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Messages - Flyin6

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Firearms / 5.7 X 28
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:42:46 AM »
Look at this deal:


I heard all sorts of good things about this round when I was in Afghanistan. It had drill like qualities and was ab le to defeat most of the carrier plates around at the time. Am I still interested in it? Could one sustain oneself in ammunition for something designed to fire a lot of rounds?
22 rounds per magazine!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / America in decline
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:32:43 AM »
I did not write this, but I wish that I had.

History tells us nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century gleefully contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking:  This’ll endure forever.... Yeah, forever was about 500 years, give or take.... not bad, but gone!!   


France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim ummah.   


In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British empire; now Albion exists in perpetual twilight. Its deceased queen is a fitting symbol for a nation in terminal decline.   


In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its birth rate is so low and its population aging so rapidly that an industry has sprung up to remove the remains of elderly Japanese who die alone.   


I was born in 1941, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century - the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the 'Greatest Generation,' we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the rising sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.   


We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now to some degree conquered COVID 19. We explored some of the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA...the blueprint of life.   


But where’s the glory that once was Rome?  America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism - which's worked so well NOWHERE in the world, ever!   


We've gone from a republican government guided by a constitution to a wicked regime of revolving elites. We’ve less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We've traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.   


The wicked incompetent fraud in the White House is an empty vessel filled by his handlers. At the G-7 Summit, 'Dr. Jill' had to lead him like a child. In 1961, when we were young and vigorous, our leader was too. Now a feeble nation is technically led by the oldest man to ever serve in the presidency.   


We can't defend our borders, our history (including monuments to past greatness) or our streets. Our cities have become anarchist playgrounds. We’re a nation of dependents, mendicants, and misplaced charity. Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.   


The president of the United States can't even quote the beginning of the Declaration of  Independence ('You know - The Thing') correctly.  Ivy League graduates routinely fail history tests that 5th graders could pass a generation ago.  Crime rates soar and we blame the 2nd.  Amendment and slash police budgets.   


Our culture is certifiably insane. Men who’re mindlessly claiming they’re women. People who fight racism by seeking to convince members of one race that they’re inherently evil, and others that they’re perpetual victims. A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale said she fantasizes about 'unloading a revolver into the head of any white person.'   


We murder the unborn in the name of freedom, while our birth rate dips lower year by year. Our national debt is so high that we can no longer even pretend that we’ll repay it one day. It's a $30-trillion monument to our improvidence and refusal to confront reality. Our 'entertainment' is sadistic, nihilistic, and as enduring as a candy bar wrapper thrown in the trash. Our music is noise that spans the spectrum from annoying to nauseating.   


Patriotism is called an insurrection, treason celebrated, and perversion sanctified. A man in blue gets less respect than a man in a frilly dress. We’re asking soldiers to fight for a nation our leaders no longer believe in.   


How meekly most of us submitted to Fauci-ism (the regime of face masks, lockdowns, and hand sanitizers) shows the impending death of the American spirit.   


How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?   

* Fighting endless wars they can't or won't win

* Accumulating massive debt far beyond their ability to repay

* Refusing to secure their borders, allowing the nation to be inundated by an alien horde

* Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule

* Allowing indoctrination of the young

* Moving from a republican form of government to an oligarchy

* Losing national identity

* Indulging indolence

* Abandoning God, faith and family - the bulwarks of any stable society.   


In America, every one of these symptoms is pronounced, indicating an advanced stage of the disease.   


Even if the cause seems hopeless, do we not have an obligation to those who sacrificed so much to give us what we once had? I'm surrounded by relentless ghosts urging me on: the Union soldiers who held Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, the battered  bastards of Bastogne, those who served in the cold  hell of Korea, the guys who went to the jungles of  Southeast Asia and came home to be reviled or  neglected.   


This’s the nation that took in my immigrant grandparents, whose uniform my father and most of my uncles wore in the Second World War. I’m grief stricken to imagine a world without America, even though it becomes increasingly likely.   


