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Topics - Flyin6

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General Vehicle Related Discussion / New Tesla
« on: June 21, 2022, 05:17:19 PM »
I ordered a new Tesla Model 3 performance today

What an easy process

Create an account, open it, then select a car

Click on order, click on if you want dual or single motor, and either a long range or a performance version.

Next select the color, decide if you want the $12,000 autonomous drive feature, chose a wall charging station and click "Order"

That's it, and it only comes in White, Charcoal at no charge, Vivid black for a slight upcharge, Pearl blue for $1000, and Pearl/candy red for $2000 upcharge.

Oh you get to choose a black (standard) or a white $1,000 surcharge interior as well.

You pay $250 at time of ordering.

Tesla will lease or finance, or you can show up with your own financing, or you can pay cash.

The down payment is $4,500 and I financed mine. I normally finance for a longer time frame then pay it off as quickly as I can. My car cost just over $65,000 including shipping, taxes, delivery, and doc fees.

I am going to start an experiment by running alternate fuels in my 2011 LML Duramax engine

The times demand we explore possibilities for alternative fuel sources looking into an uncertain future where fuel will either be super expensive or become difficult to source. If predictions hold true, people may well be challenged to find diesel fuel.

In the past, we were reluctant to experiment with the Duramax engine with its costly injectors and high-pressure pump. I had replaced the CP4A high-pressure pump in lieu of a CP3 pump which is known as a dead reliable unit as opposed to the failure-prone more modern CP4 pumps. That experiment cost me nearly three thousand dollars for parts and three good days of labor (Since I am a novice, and it was my first time).

I know that new injectors will also cost in the thousands and for those reasons along with diesel fuel in the mid $2 range, there was little incentive to take a chance on screwing up costly parts.

So, no one really messed with the formula. Buu the cheap ULSD and run it. When things like injectors or pumps failed, anty up and pay the piper for new parts.

With fuel between $5 and $6 and rumored to go much higher, now, one can save nearly half the cost of a single injector by running a tank of something else that is, essentially, free.

About a month or so ago, I started running a single quart of ATF in the fuel, straight up. Then I ran two, then I ran two plus a quart of Marvel's mystery oil. My interest was in lubing 135K injectors to extend their life. The scar rating of the ULSD is insufficient to prevent the injectors from simply wearing out.

But while doing so, I can swear, I think the engine became more quiet and just smoother.

Intel / Possible fuel shortages
« on: June 12, 2022, 09:13:42 PM »
Heard this morning from a source. Unverified and only one source.

The source is in the petrol industry, manufacturing side.

States refineries are going to be well behind the demand curve very soon. He is predicting an extreme shortage of fuel first in the eastern states, then in the south. He stated diesel fuel is likely to become scarce and very difficult to find. He expects some areas to dry up completely into the foreseeable future.


CIEMR: A sham of a congressional panel

So, what do you think about this debacle of a hearing on capitol hill over the Jan 6 “Uprising?” What a bunch of crap! I am highly insulted that the Pelosi crowd thinks that I am that stupid. Man, do they look down on us from their lofty perches!
Almost no republicans on an investigative panel? Really? If you staff that panel 50/50 democrat to Republican and you’ll have my attention. The way you have it set up the mission is clearly just to play a role and speak to your deranged base. I’ll switch to a rerun of nearly anything in protest, and I did just that!

No, Ms. Pelosi, you are not going to pull some faint of the hand or fancy card trick and pull my interest away from the fact that I am paying $5 a gallon for gas. Your blatant disregard for fairness will do nothing to fill the tank of ag fuel at my farm which is no longer available by the way! Even if you get some homeless illegal alien from Istanbul who just crossed the Rio Grande to testify that Mr. Trump tried to overthrow the government, I’m tone deaf. All I can hear are border cops screaming for help. I also hear thousands of people mourning the loss of family members from this out-of-control crime wave. Clue: If you defund police and try to convict them for doing their jobs, you’re going to have an out-of-control crime wave!
I am smarter than you think I am madam sorcerer! I see your game, and I am insulted. You want to pull some rabbit out of your democratic party hat to keep Mr. Trump from running again for president! Yep, you know that would crush your hopes to turn America into the newest communist nation on earth. Either that or you want to somehow lock the man up. Well good luck with that. I think you’ll soon find no one in uniform willing to do your evil bidding or to arrest the man.
He stood for America. He did what he said he would do. He was proud to be American and he made me proud to be one. He kicked our enemies in their collectives a$$es. He reunited NATO and finally made them pay their fair share. He allowed PhD educated Generals to do their job and we defeated enemy after enemy while he saw to supplying the material needs of our efforts.

He stood on the border with hoards camped a hundred feet away in Mexico, afraid to cross the river. He made us a nation worthy of people wanting to become citizens through a legal process, not overrun by your fentanyl carrying thugs!

That’s what you’re doing speaker Pelosi. You loaded up that so called panel to preach to we, REAL Americans your party line that you have long hoped to shove down our throats. But you know what? We’re not buying it. You’re fired madam and your panel can be a final sad footnote to seeing you happily passing into retirement. We’re going to bury the democratic party as it now exists and replace it with republicans who care about America. Then, because the blood bath, born of things like this sham of a panel, is going to so completely dethrone your sad party, I think we are going to see a change.
Politicians are mostly pigs in my view. Devoid of honor, they lie and live to further their own desires to climb ever higher. When they see what the American people is going to do to their ranks this fall, I think we may have set the stage to finally kick these unamerican progressive communists out of control. Finally, hopefully, more reasonable democrats can get a footing and return to the center where we need them to be. We need American minded lawmakers who aren’t willing to sail the whole ship over the waterfall just to appease some fringe/freak part of your party, who you, through your lack of courage, has allowed to have any voice at all.

I do not believe this “Hearing” is anything, but a sham and it only reinforces my resolve to vote all of you out of office. Democrats, I’d be getting those resumes all polished up, you’re gonna need them!

Faith Discussion / Righteousness
« on: June 09, 2022, 10:05:44 AM »


Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable. It can be considered synonymous with "rightness" or being "upright".

Couple of things:

The Bible teaches that righteousness is based on what God says about what makes us right in His eyes. What makes us right or righteous in God’s eyes is not anything that we have done. It is our response to His grace by believing through faith that what God has told us about salvation through His Son, Jesus the Christ, is true.

I was watching a YouTube video about "where does one go after death." Obviously it listed the two common choices, Heaven and Hell. It went on to say that the moment after death we are judged according to our works, and that got me both concerned and caused me to listen a bit more closely.

The mini program was well produced and of professional quality, but the content had me squirming in my seat. The narrator kept hammering on the point that we would be judged, and judged on the basis of our righteousness. Well, heck, I thought, then we are all going to hell. For who is righteous amongst us? I'd say no one. Who is without sin? Anyone? I doubt it. I'll wager that everyone has sin in their life to contend with.

So back to righteousness and how is it that we reach that state? You see, I think we are only righteous through grace. I think I am a sinner, and I think I should try to become righteous through my efforts, which fall short every single day. But, I am made perfect in God's eyes through the grace he has abundantly afforded me. In other words, I, by myself stand a zero chance of achieving righteousness but can only be made so, and then acceptable to God through forgiveness. That forgiveness was paid for on the cross through the human death of Jesus who died a horribly painful death. He absorbed all of our sin and that sin died along with him right then and there...Wow!

