming airborne.

To eliminate any possibility of being accused of perpetrating a hoax or misquoting the scientists, I have included un-altered photographs of the relevant pages from the printed book below. The book is also available for sale on Amazon.com and you can purchase it and read it for yourself.

What you are about to read is real. Bolding emphasis added.

Cited from "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston, beginning on page 272 of the soft cover print edition...

"Ebola... jumped quickly from room to room... a lot like influenza"
What happened in that building was a kind of experiment. Now they would see what Ebola could do naturally in a population of monkeys living in a confined space, in a kind of city, as it were.

The Ebola Reston virus jumped quickly from room to room, and as it blossomed in the monkeys, it seemed to mutate spontaneously into something that looked quite a lot like influenza. But it was an Ebola flu.

The monkeys died with great quantities of clear mucus and green mucus running from their noses, mixed with blood that would not clot. Their lungs were destroyed, rotten and swimming with Ebola virus. They had pneumonia. When a single animal with a nosebleed showed up in a room, generally 80 percent of the animals died in that room shortly afterward. The virus was extraordinarily contagious in monkeys.

"...could look like the flu... a different strain could appear in a month's time... drifted through the air-handling ducts"
The Institute scientists suspected that they were seeing a mutant strain of Ebola, something new and a little different from what they had seen just a month before, in December, when the Army had nuked the monkey house. It was frightening -- it was as if Ebola could change its character fast -- and could look like the flu. As if a different strain could appear in a month's time.

The clinical symptoms of the disease served as a reminder of the fact that Ebola is related to certain kinds of flu-like illnesses seen in human children. It seems that the virus could adapt quickly to new hosts, and that it could change its character spontaneously and rapidly as it entered a new population.

Ebola apparently drifted through the building's air-handling ducts. By January 24, it had entered Room B, and monkeys in that room started going into shock and dying with runny noses, red eyes, and masklike expressions on their faces. In the following weeks, the infection entered rooms I, F, E, and D, and the animals in these rooms virtually all died.

"USAMRIID concluded that Ebola can spread through the air"
John Coleus certainly caught the virus when he cut himself with a bloody scalpel, no question about that. What is more worrisome is that the others did NOT cut themselves, yet the virus still entered their bloodstreams. It got there somehow. Most likely it entered their blood through contact with the lungs. It infected them through the air.

When it became apparently to the Army researchers that three of the four men who became infected had not cut themselves, just about everyone at USAMRIID concluded that Ebola can spread through the air.

Photos of the pages from the physical book, published in 1994

Don't believe the Ebola lies of the Obama administration. A strain of Ebola was already airborne 14 years ago. It could rapidly become airborne again. Prepare now with the free, downloadable MP3 audio files at www.BioDefense.com

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047317_ebola_reston_airborne_transmission_usamriid.html#ixzz3GmUAPljU

Faith Discussion / Hope
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:43:45 PM »
I was thinking of the hope we have as Christians

Some verses that come to mind:

1 Peter 4-9
4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Romans 8:1
8 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

Donations / Saw something that angered me!
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:03:54 AM »
As I approached the stop at an exit near a truck stop, I see a young man holding up a sign
Which Reads:
USMC Veteran
Need $$$ for ticket home

So I study the guy.
1. He is clean and recently shaven
2. Has gay-boy sneakers, not something a Marine would wear.
3. He as a cammo pack, a small one...in ARMY COLORS!
    What Marine who you have ever seen would ever wear anything Army????
4. The ruck sack is very new looking and says US Army Reserve!
5. He has a small sleeping bag rolled up attached to the bottom of the ruck
    It is like one of those $15 ones you got for your niece.
6. As I roll up, I stare straight at him, like I'm boring a hole in him, and he looks away and walks away...Marine???

Hardly, and I am getting dammed sick of these losers begging and now using an honorable group to pray in our sympathies. I see real desperation in the eyes of the homeless in Cincinnati, and there is a definite difference between them and these liars.

OK, done venting...

Hell, had he been a real Marine, I would have taken him to eat, allowed him to shower, taken him to the bus station and bought his ticket home.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Who is Obama?
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:03:21 PM »
Who is this man who sits as our president?
Can anybody say?
Does anybody know?
Why are his records sealed?

I believe he is the single biggest hoax perpetrated upon the American public in the history of this nation!

These are interesting and extremely reasonable questions being asked without so much as a “peep” in response for years.  There are too many missing pieces for this to be naturally occurring, I have a strong feeling the American public has been masterfully manipulated and duped.  The bigger question is how and why did so many people drink the KOOL-Aid without insisting on having answers to these questions prior to the 2008 election.

It will be interesting to see what they put in his "Presidential Library" about his early years when he is out of office.

In a country where we take notice of many, many facets of our public figures' lives, doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know about our current president, Barack Obama.

For example, we know that Andrew Jackson 's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never went to school; Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry Truman played the piano.

As Americans, we enjoy knowing details about our newsmakers, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.

We are all aware of the lack of uncontestable birth records for Obama; that document managing has been spectacularly successful.