During Britain's darkest hour, when its professional army was trapped at Dunkirk and a German invasion seemed imminent, Churchill rightly reminded his countrymen, 'Nations that go down fighting rise again, and those that surrender tamely are finished.'   


The same might be said of causes. If we let America slip through our fingers, if we lose without a fight, what’ll posterity say of us?   


While the prognosis is most depressing. Only God knows if America's sun has permanently set."   


Read it and weep, forward or erase it! I read it and am now forwarding it to you, believing that we in America are at the moment in time to stand up, or let it fall! We now may soon be at the next step in our country's future. I believe that it might be infinitely closer than we think.   


Author UnKnown

Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques / Re: Corned Beef and Pastrami
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:21:15 PM »
Stopping up to visit you has crossed my mind more than once.

This year: Wyoming/Montana
Next year: Alaska
The following year, I was kinda thinking Newfoundland, but, maybe???

Soldier Up / Re: The time has come.
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:19:21 PM »
Last summer I started eating clean and that means very little sugar. Off came 30 pounds. I exercise the best I can with this RA business, but I took some more off and it has stayed off. I flirt with upper 220's to mid-upper 230's diet and exercise dependent.

Eat lots of protein and no bread...
I’m hoping my approach keeps it maintainable.
I’m not a big bread eater.
But when I do, generally I make it myself.
So unfortunate highly processed flour, but none of the other junk.
You are a soldier and have amazing resiliency. I think this weight control for you will be totally doable.

I believe in you!

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:31:12 PM »
J-57 : EC 135 Not all of them got the turbo fans

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk

Oh no...Four of em!

Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques / Re: Corned Beef and Pastrami
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:30:35 PM »
My mouth is watering!!!!!!

I’ll just leave this here…like I said in my time post, nothing off limits. I sure did enjoy these.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK, Sam, so you said you were dieting

Sorry bro but the bread is straight-up sugar...

I'll do ya a favor, give that to me! ;-)

Soldier Up / Re: The time has come.
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:28:57 PM »
Last summer I started eating clean and that means very little sugar. Off came 30 pounds. I exercise the best I can with this RA business, but I took some more off and it has stayed off. I flirt with upper 220's to mid-upper 230's diet and exercise dependent.

Eat lots of protein and no bread...

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:43:36 AM »
AAM is known for a truetrac LS, bet thats it. But that would not require a friction modifier being all gears?

Yep, I have gone off brand the last couple times, so far so good.
That's what is confusing me, why use a friction modifier in a gear type diff? More to come, I need to research my build tag and consult with the Mopar folks to determine what I have.
All indications are it is the new 12" AAM.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:05:20 AM »
This neighbor is a retired lineman and his wife is a registered nurse. He helped me set all the walls on the big shop and is always willing to lend a hand. The tile went about 100’ across his property to the culvert under his driveway. So I had his approval to install this and it benefits him some as well. He had one low spot that retained water which we ran the tile directly thru. With my property up stream and giving me issues I thought it only fair to pay the bill if he allowed me to fix the issue in the best manner for both of us.

On the other side of him are two new neighbors which are having a meadowlark (same manufacturer as ours) cabin built currently. They should be moved in around 8 weeks from now. Those two have been married 30 years and he started his navy career in the back seat of a Tomcat. I met both of them this past week. They are mid 50’s and seem like very nice people. They had to get out of Colorado as well.
Make sure you invite that Navee pilut to join our group here. He can take up the cause of defending that rusty boat, barnacle-encrusted glorified tug boat service which was created to transport the United States Armee to distant locations and to make us sandwiches while we are there...
That ought to get him going...

Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques / Re: Corned Beef and Pastrami
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:00:59 AM »
My mouth is watering!!!!!!

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:59:55 AM »
That LS looks good in there. I liked the nittos on the Tahoe, but now they are $300+ each! Got the 4 prinx for $700 delivered.