And with the death of the sin of man on that cross, the old law that was handed down through the profits and Moses to the Jewish people as the means to become righteous was replaced with grace. Think about that for just a moment. You are a screw up, just like me. Point to one day you would be proud enough of, and that is worthy enough to earn a pass through the pearly gates? One you could give to God as a gift that shows you worthy of earning an eternity in heaven? Take your time, we have all day...

OK, that's quite long enough. I'll cut you short because unless you are delusional, you shouldn't be able to point to such a day. If you think you can, I have a friend who has an office in the Cincinnati psychiatric center who could fit you in. He's pretty good, I go to visit, err, have a quoffee with him quite frequently (wink- wink).

Back to this vid. From what I understood it to say, it was giving a false message that you had to achieve a state of righteousness in order to get into heaven and avoid the eternal flames and separation from God that is Hades. You can't do it! Nobody can! You can only become righteous through forgiveness of sin. The only one who can forgive your sin is God himself. Not your priest, not your best friend, your neighbor or commanding officer. The only way to get that forgiveness is through the blood of that most wonderful man, Jesus. I almost don't want to call him a man, but, my black leather history book says he actually lived, had a job, and walked around the dusty streets of his time.

Romans 10:9 clearly states the most important scripture in my view in all the bible. Sure, John 3:16 tells us who and what God is, but without the passage in Romans, John is only good information for you to tuck away whether serving in heaven or suffering in the Firey lake. Romans 10:9 will save you if you do what it says. If you actually do believe as it calls you to do. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Be careful when listening to the word of man. It could be right, like when it echos the word from the bible, or it could be wrong. I think in these late days a smart person would want to know more and more about what the word says. It is the only truth that matters, is unchanging, will transform you, and in the end, save you.

Funny, but in closing, a name just popped up in my mind...Bob, I think this message was meant for you.

D.O.T. / Another sad "green" energy fact
« on: June 06, 2022, 10:04:13 AM »
Most of the parts for a wind turbine are built in Germany.
It requires 60 gallons of oil to lubricate the turbine.
When a seal breaks, that oil goes to the ground.
Blades are made of a toxic fiberglass combination & are buried in landfills
in Wyoming (think ground water).
Turbine has to spin continually for 7+ yrs just to replace the energy it
took to manufacture it.
It would have to run continually for 50 yrs (they don't last that long) to
pay for the cost to manufacture & install the turbine....which is
approximately 2 million dollars per turbine.

CIEMR:  Thoughts for the day, Man we are in a heap of trouble!

I feel strongly that some really bad times are coming. Worse than the 1930's depression. Worse because we now have tens of millions in additional population, and we are flooded with illegals from all over while the money system is collapsing.
Not wanting to get into a speech here but the national debt is now 129% of GDP. Think about that...We owe one third more than every nickel this entire economy could produce. We will never be able to repay the debt, NEVER!

So, a day of reckoning is coming. Call it the great reset, and I think it is at our doorstep.

We have lawlessness at historic levels. I think a tourist in Chicago has about the same amount of risk as the British soldiers who landed on D-Day on Juno beach. If you don't know what D-day is and you are a high school graduate, stop reading and get back to "The Voice." We have a rapidly growing national debt. We have a corrupt and inept administration at the helm. They think Americans can all switch to electric vehicles in 2-3 years. And we dam well better, or they will just keep driving costs higher and create more regulations. Why should they care? They are wealthy, corrupt, live in walled compounds, are surrounded by security guards, and best of all, THEY MAKE THE LAWS!

Leadership must feel that a second American revolution is not possible because they just started tickling the trigger. They are coming for our guns. The part of America, the map that shows red and blue, you know that map? The map where you really have to look hard to find the blue specs? Well, the red part is the part who owns all the guns. That will ignite some local skirmishes, but most sheriffs won't enforce gun control. Only the ones in cities will. So, what then? Will we be a "United" States or more like a "Disunited" one where these laws apply here and freedom exists over there just past the police barricades?

I really do not like pointing out the obvious but we are no longer standing on the cliff, we are starting to fall off. The baby formula crisis is indicative of the state of our states! The greatest nation on earth is now having to fly in baby formula from Australia and Ireland! You'd think we would be the one supplying it to others. We are importing oil although we have more of it than the rest of the world combined, that which is known. I do, however, suspect that story has not been completely written, Nope, Africa is on the rise in that respect. Sitting on most of the mineral wealth of the planet, they are organizing and may become powerful players in the next twenty odd years if we survive that long.
Can we please just pray that King Jesus returns before too much longer?

We, in America simply regulate our people and industries way too much. Reminds me of the days I attended a Marine Corps air to air combat flying school. Flying an Army helicopter, I was fully committed, flying that thing to its physical limits. Maneuvering against the CH-53, which should have been more maneuverable, I could beat it on most days. I found out why that was later on. You see, the Marines were severely restrained by Naval flight regulations called NATOPS. They were limited in how far they could maneuver and they stayed within those rules, almost. During one final huge exercise I showed up with my Chinook and suddenly this "53" pulls nose up almost 90 degrees then rolls during the climb and as fast as a Trump vote could be changed to a biden one he was on my tail, and "Killed" me. You see, he always had the ability to out maneuver me, but rules held him back. What a great analogy that is in my mind for what's going on in America today.

The communists have made some magnificent advances in America. They have created a state where our police may not police. We cannot use our own oil to the point of driving millions of sheep, err, I mean people into poverty. We can't call a boy a boy, or a girl, a girl. If you burn down a neighborhood you are some sort of freedom fighter but if you defend yourself from attack you're a supremist or some other horsesheet. Doctors, engineers, farmers and skilled labor, from all over the world have to wait years to legally migrate to and become US Citizens. But if you're a mule packing in the fentanyl across the Rio Grande, you are given a free cell phone.

Look, let's just tear the thing down and start again. It's broke! it's broken bad! Anyone think the rule of law is fairly applied? Anyone think our government works for our welfare? Anyone, and I'm asking, does ANYONE out there think that anyone in leadership in Washington has any common sense at all?

Lets start with the media. I wish there was a way to just shut them down. NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and others like them. Just administer a simple test. Line them up and parade two people in front of them. One woman and one man. Let's make it easy, have the two people wearing bathing suits. Then simply ask each one to point out which person is a woman. If they have a problem, tank that network! Next! Take about five minutes and 90% of the purveyors of lies and disinformation are all gone. I think I'd donate the networks to some mega churches just to have some fun. God does that. He takes what is bad about someone and turns it into their strength.

I think in this utopian America I'm dreaming of here, I'd give the police 24 hours worth of hall passes. You know, from now until this time tomorrow, anything goes. Then after 24 hours all laws are enforced subject to review by a supreme court review. I know, sounds crazy. Cops would no doubt take out a certain segment of our society which may sound terrible. But know what is worse? That same segment being taken out anyway along with every major city in America and with a fair number of us, the law abiding "Real" Americans.

I seem to have woken up in a mood. I was still thinking about how the mayor of San Fransisco in an attempt to alleviate the homeless problem there has decided to offer free housing to all homeless people who are...wait for it...