There are however, several additional oddities in Obama's history that appear to be as well managed as the birthing issue.

One other interesting thing... There are no birth certificates of his daughters that can be found ?

It's interesting that no one who ever dated him has shown up. The charisma that caused women to be drawn to him so strongly during his campaign, certainly would in the normal course of events, lead some lady to come forward, if only to garner some attention for herself. We all know about JFK's magnetism, that McCain was no monk and quite a few

details about Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess Joe Biden's aneurisms are no secret; look at Cheney and Clinton, we all know about their heart problems. Certainly Wild Bill Clinton's exploits before and during his White House years, were well known. That's why it's so odd that not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy..." or "What a great dancer..."

It's virtually impossible to know anything about this fellow.

Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Then check groomsmen.

Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony. Has anyone talked to
the professors? It is odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or
taught him or lived with him.

When did he meet Michele, and how? Are there photos there? Every president gives to the public all their photos, etc. for their library, etc. What has he released? And who in hell voted for him to be the most popular man in 2010? Doesn't this make you wonder?

Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from President Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc??  Not one person has ever come forward from his past. It certainly is very, very strange...

This should be a cause for great concern. To those who voted for him, you may have elected an unqualified, inexperienced shadow man. Have you seen a movie named "The Manchurian Candidate"?

As insignificant as each of us might be, someone with whom we went to
school will remember our name or face; someone will remember we were the
clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something
about us.

George Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the same thing during the 2008
campaign. He questions why no one has acknowledged the president was in
their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches
on campus. Stephanopoulos also was a classmate of Obama at Columbia --
the class of 1984. He says he never had a single class with him.

He is such a great orator; why doesn't anyone in Obama's college class remember him? Why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?

Nobody remembers Obama at Columbia  University ....

Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there... but none remembered him.

Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don't have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia, ever."

Nobody recalls him. Root adds that he was also, like Obama, Class of '83 Political Science, and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him. At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New   York , 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."

Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia .

Some other interesting questions:

Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?  It is said there is no record of him ever taking the Bar exam.

Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order? We understand that was forced to avoid fraud charges.

It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 alias connected to him.

The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he
is never reported to have lived. And was originally registered to another man
(Thomas Louis Wood) from Connecticut, who died in Hawaii while on vacation there.

As we all know Social Security Numbers are only issued 'once, they are not reused'

No wonder all his records are sealed...

Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to know him in school...before he "reorganized" Chicago & burst upon the Scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention.

Real Man Knowledge base / How to make chlorine bleach
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:22:59 PM »
How to Make Homemade Chlorine Bleach

One of the main components that you’ll want to have around the house (or apartment) during a SHTF situation is chlorine bleach. Not only can it be used for cleaning water (although boiling is hands down more effective and healthier) it is excellent for keeping things sanitary.

Unfortunately, the average shelf life of liquid bleach (being stored between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit) is around 6 months. After that, bleach will lose 20% of it’s strength at around the year mark and then 20% each year after that. So if you’re not vigilant about keeping it rotated, chances are when you need it for disinfecting water or to keep things clean you’ll be fresh out of bleach and luck.

There is a better option. What if you could make your own fresh chlorine bleach that could be used for both keeping things sanitary and will disinfect water? Here’s how:

How to Make Chlorine Bleach

Before we go into how to make it, I just wanted to point out the differences between this homemade chlorine bleach and your standard household Chlorox variety.

First off, liquid chlorine bleach is a solution made from mostly water and 3-6% Sodium Hypochlorite. This homemade variety is made from Calcium Hypochlorite which you can easily find as “pool shock” at your pool-supplier store or Walmart. Both are used throughout the world for water purification and are the main chemicals in standard household cleaning products.

The Benefit of Calcium Hypochlorite

The major benefit of using Calcium Hypochlorite over Sodium Hypochlorite is shelf life. Calcium Hypochlorite (pool shock) is sold in a solid granular form and has a 10 year shelf life when stored in a cool, dark place. This will easily meet your long-term storage needs.

The other benefit is the amount of available chlorine. The concentration of chlorine is much higher with Calcium Hypochlorite. For example, a small 1-pound bag of calcium hypochlorite can disinfect up to 10,000 gallons of drinking water. That’s around 5 gallons/day for one person for 5 1/2 years! Not bad for only 1 lb of granules.

Making Chlorine Bleach

To make a chlorine bleach solution using calcium hypochlorite, here are some formulas I got from the Army Technical Bulletin entitled, “SANITARY CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE OF FIELD WATER SUPPLIES” (TB MED 577).

From the Army manual, to make a concentrated chlorine solution that you can use for disinfecting water (or to be used in maintaining a clean and sanitary living environment), you’ll want to use calcium hypochlorite that has around 70% available chlorine.

If you’re buying pool shock, on the back of the bag it will tell you what percentage of chlorine is available. The one I use is called “Zappit 73 Pool Shock, it is pure calcium hyphochlorite that contains up to 73% available chlorine and sells for around $5 for a 1lb bag.