I was using Valvoline before, but found the Lucas a bit cheaper by the gallon when I got for the excavator and have stuck with it. Has a great rep.
JR-I was using Simple Tire forever, but lately, as in my last couple of sets of tires, Walmart is coming in cheaper. These Toyos of mine which are tall/skinny and would be ideal for the Tahoe were $273 ea.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:58:05 AM »
My best guess is that limited slip is in fact a torsen helical cut gear locker. I’m sure Tate will chime in but if it is then it’s a beast…..
Yea, as per our conversation last night, this is interesting.
Tate, you hearing this?
I see that for 3500 only, Ram is requiring you to add a friction modifier. When I looked at that huge diff, I thought the clutch packs must slide down in there somehow, but I have to agree with Shawn, it reminded me of a Torsen.
Someone??? Let's solve this mystery.

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:52:30 AM »
Sam, my hearing doc told me the 357 is the hardest on the hearing of most any caliber. I can hardly hear without aids and they only help a little.
Funny part is, with all the shooting I have done, the 357 is probably the least shot of anything in the safe. Hearing protection is a great thing to use but in my younger years hardly anyone wore them including me. Can’t say my hearing is gone because of shooting but it didn’t help.

I’ll agree with you Bob. 
It packs a heck of a report.
My 300 is probably louder to me, but may actually not be.
I’ve lost a lot of my hearing as well.
Some from shooting.
Some from woodworking.
Some from work.
Don’t need aids at this point but don’t have a lot left before I do.

I wish I lost all my hearing from your list, but it went the way of rotor blades and turbine engines
Same, but J57 water burners and TF 33 did mine in. 24 years of working around aircraft and let me not forget those wonderful cart starts

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk

To be certain, you, sir lived in the noisiest environment of all of us!

J-57: F4?

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:20:38 PM »
Tate shipped me the Carli suspension, and it will be finding itself onto the truck in the very near future.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:19:25 PM »
And, of course, the big guy is always close by holding down some concrete.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:18:33 PM »
Here is a comparison between the self-destructing Nexen tires and the replacement Toyo's which maintain the same narrow profile but stand 2" taller.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:16:56 PM »
And then I started to install the aluminum diff cover

But wait, the bolt holes did not line up.

And the gasket looked different

And the whole thing was smaller than the steel cover I just removed.

Ya, the thing did not fit. I got $300+ for the new cover and $105 for the fluid; all I got was a fresh fluid change for the axle. Now that may not be all that bad, since axles break in, and changing the fluid afterward is a good idea. So I'll take that much, but No one, including the people who sold it, said anything about this 12" AAM has a bigger cover.

Why did they do that? A Dana 60 cover fits a Dana 70. The earlier 11.5AAM is almost as big, so why not keep common parts?

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:10:59 PM »
I then pulled off the stock cover to reveal the stock diff. I was surprised to find it has a huge Limited Slip and not the G80 locker of old. My truck has the newest 12: AAM axle, probably because of the steadily increasing torque ratings of all these new trucks.

Everything looked to be in great condition, but it should. My truck is right at 1,000 miles total.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:07:38 PM »
I then ran over to AutoZone where I purchased five quarts of Valvoline synthetic 75W-140. I have used Valvoline gear oil a lot in the past and its synthetic has a friction modifier already mixed in. After that and after slipping into old jeans I went after swapping out the diff cover for that unit that came stock on the 3500's with the HD tow rating.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:04:07 PM »
Shortly after I picked it up, I picked up (Toyo Open Country RT Trail tires in 255/80R17. The cheapest price was at Walmart, so I loaded all seven of them up. They are scheduled to be installed on Thursday.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:01:48 PM »
The camper has been placed in a body shop bay where the repairs are now underway.

Poor thing has not been washed since I purchased it!

I think it is the 6010 HST cab.
I like the cab obviously so I can cut on the hottest days, but the price is unbelievable Close to $20K less than John Deere and thousands less than Kubota. Best of all, that loader will lift over 2,600 lbs.

I sold the compact track loader for a ton. To maintain the farm for now, All I really need is 50-60HP and some implements such as a grapple and a bush hog. I have a good hog so there's that

Mostly, I really, as in REALLY can't stand that "treadle" on my Kubota MX6000. It is not for me, although some folks actually like it. I like two pedals and that is what the Kioti has.

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 23, 2024, 08:54:43 AM »
Think I recommended Lucas. Summit has it by the gallon.