She will offer free housing to all homeless in San Fransisco who are Transvestites. You really can't make this stuff up!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Red diesel tank
« on: June 02, 2022, 10:14:23 AM »
Asking for a friend
Fuel costs are on a spectacular rise
I am now hearing about a rolling brownout type of activity with certain gas stations in Kentucky
Ya, fuel shortages of diesel
Anyone seeing this or is it local to the Tuck?
So, this friend
Has accessibility to red diesel, farm fuel. Costs $.50-$.70 less a gallon
So he is considering running the red stuff

But he cannot legally use the agricultural fuel over the road.
As a side note he recently found out all the diesel trucks at the local high school mostly all run the red fuel!

So, back to my friend. He is sorting out a fuel system that would mount a 70ish gallon tank in the bed, then run that to a separate fuel system that plugs directly into the factory injection system at the engine.
Tank would remain with some fuel in it, the ULSD crap, but actually be powered from the "Aux" farm gas tank in the bed

He was wanting to know what the wise men on this forum had to say about that?

D.O.T. / Did Soros just get it right here?
« on: May 29, 2022, 09:08:38 AM »
Ukraine invasion may be start of ‘third world war’, says George Soros
Larry Elliott Economics editor - Tuesday

© Provided by The Guardian

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to be the “beginning of the third world war” that could spell the end of civilisation, the veteran philanthropist and former financier George Soros has warned.

In a ferocious attack on Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros warned that autocratic regimes were in the ascendant and the global economy was heading for a depression.

Soros, who has become a hate figure for the hard right in the US, also heavily criticised the former German chancellor Angela Merkel for cosying up to Moscow and Beijing.

With the mood in Davos already downbeat due to the war in Ukraine, Soros ramped up the gloomy rhetoric to new heights.

“The invasion may have been the beginning of the third world war and our civilisation may not survive it,” he said.

“The invasion of Ukraine didn’t come out of the blue. The world has been increasingly engaged in a struggle between two systems of governance that are diametrically opposed to each other: open society and closed society.”

The 91-year-old former hedge fund owner said the tide had started to turn against open societies in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US in 2001. “Repressive regimes are now in the ascendant and open societies are under siege. Today China and Russia present the greatest threat to open society.”

Soros, who led the speculative financial attack that drove the pound out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism 30 years ago, said Europe had responded well to the crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion.

“It will take a long time to work out the details, but Europe seems to be moving in the right direction. It has responded to the invasion of Ukraine with greater speed, unity and vigour than ever before in its history.”

He added: “But Europe’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels remains excessive, due largely to the mercantilist policies pursued by former chancellor Angela Merkel. She had made special deals with Russia for the supply of gas and made China Germany’s largest export market. That made Germany the best performing economy in Europe but now there is a heavy price to pay. Germany’s economy needs to be reoriented. And that will take a long time.”

Soros said Putin had won Xi’s agreement to the Russian invasion at the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics in early February. But he insisted the Chinese leader was not as strong as he believed.

“Xi harbours a guilty secret. He never told the Chinese people that they had been inoculated with a vaccine that was designed for the original Wuhan variant and offers very little protection against new variants.”

Soros said Xi was unable to “come clean” because he was at a delicate moment in his career. “His second term in office expires in the fall of 2022 and he wants to be appointed to an unprecedented third term, eventually making him ruler for life.”

China’s lockdowns to combat Covid-19 had pushed the economy into freefall but Xi was unable to admit he had made a mistake, he said.

“Coming on top of the real estate crisis the damage will be so great that it will affect the global economy. With the disruption of supply chains, global inflation is liable to turn into global depression.”

Contrary to general expectations, Xi Jinping might not get his coveted third term because of the mistakes he had made, Soros predicted.

“While the war rages, the fight against climate change has to take second place. Yet the experts tell us that we have already fallen far behind, and climate change is on the verge of becoming irreversible. That could be the end of our civilisation.

“Therefore, we must mobilise all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilisation is to defeat Putin as soon as possible. That’s the bottom line.”

CIEMR: 10 weeks of wheat remaining in the world!

I just read an article about the coming food shortage. The title of the article sounds rather ominous, and by rites, it should be. It says, "!0 weeks of wheat remaining in the world."

Think about that. 10 weeks and we are tango-uniform for the stuff we use to make, well, bread for one, and ten thousand other things that we use to fill voids in our stomach. The reason that the article cites is the war in the Ukraine. Turns out they are producing, well, used to be producing, nearly a third of the world's wheat! And something like 20% of the corn FOR-THE-WHOLE-WORLD.

If you're a thinking person, you can stop reading, you can figure out what comes next and you're right there with me. You've likely already stored away for a rainy day.

But you thinkers are a rare breed. I'd wager that 75% or better of everyone who can read just waits to be told what's next. You know, BLM is good and older white people are bad. You know, that and other, good reliable information.

My money says the government will play this down and use it to confuse and disrupt the voters in the upcoming November election where the progressive lefties are about to receive a severe beating about the head and shoulders.

It will be a good diversion, but unlike Trump's Russia connection or the need to mask up your poodles immediately and get all sorts of untested vaccinations, this one is actually real.

So, the day late and dollar short crowd starts to notice something. As they depart the voter booth enroot to another riot somewhere and they stop at the grocery to get their lucky charms, well right there where the fabulously delicious sugar pills used to be, will be a bunch of "Vote Democrat" signs in the place of the actual food.

So what happens next? Do the mindless sheeple just sit back on their haunches and wait for CNN or that new brilliant WH Spokesperson to solve their woes? Nope, my money says that they will panic just like all scared sheep do when they are in trouble. Might as well burn the grocery stores while they are looting it, you know, just for fun.
People in America are soft. They are fat, they are sick, they can't think for themselves, they are so scared of everything that they haven't experienced anything. I'll bet those professors who believe and spew all this liberal nonsense don't even realize that plants came from seeds that you need to put in dirt. Ya, unsafe, unclean, non-processed, messy old dirt. Oh and if you're a liberal and are taking notes, the seeds don't grow in the winter, so unless you can make the supreme sacrifice to pull the pot plants out of the bucket growing in the spare bedroom and toss in some corn seeds instead, you'd better plan on eating whatever you can find starting around Thanksgiving.

Oh, and no, the burned-out grocery stores won't work anymore. And since you're not an illegal alien, the chances of you getting actual help from the guberment is pretty much nil.

Oh and another clue: People won't wait ten weeks to clean off the grocery shelves. Remember what happened during COVID with toilet paper? Ya, like that.

Yep if you haven't been keeping up, you're pretty much screwed already!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR Fertilizer shortage
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:51:39 PM »
CIEMR: Fertilizer shortage

Not to be alarmist here, just sharing some information.

From some sources: Fertilizer is critically short. How short? Well normal sized farms may not have it available in some areas. You see, the cost has increased 2X to 3X since last year and that is the first part of the problem. The second, much larger part of the problem, is that there is only roughly half as much fertilizer available worldwide as there was last year...Half!

So, because there is less, and because the price has tripled, normal sized farms which run close to the margin, cannot buy it and make any money. So, they will likely not be producers like they normally would have been. Only the mega large farm corporations will be able to pay operating costs and still be in the black. They will push up the cost of their product to cover expenses.