To make the homemade chlorine bleach solution, you’ll need to do the following:
•Mix 2 level Tablespoons of Calcium Hypochlorite to 3 cups of water..
After you’ve made your stock of chlorine solution, you’ll want to follow the formula from the Army Technical Bulletin in determining how much of the above stock chlorine solution you’ll need for your desired number of gallons of water to be disinfected. *Note: I’ve updated the formula to calculate the same concentration that household bleach has. If you have questions, fire me an email and I’ll be more than happy to explain the math.

mL of stock chlorine required = (desired concentration (mg/L)*number of gallons to be treated)/18.12

The desired concentration refers to how much chlorine in mg/L you want the disinfected water to have. A recommended amount is 7 mg/L of concentration. This equates to adding 8 drops of household liquid bleach to 1 gallon of water (the recommended amount when disinfecting water with household bleach).

Given these amounts, if you wanted to disinfect 1 gallon of water with the homemade chlorine solution, the formula would be as follows:


This equates to .38mL or 8 drops of the concentrated solution per gallon of water. Just like normal household bleach!

So the 3 step process is as follows:
1.Place 8 drops of homemade chlorine bleach in 1 gallon of water.
2.Let stand for 30 min.
3.If water is still cloudy, repeat steps until clear; otherwise it is ready to drink.
Keep in mind, that once the homemade chlorine bleach is made it will follow the same shelf-life limitations as standard household liquid bleach. So be sure to only make amounts you will be using within that time frame.

Real Man store / Hoodies
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:43:27 PM »
Here is your Real Man hoodie

Real Man store / Real Man Long Sleeve T-Shirts
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:42:06 PM »
Real Man Long Sleeve T-shirts

Donations / Feeding homeless 10 14 2014
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:42:11 AM »
Well we managed to feed somewhere from 100-200 last night on the streets of Cincinnati
We must be doing something right because the demons were sure attacking us. While Pastor Jim preached the hope of Jesus before we served some vile man wheeled his wheel chair up into the crowd and started screeching like some animal...that was weird. We wheeled him right back out.
Later some people tried to sell crack out of a car parked right beside our tables!
I mingled, did security, talked to people, prayed with some and ended up serving pork paddies.
Wouldn't ya know it...some man comes up and sticks out his plate. I serve him tow pork paddies. He says he doesn't eat pork. (Muslim I'm thinking)
So I look him in the eye and ask when is the last time he ate. He answers "2 Days ago." I said would you rather go hungry or eat the pork? He looked at me and I saw the resignation in his eyes. I added a third paddie!
Again, the money you donated made this all possible. So while on the other side of the road some unsavory looking dudes were leaning against my Toureg smoking and cursing, we fed many and prayed, and listened, and fellowshipped for 2 hours.
His work will be done!

Faith Discussion / Praise report
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:42:43 PM »
Tonight we fed somewhere between one and two hundred on the streets of Cincinnati.
One guy who was really out of it, acting like he was demon possessed or something tried to interrupt, but, well, it didn't work out for him. He ended up yelling "Help" and "Someone call the police" long before we let him go.
Suffice it to say, we own that street corner while the Lord's work is being done!
One woman who asked me for a blanket last week, now has found a home!

Faith Discussion / Bible reference...good one!
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:10:10 PM »
Here's your NIV Bible

Other versions available at the link!


Faith Discussion / Bible verse reference
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:09:01 PM »
Open it up and click on the book and chapter you want!


During this part, we will pick up as the truck closes in on its OD Green paint job. It will start to take on uniquely military attributes.

At this point I am no longer thinking this truck is any back up sort of vehicle, but a primary go to truck should things turn horribly bad quickly. Knowing the vulnerability to the electronic Duramax truck, I could not really rely on it in all situations. A major EMP event would render it and all my efforts there useless, so this simple and old, yet modernized survival truck is now being given full attention.

Further as I am asked to demonstrate and teach on survival subjects, I have need of a "Technology Demonstrator," And SquareD will fill that role.

Not a high technology demonstrator, mind you, but rather a "Smart and Practical" technology demonstrator

Watch and enjoy in the pages to follow the coming departure from everything stock and a major transformation which will actually have the truck shedding many of it's former "repairs and fixes" in lieu of rock solid utterly reliability infused with some of the things I learned over 5+ years serving in combat theaters around the world.


Medical Corner / Steroids and Canadian Pharmacies
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:08:42 AM »
Just putting this out there, but shouldn't we consider stocking up on behind the counter drugs as well as the over the counter stuff?

With my recent knee surgery, My progress was slow until I got some predesome in me. Days after that I am healing like crazy, albeit while breaking out (Side effect?)

I am now going to include a bottle of those gems in my "Tier-2" Medical kit. You know, not bug out size, but better stocked hide site sized. So one in America just can't go buy the stuff anywhere, but in anywhere else, planet earth you could. With the Canadian pharmacies advertising on my browser for Viagra every 15 minutes, would/couldn't/t they sell something useful just as easily?

I never considered them, but are meds like antibiotics, steroids, and pain killers available from them through the magic of the mail? Is that legal to purchase?

Can someone read in of some experience, sources, factual info or the like?