You doing steps on this? I'm selling mine and staying with permanent steps. With all the much the side of the truck stays cleaner, but I need to step up a few more inches.

I sure know about cows and stock trucks!
I mentioned your incident to the bumper guy yesterday...

Is this another subject of Don’s torture testing?
Very well might be...Made some recent large adjustments...Continuing to refine the reset...

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:49:34 PM »
Nope, economic guys are saying we are spending $1.8 to $1 taken in. Interest on the debt is more than the debt every year.

It will take years but our kids are going to pay big time.
It will collapse or be replaced b digital $$$ before then I'm thinking.

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:48:21 PM »
Sam, my hearing doc told me the 357 is the hardest on the hearing of most any caliber. I can hardly hear without aids and they only help a little.
Funny part is, with all the shooting I have done, the 357 is probably the least shot of anything in the safe. Hearing protection is a great thing to use but in my younger years hardly anyone wore them including me. Can’t say my hearing is gone because of shooting but it didn’t help.

I’ll agree with you Bob. 
It packs a heck of a report.
My 300 is probably louder to me, but may actually not be.
I’ve lost a lot of my hearing as well.
Some from shooting.
Some from woodworking.
Some from work.
Don’t need aids at this point but don’t have a lot left before I do.

I wish I lost all my hearing from your list, but it went the way of rotor blades and turbine engines

This may be popping up on the radar

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:36:22 PM »
somebody on here recommended a good diff fluid, but I forgot

What should I shove back into that AAN rear axle when I slap on the cover?

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:25:52 PM »
I spoke to the folks who built these (in Texas). They said they would handle deer with no problem. I asked about the mesh all over the middle, and they told me something I did not know.

For their customers who live in the Dakotas through the Eastern part of Montana, those states have big game birds such as pheasant. Those birds can and have taken out radiators, and that is the whole reason for the steel mesh being welded in there.

Would have never thunk of that!

Build Threads / Re: Don's 2024 Ram 3500
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:13:14 PM »
Well, all this is going to start happening pretty soon. I haven't actually been in possession of my truck for weeks, since the accident. I should have it back tomorrow.

I have the diff cover on the floor in my office.

I will need to figure out what in the heck is going on with those airbags.

The tires are beginning to come in, so they will be getting installed pretty quickly.

I ordered the recommended Carli suspension which levels the truck, 2.5" front and 1" rear.

And just a little while ago, I ordered my bumper. After everyone's recommendation and some more thinking about it, I purchased a sturdy unit that covers the entire front end similar to the one Shawn has on his tow pig:

Build Threads / Re: 2018 F250 6.7L grandpas tow pig
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:07:47 PM »
Good enough for me, and sound reasoning, everyone.

I placed an order for a sturdy although not particularly good-looking bumper.

I'll post pics of it on my Dually thread.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:05:37 PM »
Yup, fed needs to stop spending and printing money.
Some would argue all this is by design.

Gets us in the bread lines quicker...or so they think.

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 22, 2024, 11:08:15 AM »
That is a nice piece there chief.
Thank ya!

It's my second as I have stated, and like, everyone I know also has one...

You probably have one too, right?

It would be a great gun for you and for what you do. Magnum handgun and all that. Btw, my first magnum handgun was actually a S&W .41 magnum in blued steel. That was a darned powerful shooter in its own right. I purchased it to take whitetail but sold it before I ever hunted with it.

Build Threads / Re: 2018 F250 6.7L grandpas tow pig
« on: April 22, 2024, 11:06:47 AM »
Do you, in your opinion think I should put something like that on my Dually which I am using as a camper dolly this summer?

Highly subjective, I know, but it is actually just insurance and removes the gamble of getting disabled in the middle of nowhere, but costs me $3500 and adds 200 pounds of weight.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 22, 2024, 09:32:37 AM »
Crazy weekend! Lost a leg of power coming into the house. Ended up the nicked the insulation when they installed it, and after 20+ years, it corroded through. Ran new wire from the meter into the main box and added conduit this time for protection. I'm not sure why they didn't do that the first time. Just in case you are wondering that primary wire isn't cheap anymore.