Result: Less food available. Less food and at a greater cost. Expect it to show up in ways like this: The supermarket will still have cereal, but likely only one or a few choices, not rows of different brands. Any excess corn and wheat will be diverted into protein production or animal feed. That means ethanol production will decrease sharply. In many places, ethanol augments gasoline, and since it is cheaper than gas to produce, it can reduce the cost. That will not happen because the grains will be needed to make human and animal food. Consequently, gas prices will rise starting in October through the winter of 23.

We have a perfect storm coming and it doesn't seem as though people are even aware of it. The cost of meet will go up a bunch more because of the high cost of a dwindling supply of animal feed.

The poorer countries rely on food donations from the rich countries. This year that is going to start to dry up. Europe is already seeing an epic population migration from Africa. Expect it to get much, much worse. Social conditions in the western countries of Europe will devolve as nonwestern cultures start to crowd out traditional European cultures. A lack of food will ignite regional wars in the poorer regions.

Expect them to be in and all-around DRC and its 11 satellite countries. DRC has the most water in all of Europe and Asia. It also has the most aeratable land. It can easily feed all of Africa and all of Europe. DRC, however, is totally corrupt and so bad that any system of large-scale food production would be nearly impossible. But it will have some food and not many of its neighbors will, hence more wars are coming there.

Fuel prices in America will continue to rise. According to the CEO of a major petroleum supplier, the industry can no longer meet demand so prices will climb steadily to around $6 a gallon for gasoline and as high as $8 a gallon for diesel by summer’s end. The nation's produce travels to market on trucks for the most part so food costs will get another 15%-25% boost simply due to soaring energy costs.

One may conclude that most of this seems by design, but who is to say? The United Nations has for decades now, planned on depopulating the world, even published theories about how that may happen. It seems that starting with this coming harvest season, they may be getting their wish.

So, what can you do? Well, not too much as most of our population is urban based and clueless as to how to actually produce food, but that will soon change driven by raw necessity. Grow your own produce and can it. It's a fairly simple process and not costly.

Next, stockpile starting now. Buy UV resistant sealable bags and fill them with the basics. Flour, corn meal, sugar and the like. Toss in a de-oxygenator bag and seal them. Buy the kind of bags you must iron to seal. Fill up a trash can sized container with these bags. They will last a couple decades in there if the rodents can be kept at bay. If all this never happens, make cookies and pies for the next decade out of it and have a good laugh. But if things happen like they should, you have something. If you're rural, buy and house chickens. If your HOA says no, tell them to do something about it and do it anyway. We have a place for 2-6 cows, so we are doing that, and stocked a pond with fish.

There is no way that this rather extreme lack of fertilizer is going to just pass us by. No, it is going to hit hard. There will be a social and crime and just plain shock aspect to all this. If you have and you are in the vicinity of a bunch of have nots, either buy enough for all of them or learn to defend what is yours. People are already punching holes in gas tanks to get at the fuel. And we are still somewhat culturally normal. What do you think will happen when gas is at $6 a gallon and there isn't all that much food about? Just think about it.

So, crime is going to go up very quickly. The government is already hamstrung and starting just this fall we should have 1-2 million new illegal inhabitants. People coming from socialist countries are liable to be our best friends. They will likely fight to keep America from turning into the third world crap hole they just waded across the Rio-Grande to escape. But the others have come from countries where crime is a way of life. They are quietly filling up apartments in every American neighborhood there is. What they do and how they react when they realize they may not be getting free meals and a new I-phone and Cadillac is yet to be seen. But to say they will immediately become productive members of society and not become a big problem is a stretch.

America has changed. The idealistic socially progressive administration believes we are better off at $10 a gallon gas with everyone owning windmill powered cars and using their healthcare system for a sex change operation. They are no help to everyday Americans. It will take a new president to reauthorize drilling new wells to alleviate the energy crunch, but how long will all that take? 5-7 years probably. And what will have happened during that time? Will we even remember 8-10 years from now after having lived through all this self-made bull crap what the America of the 20-teens was like?

I say no way. By then things might even have gotten to the point where a state or two secedes from the union or we have a couple of regional civil wars. Certainly, we will be far more used to seeing murder and theft and living without abundance. I think we as a people will be less outgoing and more protective and secretive just to protect our own families. Sadly, America may have already sailed for a new port in some history book, never to be seen again. There is little you can do to make a difference in the macro space, but you can as I've mentioned you can make a difference for that smiling grill to your left and right. So, smart folks out there in TV land, get at it!

Intel / Food shortages coming
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:50:30 PM »
CIEMR: Fertilizer shortage

Not to be alarmist here, just sharing some information.

From some sources: Fertilizer is critically short. How short? Well normal sized farms may not have it available in some areas. You see, the cost has increased 2X to 3X since last year and that is the first part of the problem. The second, much larger part of the problem, is that there is only roughly half as much fertilizer available worldwide as there was last year...Half!

So, because there is less, and because the price has tripled, normal sized farms which run close to the margin, cannot buy it and make any money. So, they will likely not be producers like they normally would have been. Only the mega large farm corporations will be able to pay operating costs and still be in the black. They will push up the cost of their product to cover expenses.

Result: Less food available. Less food and at a greater cost. Expect it to show up in ways like this: The supermarket will still have cereal, but likely only one or a few choices, not rows of different brands. Any excess corn and wheat will be diverted into protein production or animal feed. That means ethanol production will decrease sharply. In many places, ethanol augments gasoline, and since it is cheaper than gas to produce, it can reduce the cost. That will not happen because the grains will be needed to make human and animal food. Consequently, gas prices will rise starting in October through the winter of 23.

We have a perfect storm coming and it doesn't seem as though people are even aware of it. The cost of meet will go up a bunch more because of the high cost of a dwindling supply of animal feed.

The poorer countries rely on food donations from the rich countries. This year that is going to start to dry up. Europe is already seeing an epic population migration from Africa. Expect it to get much, much worse. Social conditions in the western countries of Europe will devolve as nonwestern cultures start to crowd out traditional European cultures. A lack of food will ignite regional wars in the poorer regions.

Expect them to be in and all-around DRC and its 11 satellite countries. DRC has the most water in all of Europe and Asia. It also has the most aeratable land. It can easily feed all of Africa and all of Europe. DRC, however, is totally corrupt and so bad that any system of large-scale food production would be nearly impossible. But it will have some food and not many of its neighbors will, hence more wars are coming there.

Fuel prices in America will continue to rise. According to the CEO of a major petroleum supplier, the industry can no longer meet demand so prices will climb steadily to around $6 a gallon for gasoline and as high as $8 a gallon for diesel by summer’s end. The nation's produce travels to market on trucks for the most part so food costs will get another 15%-25% boost simply due to soaring energy costs.

One may conclude that most of this seems by design, but who is to say? The United Nations has for decades now, planned on depopulating the world, even published theories about how that may happen. It seems that starting with this coming harvest season, they may be getting their wish.

So, what can you do? Well, not too much as most of our population is urban based and clueless as to how to actually produce food, but that will soon change driven by raw necessity. Grow your own produce and can it. It's a fairly simple process and not costly.