Vests & Protection / Gas mask
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:37:31 AM »
I'm looking at some gas masks

NBC, good filters

That round eye matrian invader Russian mask scared the heck out of me

You'd get shot just for wearing it

I was looking at Serbian Army surplus masks today. Pricing in about $55 with a decent filter and way better (Human like) ergonomics

Good? Not so good?

Better option?

Who sells Armee surplus masks and can we civies get the good filters?

Firearms / Glocks
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:03:23 PM »
I like the Glock pistol
It's a combat proven winner. I can say that first hand as I have carried the glock in combat as my backup to my trusty M4 carbine and sometimes AK-47

I like several models and believe use each one in a particular niche that it fits well

One thing that I really like about it is the lack of safeties. I don't know how many times I handed my Beretta 92F to a person at a range with the de-cocking lever facing down and watched them pull the trigger over and over, then report that "The gun doesn't work" Now that is after instruction and practice. I just imagine what will happen when that element of stark raving fear is introduced???

Here's my lineup:

Share Your Recipe / Don's No-Bake Weight reduction, Diet Cookies
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:43:25 PM »
I did a little cookin'
Got back from church and made up a batch of my no-bake cookies for the boyz:

Own a 12 valve?

I just came across this on Willie's Amsoil site (Mr. Manners)


Engine Oil
Grade 1......CF-4
SAE 15W-40 Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel and Marine Motor Oil (AMEQT)

Synthetic 15W-40 Diesel Oil (DMEQT)

Synthetic 15W40 OE Diesel Oil (OEDQT)
-9 To 10 F......10W-30 [1]
Above 10 F......15W-40
Below 0 F......5W-30, 10W-30
Manual Transmission,G360 (5-SPD)......SJ
All TEMPS......5W-30
SAE 5W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (ASLQT)
XL 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (XLFQT)
OE 5W30 Synthetic Motor Oil (OEFQT)
Automatic Transmission,A500......AP4
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Automatic Transmission,A999(32RH)......AP4
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Automatic Transmission,A998(31RH)......AP4
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Automatic Transmission,A518(46RH)......AP4
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Differential, Front Spicer 44......GL-5
All TEMPS......80W-140, 85W-140, 80W-90
SEVERE GEAR 75W-140 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVOQT)
80W-140 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGO05)
Differential, Front Spicer 60......GL-5
All TEMPS......80W-140, 85W-140, 80W-90
SEVERE GEAR 75W-140 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVOQT)
80W-140 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGO05)
Limited Slip Differential, Rear Dana 60......GL-5*
All TEMPS......80W-90 [2] [3]
SAE 80W-90 Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-90 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVGQT)
75W-90 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGRQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-110 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVTQT)
Limited Slip Differential, Rear Chrysler......GL-5*
All TEMPS......80W-90 [2] [3]
SAE 80W-90 Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-90 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVGQT)
75W-90 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGRQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-110 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVTQT)
Limited Slip Differential, Rear Dana 70......GL-5*
All TEMPS......80W-90 [2] [3]
SAE 80W-90 Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-90 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVGQT)
75W-90 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGRQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-110 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVTQT)
Transfer Case,NP241LD......AF2
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
Transfer Case,NP208......AF2
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
Transfer Case,NP208......AF3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Transfer Case,NP208......AP3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Transfer Case,NP241HD......AF2
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
Transfer Case,NP241HD......AP3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Transfer Case,NP241LD......AP3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Transfer Case,NP241HD......AF3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Transfer Case,NP241LD......AF3
Signature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
Torque-Drive Synthetic Transmission Fluid (ATD1G)
OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
Transfer Case,NP205......GL-5
Above -9 F......90
SEVERE GEAR 75W-90 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVGQT)
75W-90 Synthetic Long Life Gear Lube (FGRQT)
SEVERE GEAR 75W-110 Synthetic EP Lubricant (SVTQT)
Transfer Case,NP205......SJ
Above 32 F......50
Synthetic Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 50 (CTL05)
Transfer Case,NP205......GL-5
Above 90 F......140
No AMSOIL Product Recommendation
Transfer Case,NP205......GL-5
Below -9 F......80W
No AMSOIL Product Recommendation
Transfer Case,NP205......SJ
Below 32 F......30
Formula 4-Stroke® 10W-30/SAE 30 Small Engine Oil (ASEQT)
Clutch Fluid......HB
AMSOIL Brake Fluid DOT-3 (BF3SN) [4]
Power Steering Fluid......PS
Power Steering Fluid (PSFCN) [5]
Brake Fluid......HB
AMSOIL Brake Fluid DOT-3 (BF3SN) [4]

[1] SAE 10W-30 recommended below -18 C (0 F) with block
heater only.
[2] Limited Slip Identification: Lift both rear wheels,
turn a wheel and other will rotate in same direction.
[3] With controlled slip, add 6.5%
Mopar Trac-loc additive or equivalent
[4] Hydraulic Brake Fluid, DOT 3
P/N 04318080AB or 04318081AB, meeting MS-4574
[5] Mopar P/N 4883077, Spec No. MS5931