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk


Costs are increasing at a steady rate. I have a comfortable/good retirement income, but I am losing headway against inflation. I wonder how people of lesser means are making it. McDonalds (I don't like them) can cost in excess of $25 pretty easy. We got two subs a small fry and two fountain drinks the other day and I was right at $40! And this is the Kintuckee!

Build Threads / Re: 2018 F250 6.7L grandpas tow pig
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:33:13 AM »
That's Mule Deer killin cool right there.

Wondering if I need a bumper and grill/cattle guard like that

On the recent trip to Utah, I was tooling down the road at 70 and at the last possible second caught the outline (ears mostly) of two Mulies standing broadside in my lane. I called the engine room and ordered "Emergency full-back" and Scottie give it "everything she's got"

I saw the Chevy's headlights behind me take a big dip as he went to an emergency full stop too. Those stupid deer sat there looking while we all nearly piled it up. I have heard that Mule Deer are stupid, now I know it to be true. Just two deer in the headlights who were probably saying to each other, "Fred, I'm a goner...Yep, Joe, I think you're right, doesn't look like that old guy in the Jeep is gonna get that thing stopped in time..."

Well after that and looking at the unprotected front end of my Ram dually, I am wondering if 1. I could even get the thing stopped in time, 2. If I did emergency brake like that with the camper, would it just "endo" on me, and 3. What shape would we be in after hitting two big deer like that?

Good solid cop car look you have going there...I like it

So, not seeing something else...
Window tint: same as before
Stance: About the same
Front air dam: Did you remove that?
Paint: Looks about the same


D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:19:04 AM »
Good to see folks back around nere!

I'll share this...funny

When stuff started to get quiet, I was wondering and Shawn texted me twlling me he and Dave and probably others were having the TapTalk issue again.

So I open a ticket over at "A small Orange" complaining about the issue. Well they go to work

Trying to figure out

Why our website can't talk to Tap Talk?

They report no issues.

I try to turn the thing around..."No its folks having a problem getting through Tap Talk to the website" the warrant officer sez.

And back and forth we go with the English language as the common barrier to solving the thing

So, if I get abducted by aliens or invaders sometime soon, just remember to have the small orange people (Little Trumps?? ;-) update and reload the Php. I believe we are on version 7.4 at the moment...

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:11:19 AM »
Well. Now that I can…I’ll do a small photo dump as well.
Found a clock that I need.

My first ham. It won’t be my last.

Had a cabin owners poker derby last weekend.
Was a beautiful day.

A tad blustery on Thursday.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
NO...Send all that (Except for the blizzard) to me! ;-)

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:03:06 AM »
One day, I'm gonna dig through my ancient 1980s Germany pics to see if I can find a photo of my original 629...

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:01:37 AM »
Happy Birthday Chief!  I have a nice recipe for that 629, having one myself.  230gn at 1450fps.  Attention getter for sure.
Care to share?
Norm, my Armee/Police buddy from West (by-God) Virginia has a special 200+ FPS 405 gr. hand load recipe he shared for that gun. I put 4-5 of them through the weapon, and, ya...A real (kicker) attention getter ;-)

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 21, 2024, 08:57:06 AM »
Looks nice. Now you need to throw in on the ground and get the first scratch or scratches out of the way. It's like ripping a bandaid off, just rip and get it over with.
OK, Sergeant...
How bout we settle for some good ole holster rash?

Firearms / Re: Birthday gun
« on: April 20, 2024, 09:26:13 AM »
I believe I just got that .44 Magnum I have been writing/talking about for the past few months!

This is nearly an exact copy of the 629 I carried in a shoulder holster as an Army Aero Scout in the early 1980's when I patrolled the East German border.

It closes the loop for me and brings me right back to that time.

It is a forever gun for me. I will carry it proudly along with my Marlin 45/70 on my upcoming western adventures.

Firearms / Birthday gun
« on: April 20, 2024, 09:23:36 AM »
Yesterday I turned 70

I have only ever done that once. It is unlikely I will ever do that again.