Next, stockpile starting now. Buy UV resistant sealable bags and fill them with the basics. Flour, corn meal, sugar and the like. Toss in a de-oxygenator bag and seal them. Buy the kind of bags you must iron to seal. Fill up a trash can sized container with these bags. They will last a couple decades in there if the rodents can be kept at bay. If all this never happens, make cookies and pies for the next decade out of it and have a good laugh. But if things happen like they should, you have something. If you're rural, buy and house chickens. If your HOA says no, tell them to do something about it and do it anyway. We have a place for 2-6 cows, so we are doing that, and stocked a pond with fish.

There is no way that this rather extreme lack of fertilizer is going to just pass us by. No, it is going to hit hard. There will be a social and crime and just plain shock aspect to all this. If you have and you are in the vicinity of a bunch of have nots, either buy enough for all of them or learn to defend what is yours. People are already punching holes in gas tanks to get at the fuel. And we are still somewhat culturally normal. What do you think will happen when gas is at $6 a gallon and there isn't all that much food about? Just think about it.

So, crime is going to go up very quickly. The government is already hamstrung and starting just this fall we should have 1-2 million new illegal inhabitants. People coming from socialist countries are liable to be our best friends. They will likely fight to keep America from turning into the third world crap hole they just waded across the Rio-Grande to escape. But the others have come from countries where crime is a way of life. They are quietly filling up apartments in every American neighborhood there is. What they do and how they react when they realize they may not be getting free meals and a new I-phone and Cadillac is yet to be seen. But to say they will immediately become productive members of society and not become a big problem is a stretch.

America has changed. The idealistic socially progressive administration believes we are better off at $10 a gallon gas with everyone owning windmill powered cars and using their healthcare system for a sex change operation. They are no help to everyday Americans. It will take a new president to reauthorize drilling new wells to alleviate the energy crunch, but how long will all that take? 5-7 years probably. And what will have happened during that time? Will we even remember 8-10 years from now after having lived through all this self-made bull crap what the America of the 20-teens was like?

I say no way. By then things might even have gotten to the point where a state or two secedes from the union or we have a couple of regional civil wars. Certainly, we will be far more used to seeing murder and theft and living without abundance. I think we as a people will be less outgoing and more protective and secretive just to protect our own families. Sadly, America may have already sailed for a new port in some history book, never to be seen again. There is little you can do to make a difference in the macro space, but you can as I've mentioned you can make a difference for that smiling grill to your left and right. So, smart folks out there in TV land, get at it!

Our Pro-Military, Veteran, and Thin Blue Line place / Col Mize, MOH
« on: May 19, 2022, 02:20:12 PM »
Ola Lee Mize spent a total of 4 years in Vietnam as a Special Forces officer, during which he was shot multiple times and earned a Silver Star and 5 Bronze Stars. All of this occurred, however, during his second war, over a decade after his time as an enlisted man in Korea where he earned the Medal of Honor...
On June 10, 1953, at a place called Outpost Harry, Mize and his company from the 15th Infantry Regiment fought off a Chinese force outnumbering them 30 to 1. Mize seemed omnipresent over the outpost fighting off the enemy and resupplying his men. When one machine gun position was overrun, Mize battled his way to the gun and killed 10 enemy soldiers in and around the position. Grenade and artillery blasts blew him off his feet 3 times on his journey, but couldn't stop him. Legend told that he killed the last few enemy in the hole with an entrenching tool after his carbine ran out of ammo.
“I just knew I was going to die. I knew it. I accepted it," he remembered years later. "All I wanted to do was take as many of them with me as I could.”

In lieu of doing a bike build on my adventure thread which I am saving for trip pics, I'll just build the Kawasaki here.

I thought I'd keep this one sane and simple and inexpensive. After all the KLR is an adventure bike costing 1/2 to 1/3 the price of its competition that it really does not have.

So job1 will be to just buy less or the least expensive parts. I have found that you can pay double, triple or more if you are going for the snooty very best of the very best. Come down a paltry 10%-20% in capability, or quality and you are looking at half to a third the price. So you get a lot of bang for the buck for a much lower price point.

Next, keep it sane and focused. For this summer/fall, the pre-ranger will essentially be learning. So we aren't going to do anything crazy. We have to get good on the street, get good at low speed riding, and somewhat proficient on easy trails, two and single tracks.

So, it already has everything needed to be a good commuter and street rider, so it really needs very little there. I was thinking a throttle friction device to serve as a poor man's cruise control so I can get my hands off that buzzing bar every once in awhile. Oh, and I'll need a GPS/Phone holder so I'll score one of those.

For trail riding, I already think the stock rubber foot pegs are a non starter and with my height, standing and riding in the attack position forces me to lean slight forward placing more weight over the forks. That's not good, so I'll have to raise my handlebars. Next up it needs just a touch of armor. I am thinking a good bash plate and maybe just ride that for awhile before deciding to buy crash bars.

It already has panniers although they are small at 21 liters. They never the less fit the bike so I'll see how to develop that. I'll need some tools and things like a spare tube or two, an inflator, some irons, a hillbilly center-stand, some duct tape, spare nuts and bolts, and locktite.

I always like a bit of an exhaust note so I think I'll lead off this build with a cool exhaust.

CIEMR: Killing America by design

America is swirling around the toilet on its way to the septic tank where other failed nation states quietly rot and are covered by still others which have suffered the same fate. There’s no denying it, we are failing on all fronts. Morally? Need I say more? How about our American exceptionalism? Naw, losing that too. Our kids are being made to be as average as possible. Exceptional is not allowed. Nope, we now call that racist or privileged Bull Shoot! How about our leadership in the world? On the rise or perhaps moving closer to being the butt of a joke for the rest of the modern world?

Are we energy independent? Or are we now in trouble? See any signs? Been to the gas station lately? How about our food production and output for us and, really, a lot of the world? Seen beef or corn or soy-bean prices lately? And what’s waiting to visit us around Thanksgiving? With a huge shortage of fertilizer, we are most definitely looking at some significant shortages in food come harvest season. Oh, and that corn that was used to make methanol that was poured into gasoline…Yep, that’s going to go away too. I’m sure that won’t cause gas prices to go any higher, right?
What about our economy? Healthy? The president and that red haired witch that speaks for him says we are better off than ever! Job numbers this and participation rate is that…Bull crap! Yesterday, gas prices nationwide hit an average of $4.40 a gallon. That same day, the president canceled the lease in Alaska to drill for more oil. Yea, that will be helpful.
How about our national identity, our cultural identity? Thousands of criminals streaming across the southern border daily shouldn’t negatively impact that any, right? Oh, and all that Fentanyl they are bringing doesn’t matter much. Well, since it is killing a young person in America every five minutes, it may have some effect, but no sense in mentioning that it detracts from the party line: Life is great here and getting better! Me: I’ll just wait for the Washington witch to tell me everything is OK and I’ll click the heels on my jump boots twice and just like that, I’ll be OK again.
Are we a nation of laws where justice is administered equally? Well, the left things so. They firebomb offices where women fight to save the unborn and the justice department looks to the old fool and the witch for guidance. Nothing heard means, “Just don’t talk about it, wait for the news cycle to shift interest to the next crisis.” Protest around conservative justices’ homes and threaten their families? Reaction from the Attorney General of the United States: Crickets!