Oil Filter 25,000-Mile Ea Oil Filter (EAO80)
Oil Filter WIX 51607 Oil Filter
Fuel Filter WIX 33379 Fuel Filter
Transmission Filter WIX 58707 Trans Filter


Blade Class



ExactFit T181
ExactFit T182 T182
ExactFit T181
NeoForm T16180 T16180
Winter T37180 T37180



Engine, with filter..........13 quarts [1]
Cooling System, AT Initial Fill..........17.4 quarts
AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
Cooling System, MT Initial Fill..........16.4 quarts
AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
Automatic Transmission, A500 Initial Fill..........4 quarts
Automatic Transmission, A518(46RH) Initial Fill..........4 quarts
Automatic Transmission, A998(31RH) Initial Fill..........4 quarts
Automatic Transmission, A999(32RH) Initial Fill..........4 quarts
Automatic Transmission, Total Fill
4 speed A518(46RH)..........10.1 quarts
3 speed A999(32RH)..........8.6 quarts
4 speed A500..........10.1 quarts
3 speed A998(31RH)..........8.6 quarts
Manual Transmission, G360 (5-SPD)..........7 pints
Differential, Spicer 44 Front..........5.7 pints
Differential, Spicer 60 Front..........6.6 pints
Differential, Chrysler Rear..........4.4 pints
Differential, Dana 60 Rear..........5.9 pints
Differential, Dana 70 Rear..........7 pints
Transfer Case, NP241HD..........5.9 pints
Transfer Case, NP205..........4.4 pints
Transfer Case, NP208..........5.9 pints
Transfer Case, NP241LD..........4.6 pints

[1] After refill check oil level.


Oil Drain Plug.....44 ft/lbs
Manual Transmission G360 5-SPD
Fill Plug NA ft/lbs
Drain Plug NA ft/lbs
Manual Transmission
Fill Plug NA ft/lbs
Drain Plug NA ft/lbs
Manual Transmission 5-SPD
Fill Plug 30 ft/lbs
Drain Plug 30 ft/lbs
Manual Transmission A833 4-SPD
Fill Plug 15 ft/lbs
Drain Plug 35 ft/lbs
Manual Transmission NP435 4-SPD
Fill Plug 35 ft/lbs
Drain Plug 35 ft/lbs
Transfer Case NP205/241
Fill Plug 40 ft/lbs
Drain Plug 40 ft/lbs

Transfer Case NP208
Fill Plug 18 ft/lbs
Drain Plug 18 ft/lbs

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / New Grinder
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:25:43 PM »
Had a lot of chores stuff to do around the shop. I'm always getting it ready for the next task and making improvements. Today I ditched the old 6" bench grinder in favor of a newer 8" one

As for you combat pukers
You are ah-plenty
(You see, the DOTs have sucked me down into their pointless, mindless pit of debauchery and wasted prose!)

Anyway, doing the young pilot thing, which most Armee Aviators are you want to be Tom Cruise for a moment. Hey, it's training so who cares if the troopers arrive at the LZ totally sick and unable to do much or are only about 20% effective due to your antics.

Then for the few who make it to mid grade. You see being an officer , there is so much B.S. that the real McCoy's are eaten quickly by the OER (Officer Evaluation Report) monster for being frank and pointing out the fact that this commander or that is a farking fool. It's the way of the Warrant, sa' Live'
At this point you start to be an officer. I mean you start to care about those boneheads in the back. As an officer we are charged with taking care of our men, and for the brief time these warriors climb into the back until they get out again, they are yours. It is this time when you only jink when you really need to and you make the flight warm, comfortable and as safe as you can.

Then comes old age AOL (Army Officer life) Not many survive to reach this point. Out of my graduating class of 54, only 6 of us remained when I got all senior and wise (Or at least I thought so) Now this is the pilot all you combat pukers want to fly with. This guy now has become the father of all you good-for nuthins'. He will do everything he can (and usually succeeds) in getting you safely around the AO. He is not kind, nope approach him and he will snap your head off.

He has become that way because at this point in his career at least half of the officers around him are his sworn enemy. He routinely has to contain himself in front of you crunchies, but rip some Colonels head off behind closed doors. So he's in a constant state of anxiety, but above all he loves all of you pukers because finally, and it has only taken 20+ years, he knows the nations safety is at stake and worse that that, the fate of these precious foul smellin' hopelessly overloaded young men arrayed in the back of his aircraft.
Find him and fly with him. He will have a SFC or SSG crew chief, because those guys want to live as well, and survive in comfort until the RPG makes everything white and fluffy.

So in closing God Bless all you good for nuthin' stinky, unwashed, unshaven, scarred, bleeding, tobacco chewin', med kit stealing, grunts and all those who hang around you!

Share Your Recipe / Wasabi...
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:16:18 PM »
I'm into a box of Wasabi almonds
Seriously, these things are good
I'd pour this on my Wheaties!

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Eaton V4 Compressor
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:58:25 PM »
Bought it!

Eaton 7.5HP 80 gallon, 26SCFM super duperly cast iron industrial, no frills compressor.