My wife thinks that is a significant number, and frankly having been a warrior with seven combat tours, it is a number I could hardly have guessed I would ever see. But here I am all golden aged and everything!

Most of my family was here. One Pre-Ranger is still on duty with the 3rd Infantry Division, and one "nearly-ranger" is all tied up with that pesky 75th Ranger Regiment training. Man, those guys are all so serious! ;-) And one really old one is stuck on a mountainside somewhere in Utah on a two-wheeled death machine.

But the rest of em were here and were crawling all over me for some time until the burgers and cake and ice cream ran out and the sleep monster came to visit.

Kat handed me a big heavy box to open. It felt heavier than a stack of cinder blocks (because it was!) On the top were two bags of lawn fertilizer...Oh, boy :-( Nest was another bag of specialized fertilizer for the pines we have :-( Then things started to change. There was this huge box of Oreo cookies. Odd, because I don't eat them but, she does...Hmmm. There were another two boxes of Reece's butter cups, not my fav but they just happened to be her favorite candy. Below that was this several-pound box of peanut M$M's that sadly, I do like and then there was a separately wrapped box. This one contained a GoPro camera! Ah, things were getting better. Below that was a myriad of boxes of all manner of Go-Pro stuff and below that one remaining box of deck shoes. I wear them out quickly and am in desperate need of a new pair. Inside that box, wrapped up in the shoe box paper was a brand-new Smith and Wesson Model 629!

Faith Discussion / Re: 100 days of prayer and fasting
« on: April 20, 2024, 09:09:12 AM »
Day 100

This has been another adventure in faith and having another little piece in the relationship with our eternal God through Jesus. If you haven't participated, I hope this touched you.

God gives us this open door through prayer that we can walk through. Your neighbor doesn't always give you that opportunity. Your government feints at caring for your concerns but we observe it as self-serving instead. Your judicial system is unbalanced and blows to and fro based on the latest political wind.

We can't depend on the weather, our jobs, and sometimes not even on our marital partners. I have heard of a loving dog biting his owner and our favorite car or truck has or can at any moment leave us stranded.

Name one thing other than God that you can depend on, and someone can and probably should call you a fool. Why? Well, because there is simply nothing natural nor man-made that will not fail or is reliable, nothing that will not fail or is infallible.

But there is a God. Only one mind you, and he has created himself in the person of three. He is so big and complex that he defies understanding and is known to us as the Father from whom all things have come. There is his Son, Jesus our king through which we can return to live eternally with our Father, and there is his spirit. I happen to love that spirit as I discovered it to have a sense of humor and I know it to be less than a breath away.

These three things, The Father, His son Jesus, and the holy spirit are all infallible. They are utterly dependable. They are always with you. They were actually here before there was even time. They will not fail you and can absolutely be depended on and

They are available at a moment's notice,

Through prayer!

I hope that all of the folks who visit this site for whatever reason have in some way been touched by this wonderful spirit of God. It is to him I give all the glory for everything good that goes on here.

Faith Discussion / Re: 100 days of prayer and fasting
« on: April 19, 2024, 12:34:46 PM »
Day 99

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 19, 2024, 08:42:03 AM »
Tap talk still not working and for some reason I can't get the forum on my android phone. Good thing I still have a computer
I think the enemy is working hard in the background.
I have a ticket in at "A Small Orange" our host, but so far nothing.
I also noticed we had nearly 50,000 views yesterday and as many as 400+ at a time so far this morning. Those are mostly bots, I suspect. They do good, stacking our information in the search engines, and bad...Letting malicious operators what we are doing.

I hear Utah Dave can't get onsite and we haven't heard from JR in a while, and that is unusual.


Faith Discussion / Re: 100 days of prayer and fasting
« on: April 18, 2024, 09:59:01 AM »
Day 98

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: April 17, 2024, 08:08:27 PM »
Can't see em, they are per invite only. I've never been on insagram.

Our Pro-Military, Veteran, and Thin Blue Line place / Re: The buds...
« on: April 17, 2024, 02:55:52 PM »
"Fat tanks"

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