I’d like to do an inventory of all the failures of this administration, but Facebook has a one million word limit to posts… But here’s just a few that this soldier remembers: First, you chicken-chit fool of a president, you said to hell with the sacrifices of we warriors in Afghanistan and walked out. If you had just vanished, you know taken early by demons from hell along with your son, well we would have fought on. Without your stupid oversight, we would have won that fight in 6 months and been home in time to watch the fireworks on Independence Day. Next: Crime and disrespect for police. You idiot of a leader! Again, you show your disdain for the warriors who keep all of us safe.

I can give you a pass on you falling all over yourself, Mr. President, to support Transvestites, Gays and the like. I have compassion for people and Jesus tells us to love everyone. But you very stupid man, you do not have the right to try to force me to accept any of that crap. I don’t, and I’ll take it to the grave, and I’ll make sure all my family gets the truth about mental illness and all this gender identity nonsense.

Honoring Black Lives matters activists! What? Can’t you see they are the mob? I don’t care if they are black, blue, yellow or green. They are lawless criminals, not some freedom fighting crusaders! No, they are punks and should be in jail!
I could go on and on, but then there’s that million-word limit creeping ever closer. So, I’ll get to my point. Either you are so stupid and so close minded that you believe what you’re doing to my country is good, or…

Or your actions are purpose designed to destroy this nation. So, it comes down to the question, “What do I believe about you?” Are you stupid and clueless, or are you the puppet of those new world order folks, the George Soros and Bill Gates and Clintons and so many others in that camp? That’s the real question. I and millions like me view them as the enemy of freedom. We, millions, tens of millions strong are not willing to change or surrender this nation. I suffered for it. My dad did before me, and so many others who I love and respect gave so much for this country, that in this place, and for this time, man shall be free.

He shall be free to speak his mind, He shall be free to worship his God. He shall be free of oppression and threat of danger. He shall be free to wield weapons if necessary and use them to protect what is his. And most of all, he shall have dominion over this nation through the leaders he elects.

And if this nation ever becomes not of the people nor for the people, then we, the loyalists to the American ideal, claim our right to rise and set aside the government, or foreign invader, or mob of criminals, who seek to set us under some apparatus of control. We may not prevail, but as God knows, neither will anything that opposes us. This is our country. It was won for us with the hands of brave men and women who loved and cherished freedom. This nation does not belong to the weak. It does not belong to those who want to steal from some to give to another. It belongs to the patriots who are willing to stand their ground to defend what is theirs.

Adventure / Our Adventure!
« on: May 04, 2022, 03:06:39 PM »
So, today I did something really cool
I purchased two Kawasaki KLR-650's

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Some common sense
« on: May 03, 2022, 04:07:45 PM »

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart Phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
6 - The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($$$$ 0) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, voter I.D., and candidates running for office.
8 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. Now tell me, how do you think that would end?

Faith Discussion / Prayer answered??
« on: April 30, 2022, 10:59:12 AM »
During the 100 days of prayer, I consistently prayed for the men who come here to be blessed, and strengthened, and protected. I asked God to send us lots of men, so that they, too might be strengthened.

But here's what actually happened: We are declining, and rapidly. No new men save for one I can point to. So I am wondering what is happening here? I mean if we really were effectively reaching men and strengthening them in the name of Jesus? You see, God promises to do all things we pray for in accordance with his will. So what is going wrong?

I shouldered almost the entire financial burden of paying for this place this year, and that's no big deal. I feel the site is beneficial to lots of folks and I like doing it. But it points to a lack of enthusiasm of the membership here, at least I think so. Strike two...

So if God answers prayers we pray earnestly to the benefit of his will, and the site during that time of prayer showed about a 30% contraction, then what am I supposed to take from that? I don't know exactly what to think about it and that's why I made this entry. Perhaps some of you see something that I am not?

Am I missing something here?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is, this site somehow not honoring the Lord?
Am I not the one to lead it?

Seems clear that something has happened and it started when we started the 100 days of prayer. And I am not aware of too many members joining in on the 100 days of prayer. Just a few actually. I may be wrong about that, but even if I am right I know 2-3% of the people can make a pretty significance difference. History records those percentages made the difference during the American Revolution.

So, then I think, what would happen and who might benefit should this web site close down? One name immediately pops in my head, Satan. He would benefit. He likes to destroy. He would have destroyed this oasis in the interweb. He likes to tear apart families. We have a family here. Just look at Kens million plus chat room...All good stuff there. Satan likes to diminish the reach and effectiveness of the gospel. If we were gone, Matt's word of the day and a thousand other scriptural references would be lost. In the sense that we have been a "church" for some, well, that would be gone and those few would not have this safe place of fellowship.

So what is going on here?

Build Threads / 02 Burb, Part 6, The "evolution" thread
« on: April 27, 2022, 01:15:02 PM »
Well, Part 5 is called the Duramax conversion and since that did not occur, I'll continue in this newer thread.

We have seen this truck go from a "barn-find" from Oregon from delivery through many stages of development.

At first I was just replacing normal service life components and "Doing a fluid change"

That term has significant meaning here because it applies to many a vehicle that started out as just a short resto or repair and ended up something short of a SEMA build. That concept is certainly alive and well with respect to this 02 2500 Suburban.

It got repaired, then it got lifted and got a ton of great suspension and steering. It got a gear change to 4.88's and then to 4.56. It has worn 285/70R-16 tires and it has been shod with 35" mud tires and currently wears 37" A/T's.

It once sported a 14 bolt semi-floater and stock 4.10 ratio, then for a time was fitted with a crazy Dana 80 out of a militarized up-armored Suburban. In the current configuration it as a very nicely Great Lakes Off-road (GLO-Shawn) 14 bolt full floater with Tate sourced (Yukon gear/Randy's ring and pinion) with a dura-trak and 4.56's.

The motor was freshened up with a mild overhaul at 96,000 miles and fitted with GM performance stuff, a .551" lift cam and LS-6 heads which was tuned by Skaats Performance and put down almost 500 horsepower to the ground on the 35's of that time. That would be a hundred more if it has a Camaro size tire by comparison! The motor was later on fitted with a blower cam and a LSA supercharger set to max out at 12 psi. The big HP numbers were post supercharger install.

I thought about putting a Duramax into it and then I thought I'd bolt in a Vortec 8100. I even purchased that, but after really digging into the cost of doing that right I was right back near Duramax territory, so I scrapped that idea too.

D.O.T. / Perspective...
« on: April 22, 2022, 09:36:51 AM »

The lesson here is in the way we approach things. Someone wrote a book about thinking along lines of mathematical probabilities to discover the truth about things.

D.O.T. / Isn't Technology great
« on: April 18, 2022, 09:02:44 AM »

Faith Discussion / How are you celebrating Easter this year?
« on: April 15, 2022, 06:28:45 PM »
Our church, a big one, has asked the normal members to please not go to the Sunday Easter service. Even though there are over 1000 seats in the main sanctuary we wouldn't have room for all the "Christers." Our Easter services started Friday night (tonight). Tomorrow there are several services and I think they have one big one planned for Sunday. Out of the several offered on Saturday, we selected the 1500 service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this year.