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / My bug out bag lesson plan
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:31:09 PM »
It's my lesson plan for teaching a beginners class on the run away bag/bug out bag. You can see I practice what I preach

Subject: Runaway Bag Contents
The purpose of the runaway bag is to provide the user with emergency need items prepacked in a convenient ruck sack type bag. The bag would normally be stored in a vehicle, aircraft, or even at your primary home or emergency shelter locations. The contents of the bag are varied depending on what needs one feels he/she must be prepared for.

Type of bag:
The best type of bag is one that is large handbag or small ruck sack sized. It should be of a sturdy hiker or military style with reinforced stitching, a heavy duty bottom and provide some water proofing for its contents. I would choose a bag with some exterior pockets, perhaps two to three to help in the organization of the contents. Later styled military bags will come with exterior nylon webbing sewn on in a regular pattern which is called Molle (MOdular Light weight Load carrying Equipment). The purpose of the MOLLE (pronounced “molly”) is to provide a customizable exterior where you may affix readily available pouches, sheaths, or bags.
Whatever bag you select, do not compromise on the quality, you don’t want the bag to tear open spilling out your medical supplies when you’re on the run from a hazardous area. A good surplus military rucksack is a great cost effective alternative to some of the new trendy bags. Just do a good pre-flight of the bag prior to purchase to make sure it is in decent condition. A couple small holes here and there are not necessarily grounds not to purchase. If the bottom, clips, and straps are in good condition it is a keeper.
Since the advent of the two desert wars our military has fought during the past decade, the need for water has become very important. Some bags will include an integrated water bag capable of holding a gallon or more of fresh water. Just keep in mind the bag will become bulkier and water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. On the flip side, the water bag provides a cushion for your back and as it sweats, it will naturally cool the water inside and your skin as well!

For a moderate climate there may not be as great a need for warm clothing or a blanket, whereas in a northern climate those items would be paramount. Generally speaking the bag will always contain several items because of their universal need. The size of the bag normally should remain smaller so that it will net impede movement and slow you down. Therefore the goal will be to keep the bag relatively light, say no more than 30 pounds again, dependent on who will be carrying it. A full grown man could easily walk all day with 30 pounds, where as a woman or child might not be able to handle that much weight at all.
You may want to put a couple of bags and preposition each in convenient places, say one in the home and one in the trunk of your car. One of your bags might be more universal in what it contains whereas one might be heavily loaded with just a few things you absolutely need and expect to need in quantity. For example a bag to be used in a arid location would obviously contain more water than anything else. A bag to be used where you anticipate urban warfare like conditions might have extra ammunition for your personal weapon. When flying in Afghanistan I always knew there was a threat of being shot down. If that were to happen, I would immediately have been in a survival situation, not due to lack of water or food or shelter, but under threat from those who had shot down the aircraft. Therefore I carried hundreds of rounds of ammunition to help me ward off attempts to kill or capture me, while hopefully others came to my rescue. Long term survival was never going to be an issue. Contrasting with that situation when I would fly in remote mountain areas, I would make sure I had items needed to survive there for days or longer while I awaited search and rescue.

Recommended bag contents:
1. A high quality knife or survival tool with a strong knife blade. Single edge is for survival, double edge is for fighting. Note: Do not purposely engage in a knife fight unless you want to get cut!
2. Water bag or canteen(s). Water bladders which fold down are very useful for bulk storage.
3. Fire starting device such as waterproof matches, a lighter, magnesium fire starter, steel wool and 9V battery. Fire is important so have multiple devices on hand.
4. Signaling device such as a mirror, flare, smoke device, strobe light, or VS-17 panel
5. Compass (attached by a lanyard to pack)
6. Space blanket
7. Flashlight, blue/green lens filter (Reason: Tactical, more on this later)
8. Spare batteries
9. GPS
10. Needle and thread
11. Rope or nylon cord. Military “550” chord is a favorite.
12. Lip balm, sun screen, insect repellent
13. Sunglasses, spare reading or prescription glasses
14. Hat, full brimmed or insulated and waterproof. Place money bandages, thread, and so forth in the brim.
15. Poncho and possibly a poncho liner (Military surplus with a camo pattern)
16. Medical Kit consisting of:
a. Bandages, combat type, US military or Israeli military.
b. Bandages, square cotton type
c. Medical tape
d. Band-Aids
e. Anti bacterial ointment
f. Colloidal Silver liquid
g. Tourniquet
h. Quick clot type product
i. Heavy Duty Scissors
j. Alcohol wipes
k. Sterilizing wipes
l. Emergency sling
m. Aspirin, 325 mg
n. Anti-biotic
o. Burn cream or ointment
p. Diarrhea control medication
q. Any medication you currently take and require
r. Suture kit
s. Heavy gage needle (to introduce small hole into chest cavity)
t. Breathing tube, nasal or throat
17. Radio
18. Survival book
19. Food
20. Map of the area
21. Water filter or water treatment tablets
22. Lightweight Binoculars
23. Clothing to include: (Wrap these in zip-lock bags)
a. Spare socks
b. Spare underwear
24. Foot powder
25. Ammunition
26. Fishing kit including line, hooks and a lure
27. Cash or barter money
28. Small weapon for animal control, food acquisition, protection if required) Something like a single stack 9mm pistol is easily concealed and light weight.