We are going to go to the one hour 1500 service, then return home to our house and eat a big Easter dinner. Following that we will host an Easter egg hunt in our 2.5 acre yard. I think Kat has a couple thousand eggs for me to put out. Today I mowed and picked up a ton of things from the lawn. We put candy or coins inside the eggs. This year I am putting a silver one dollar coin in one egg (Value around $20 I think) as the grand prize. I hope a younger child finds it.

The church has gone totally insane. They are going to do a 10,000 Easter egg drop from a couple of helicopters at a baseball field for hundreds of kids. That should be pretty cool!

So, what are all of you planning to do?

D.O.T. / DonHarwardBooks.com
« on: April 13, 2022, 10:23:50 AM »
New writing website up and running


D.O.T. / Gene Autry’s Cowboy Code
« on: April 11, 2022, 11:05:11 AM »

Gene Autry’s Cowboy Code

1. Never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.
2. Never go back on your word, or a trust confided in you.
3.  Always tell the truth.
4.  Be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
5.  Must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
6.  Help people in distress.
7.  Be a good worker.
8.  Keep yourself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
9.  Respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.
10. The Cowboy is a patriot.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: Credit scores
« on: April 08, 2022, 11:40:47 AM »
Credit Scores: How important do you think they are?
I recently decided to change up the way I use money.

For many years I was always cautious to keep a bunch of credit accounts active. I did it to keep my credit score very high, which it has pretty much, always been. But one day I started to add up the amount in finance charges I was paying just to maintain that lofty score. It turned out to be a lot. Enough to simply pay cash for something big, like a short block for my Suburban.

That's when I decided to change my tact completely. Finally taking the advice of Dave Ramsey, I decided to just payoff  everything and just make pure cash purchases. I began the process last year.

So one by one, I'd pick out an account, then simply pay it off. I maintain a healthy income, even in retirement, so it wasn't all that difficult. But something interesting started happening. As I paid off successive accounts, my credit score would drop. It would later start to recover, but then I'd pay another one off, and I'd be down again.

Mind you, I never missed anything, nor was late, nor defaulted. The only thing I did was to start to make huge payments. If I would have, for example, a payment on the wife's Honda Talon, I'd make a $5,000 payment in lieu of the monthly one of $396. My credit report would post a note showing that my balance had decreased with Honda, but the FICO score remained the same. Then when I'd pay it off altogether the following month, my score would drop 6 points!

So I got fed up with doing the right thing and getting dinged by it so I started really taking big bites out of all my remaining debt. Two months ago I got pi$$ed at the "unfairness" of the system and paid off three of my remaining  accounts leaving me with only a car and a tractor payment. As a result my credit score dropped 31 points, to one of the lowest scores ever!

I'm in better shape than ever with the lowest score I have seen in decades!

Think about it. I reduced my debt substantially and made myself financially healthier than ever, and killed my credit by doing it! Bad thing, right? Killing one's credit score? Thinking about it, I don't think so. Because now I am in a position to  simply pay cash for anything we might need or want!

But the "system" doesn't like me doing that.

It seems that the credit system only works to your benefit if you stay in debt. Isn't that curious! Seems as though by reducing debt load you create more personal freedom. The powers to be do not like that very much and punish you. But in the same breath, I don't really need credit all that much any longer.

I buckled down for a good chunk of my life and actually paid cash for my farm, so I don't need credit to buy a place. When we sell our current home, and after paying off the balance, we should have enough cash left over to build a modest home on our farm for cash. So no need for a mortgage there, nope, we'll just pay for it.

This system we have is all about controlling people. Stay in debt and we'll reward you with the ability to carry even more debt. And while you're getting a bigger credit score with, likely an increasing debt load, the interest you pay monthly is enslaving you. It is stealing your ability to pay off that mountain of debt.

That's good according to our system and on and on you go subject to a mountain of debt while living in a country which has regulated away a good portion of the rest of your so called freedoms.

The American Dream?...Or is it something else?

Financial Prep / Credit scores, how important are they?
« on: April 08, 2022, 11:38:05 AM »
I recently decided to change up the way I use money.

For many years I was always cautious to keep a bunch of credit accounts active. I did it to keep my credit score very high, which it has pretty much, always been. But one day I started to add up the amount in finance charges I was paying just to maintain that lofty score. It turned out to be a lot. Enough to simply pay cash for something big, like a short block for my Suburban.

That's when I decided to change my tact completely. Finally taking the advice of Dave Ramsey, I decided to just payoff  everything and just make pure cash purchases. I began the process last year.

So one by one, I'd pick out an account, then simply pay it off. I maintain a healthy income, even in retirement, so it wasn't all that difficult. But something interesting started happening. As I paid off successive accounts, my credit score would drop. It would later start to recover, but then I'd pay another one off, and I'd be down again.

Mind you, I never missed anything, nor was late, nor defaulted. The only thing I did was to start to make huge payments. If I would have, for example, a payment on the wife's Honda Talon, I'd make a $5,000 payment in lieu of the monthly one of $396. My credit report would post a note showing that my balance had decreased with Honda, but the FICO score remained the same. Then when I'd pay it off altogether the following month, my score would drop 6 points!

So I got fed up with doing the right thing and getting dinged by it so I started really taking big bites out of all my remaining debt. Two months ago I got pi$$ed at the "unfairness" of the system and paid off three of my remaining  accounts leaving me with only a car and a tractor payment. As a result my credit score dropped 31 points, to one of the lowest scores ever!

I'm in better shape than ever with the lowest score I have seen in decades!

Think about it. I reduced my debt substantially and made myself financially healthier than ever, and killed my credit by doing it! Bad thing, right? Killing one's credit score? Thinking about it, I don't think so. Because now I am in a position to  simply pay cash for anything we might need or want!

But the "system" doesn't like me doing that.

It seems that the credit system only works to your benefit if you stay in debt. Isn't that curious! Seems as though by reducing debt load you create more personal freedom. The powers to be do not like that very much and punish you. But in the same breath, I don't really need credit all that much any longer.

I buckled down for a good chunk of my life and actually paid cash for my farm, so I don't need credit to buy a place. When we sell our current home, and after paying off the balance, we should have enough cash left over to build a modest home on our farm for cash. So no need for a mortgage there, nope, we'll just pay for it.

This system we have is all about controlling people. Stay in debt and we'll reward you with the ability to carry even more debt. And while you're getting a bigger credit score with, likely an increasing debt load, the interest you pay monthly is enslaving you. It is stealing your ability to pay off that mountain of debt.

That's good according to our system and on and on you go subject to a mountain of debt while living in a country which has regulated away a good portion of the rest of your so called freedoms.

The American Dream?...Or is it something else?

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: Are Germans bad people?
« on: March 29, 2022, 12:25:14 PM »
CIEMR: Are Germans bad people?
I do not think so. I lived in Germany for nearly six years and I found them to be warm, family oriented, wholesome and good people. I would say that I love them as a people. But once those good people came to be led by the Nationalist Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party which was led by Hitler, and their country weaponized and killed tens of millions of people in Europe and Asia and Africa.