Training: Practice With your bag
A vital component to your personal survival is your physical condition. You should be exercising approximately once a day with either an organized activity or by merely walking a little more or taking the staircase in lieu of the elevator. When you put your runaway or bug out bag together, try wearing it during one of your walks. Take a hike of about an hour or two in length while wearing the fully loaded bag. Plan to train with some of its contents. For example, move to a highpoint in the terrain and use the compass to shoot an azimuth to a distant feature. Plan for regular drinking intervals and perhaps simulate an injury at some point.
The idea is to become familiar with what you have and where you have it packed. You might discover that some reorganization is necessary for commonly used items, or that other items are adding no value, only extra weight. If you have moved long enough to have generated some sweat and perhaps some discomfort, then any unwanted features of your bag will have shown themselves. You can consequently make adjustments and perfect the proper balance of form and function.

Some other considerations:
1. For the most part, your medical kit is for your use and not for others except perhaps your family. If and when you become serious enough about the threats to your family as well, you will eventually make up survival bags for each of them. The medical kit described above is very limited and only supports a narrow range of trauma for short periods of time. It is recommended you develop a more complete medical supply kit fitted into another ruck-sack type bag to provide more in-depth coverage of wound, injury, and sickness treatment.
2. Unfortunately the masses you will encounter during a time of civil upheaval will not be prepared. Most people, perhaps as many as 90%or more will not have anything except for the clothes on their backs. Their needs will be great and if you share your supplies you will quickly be striped of everything you will need for your own survival.
3. Consider the climatology of your area carefully when out fitting your bag
4. Will you be primarily in a rural or an urban setting? Counter to conventions thinking, urban settings will not always be the safest places to be. When disaster first occurs there will be shock followed quickly by crime such as looting. You do not want to be anywhere near that sort of activity. Some areas will fall into anarchy quickly as police and military assets are retasked to protection of higher value activities such as hospitals, government facilities and critical infrastructure. Those areas unmonitored by government forces will revert to basic laws of the jungle.
5. Construct your medical kit IAW your knowledge of emergency medicine. I would recommend you attend a good emergency medical course then equip your medical kit accordingly. Military and police often refer to the medical bag as your “Blow Out” bag.

Medical Corner / Collodial Silver overview
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:27:38 PM »
COLLOIDAL SILVER Overview Information

Colloidal silver is a mineral. Despite promoters’ claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Colloidal silver products were once available as over-the-counter products, but in 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that colloidal silver drug products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered “misbranded” under the law.

There are many Internet ads for the parts of a generator that produces colloidal silver at home. People who produce colloidal silver at home will likely not be able to evaluate their product for purity or strength. There are many products that are far safer and more effective than colloidal silver.

Despite these concerns about safety and effectiveness, people still buy colloidal silver as a dietary supplement and use it for a wide range of ailments. Colloidal silver is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).

Colloidal silver is also used for lung conditions including emphysema and bronchitis; skin conditions including rosacea, cradle cap (atopic dermatitis), eczema, impetigo, and psoriasis; and inflammation (sometimes due to infection) of the bladder (cystitis), prostate (prostatitis), colon (colitis), nose (rhinitis), stomach (gastritis), tonsils (tonsillitis), appendix (appendicitis), and sinuses (sinusitis).

Other uses include treatment of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, leukemia, hay fever and other allergies, trench foot, and gum disease.

Colloidal silver is also used to prevent flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, and the common cold.

Some women take colloidal silver during pregnancy to aid the baby's growth and health as well as the mother's delivery and recovery.

Colloidal silver is applied directly to the skin for acne, burns, eye infections, fungal infections, throat infections, skin infections, and Staphylococcus infections.

How does it work?

Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins.

Powerplant, Driveline, and Braking / NP-203 Writeup by JR
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:51:54 AM »
I had a 205 in my old chevy, it was bullet proof. The 205 is part time and all steel gears, 203 is full time with a chain. Here is write up on one.

The full-time four-wheel-drive NP203 transfer case is one of the most standard items found in ’70s fullsize 4x4s. Big, heavy, and relatively strong despite its chaindrive, this box can be converted to part-time with a simple gear or shaft swap inside the case. But few people understand how the insides tick on this case, so we thought we’d clue you in to some of the innards and theory without a complete rebuild or overhaul.

The full-time aspect of the 203 is all in the rear section of the unit. The case has an internal differential that selectively splits the power to the front and rear axles when the shifter is not in one of the locked positions. When shifted into Hi-Loc or Lo-Loc, the differential locks to provide equal power to both driveshafts. If you removed either driveshaft and tried to drive the truck with the case in the nonlocked position, the internal diff would send all the power to the yoke with the missing shaft. It’s just like an open rear axle differential, where all the power goes to the tire with the least traction. However, if the case was shifted into a locked position, power would be equally distributed to the front and rear, so you’d be able to drive the rig as long as one driveshaft was still in place.

Many of you with 203s are running around without a front driveshaft and with the shifter in Hi-Loc since that’s the free method of overriding the full-time 4x4 feature. But after a while you’ll probably notice a clunk emanating from the case. Whether your rig is a Dodge, a Chevy, or a Ford, the NP203 will develop internal wear when subjected to this type of use. Minimal driving isn’t a problem, but continual driving in the Hi-Loc position without the front shaft installed causes the internal coupler on the differential to develop a lot of slop, eventually causing a banging noise and then destruction.

The differential carrier is also an item that can shred with this type of abuse. Many 203 cases use a pressed-steel cage for the differential gears instead of the two-piece heavy-duty style, and Jason Bunch at Tri-County Gear says the pressed-steel unit wears out quickly if you do a quasi conversion this way. The best bet is to install a conversion kit in the 203 case and add locking front hubs to eliminate wear and drag on the front axle internal components. Even the ’74-’79 Dodge trucks and Ramchargers with the live-axle front end can be converted to use hubs with a MileMarker kit.

Such was the situation on our subject vehicle, a ’74 Dodge Ramcharger with a couple thousand miles in Hi-Loc—and a terrible clunk. The noise from the T-case got so bad it made us think the whole shebang was going to be scattered across the freeway during our rush-hour commute. Fortunately, it made it to Tri-County Gear, where Bunch diagnosed and inspected the dead Dodge case. After a thorough evaluation, the good Dr. Bunch recommended installing the MileMarker part-time kit into a rebuilt NP203 from Boyce Equipment—something that had been rolling around in the back of the Ramcharger for a while, adding ballast and just waiting for this opportunity.

Once finished, the new parts had eliminated the drivetrain clunk and provided extra peace of mind. Because of the conversion, the Dodge now has a two-wheel-drive low-range position, although we’re going to use it sparingly to prevent overstressing the rear axle. The case we got from Boyce Equipment was also a near-direct replacement for the Dodge, but many of the internals will also fit Fords and Chevys.

In this section we get into the body work, painting, a roof rack and a host of changes that cause this truck to depart the restoration/mod course it was on and onto a whole new project much more advanced in nature and purpose than what you have a feel for so far.

Seat belts on...Lets go!

It's difficult to call the exact point where this project changes or turns the corner between the phase it was in to the next evolution.

With the adding of the Ruff-Stuff shock brackets, double shear hard core off road parts, I'll call the ball right here.

Medical Corner / Ebola/truth test
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:41:28 AM »
OK so the gentleman who travelled from Monrovia to Brussels to Dulles, to Dallas while infected with Ebola is now in an isolation ward in Dallas.

Government says not to worry, everything is OK.

My take: We are probably OK, however the disease is only infectious with the onset of symptoms. So no symptoms at Dulles where he shared airspace with worldwide and nation wide travelers...and that's a very good thing.

Then onto Dallas. As a former airline and military pilot, I can tell you jets are one of the most diseased places on earth. I can pretty much guarantee that if you flew, you sat on a seat that was vomited on, urinated on, or defecated on. Some pretty good blood trails as well...I've seen it all. I even had a Hollywood movie star, name withheld...who was as high as a kite on Cocaine, I believe...fall on my plane and broke his nose. He bled all over people and the seats...nasty! Very large people are the greatest offenders followed by the sick and children.

When I flew jets I got sick every other month from breathing all that infectious air...and I was working out all the time to try and fight it. Sadly even though the cockpit has a dedicated AC unit, the airflow is pulled down and through a cockpit and belly full of hot electronics to cool all that stuff a bit. So when someone in the back has an issue, you get sensory overload up front...yea, not fun.

The air all comes through the engines, no ram air thing, all processed by a hungry compressor section(s) then cooled a couple million degrees and fed through gaspers to you. And you should see the insides of those bacteria farms called air lines...

With an infected person, infected with anything, depending on the size of the aircraft, a lot of people will be rebreathing whatever his lungs just processed.

So with respect to the Ebola man on his way to Dallas, on the United flight, I am not so sure things are rosy red. Shortly afterward he went to the hospital. People do not go to the hospital at the onset of symptoms, but generally when they start getting really sick. That suggests to me, that for some time before he was seen and released by the hospital in Dallas for the first time the man was pretty sick.

Since the man was travelling from Africa, and an African, my bet he was in much better shape than most fat Americans who because of their walking poor condition get sick much faster than a fit man used to walking 5 miles a day and eating a healthier diet. I'm suggesting the man might have been sick longer than we consider normal, but because of his physical conditioning, able to accommodate it.

With all that said, I think it is fair to suggest he likely had contact with hundreds of people in the Dallas area before he was finally placed in isolation.

I think we possibly now have active colonies of Ebola here in the United States. The government is in no way ready to respond, heck there is no real vaccine in any quantity.

I'd suggest you limit contact down there or with anyone or anything you think might have been a part of all of this but also watch what unfolds, and what you are being told.

And I hope and Pray that I am very, very wrong about all of this!

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