Are the Chinese evil people? I do not think so. After all once brave Americans joined their forces to fight the Japanese with the Flying Tigers. Led by Major General Claire Lee Chennault they found the Chinese to be a good and very sacrificial people willing to do anything to help the Americans who were beating back the Japanese. But some years later a mao tse tung (I do not want to capitalize his name to give him any recognition whatsoever) led a communist uprising that overthrew the legal government of China which then fled to occupy Taiwan. Mao killed well in excess of 60,000,000 people. Lots of zeros there.

What about the Japanese? Bad people? I do not think so. I have a friend, who I roomed with in Kandahar who thought he was Japanese. Talk about being out of place, he was American born and is a small stature black man, but he lives in Tokyo, is married to a sweet Japanese girl, and just raves over the culture of the people there. His favorite sport? Sumo wrestling! Second favorite is Japanese baseball! From that friendship I learned just how good the Japanese people are. But in WW2, with the militant leadership they fell under they murdered and enslaved and plundered nearly half the planet.

We now have a war in the Ukraine. We report on the incredible loss of Russian Soldiers. Is that a good thing? I’m refereeing to dead Russians. In one context, yes when I juxtapose their losses over the fact that my boy is an Infantry soldier deployed there and may have to face them on a battlefield. But on the other hand, I feel for them. Every Russian soldier who died has a mom and a dad or a wife and possibly children. All of the latter just had their lives wrecked. Russians are good people, but they are led by a corrupt mafia like crime family who exercises extreme power over their very lives and now bends the will of a good people to go off and kill their neighbors.

None of these examples show where the people suddenly or over time “went bad.” However, in every example, some bad characters coopted the good people and turned their very nation into something very evil and dangerous.

Now in the United States we have progressives and socialists infiltrating all our institutions and we find a President Biden at our helm who, by his policies seems to hate Americans. So, I ask you, will a future writer like myself someday pose the question, Are Americans bad people?

Intel / Hacker alert...Be Alert
« on: March 28, 2022, 09:33:36 AM »
Notice the subtle differences

Faith Discussion / Convergence...Watch this film
« on: March 25, 2022, 11:12:26 PM »
Highly recommended by this worshiper

The time of Christ's return is indeed very close at hand


Faith Discussion / Be clear of mind
« on: March 20, 2022, 10:28:21 AM »
One must know the base truths and anchor their life in them or you can easily be led by whomever to anyplace, for any reason

Construction and heavy equipment / Beautiful John Deere 350 build
« on: March 19, 2022, 12:03:07 PM »
Thread for the purchase and overhaul of a great old bull dozer professionally restored

One terrific job!


Construction and heavy equipment / Sany 80U Excavator
« on: March 19, 2022, 11:57:13 AM »
I sold my Kobelco SKC-250 Excavator machine this week.

That leaves me with no excavator down farmside...Hmmm

I have the majority of the big work completed, and now have a long line of chores to complete with an excavator

I'll need to:

Pick up and stack stones into retaining walls
Dig drainage ditches
Dig ditches to bury pipe and conduit for electrical cables
Dig the foundation/basement space for the new house
Pull up trees
Lift semi heavy things onto the second floor/roof of my buildings
Smash up poachers trucks I find on my property
Pick up and stack logs
and a variery of other tasks

So I think I need a "Midi", something bigger than the minis because I need more power and something smaller than the massive big excavator I used to own.

Looking around the Kubota KX80 was my first pick followed by something near a Cat 308 or a Deere of the same size.

But there happens to be a SANY dealership about three miles from me and they actually still have a couple 80's in stock

They will sell me a rubber track machine with a 36" bucket and a hydraulic thumb for $96K

And get this, it has a 5-year/5,000 hour bumper to bumper warranty!!!!!!!!!!

Ya, if something happens they will send a truck out and repair my machine on site for free...for 5 very long and abusive years...

So I am considering purchasing one.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Electric Vehicle Scam
« on: March 18, 2022, 03:18:20 PM »

Makes you wonder if the government, who have been swayed by environmentalists, have thought this through. If this article is anywhere close to being true, they haven't. Better buy a big generator for your houses.

Jay Lehr is no lightweight with respect to his views on this. See below for his credentials.

Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris

The Electric Vehicle Scam

The utility companies have thus far had little to say about the alarming cost projections to operate electric vehicles (EVs) or the increased rates that they will be required to charge their customers. It is not just the total amount of electricity required, but the transmission lines and fast charging capacity that must be built at existing filling stations. Neither wind nor solar can support any of it. Electric vehicles will never become the mainstream of transportation!

In part 1 of our exposé on the problems with electric vehicles (EVs), we showed that they were too expensive, too unreliable, rely on materials mined in China and other unfriendly countries and require more electricity than the nation can afford. In this second part, we address other factors that will make any sensible reader avoid EVs like the plague.

EV Charging Insanity

In order to match the 2,000 cars that a typical filling station can service in a busy 12 hours, an EV charging station would require 600, 50-watt chargers at an estimated cost of $24 million and a supply of 30 megawatts of power from the grid. That is enough to power 20,000 homes. No one likely thinks about the fact that it can take 30 minutes to 8 hours to recharge a vehicle between empty or just topping off. What are the drivers doing during that time?

ICSC-Canada board member and New Zealand-based consulting engineer Bryan Leyland describes why installing electric car charging stations in a city is impractical:

“If you’ve got cars coming into a petrol station, they would stay for an average of five minutes. If you’ve got cars coming into an electric charging station, they would be at least 30 minutes, possibly an hour, but let’s say it's 30 minutes. So that’s six times the surface area to
park the cars while they’re being charged. Multiply every petrol station in a city by six. Where are you going to find the places to put them?”

The government of the United Kingdom is already starting to plan for power shortages caused by the charging of thousands of EVs. Starting in June 2022, the government will restrict the time of day you can charge your EV battery. To do this, they will employ smart meters that are programmed to automatically switch off EV charging in peak times to avoid potential blackouts.

In particular, the latest UK chargers will be pre-set to not function during 9-hours of peak loads, from 8am to 11am (3-hours) and 4pm to 10pm (6-hours). Unbelievably, the UK technology decides when and if an EV can be charged and even allows EV batteries to be drained into the UK grid if required. Imagine charging your car all night only to discover in the morning that your battery is flat since the state took the power back. Better keep your gas-powered car as a reliable and immediately available backup! While EV charging will be an attractive source of revenue generation for the government, American citizens will be up in arms.

Used Car Market

The average used EV will need a new battery before an owner can sell it, pricing them well above used internal combustion cars. The average age of an American car on the road is 12 years. A 12-year-old EV will be on its third battery. A Tesla battery typically costs $10,000, so there will not be many 12-year-old EVs on the road. Good luck trying to sell your used green fairy tale electric car!

Tuomas Katainen, an enterprising Finish Tesla owner, had an imaginative solution to the battery replacement problem - he blew up his car! New York City-based Insider magazine reported (December 27, 2021):

“The shop told him the faulty battery needed to be replaced at a cost of about $22,000. In addition to the hefty fee, the work would need to be authorized by Tesla. Rather than shell out half the cost of a new Tesla to fix an old one, Katainen decided to do something different. The demolition experts from the YouTube channel Pommijätkät (Bomb Dudes) strapped 66 pounds of high explosives to the car and surrounded the area with slow-motion camera ... the 14 hotdog-shaped charges erupt into a blinding ball of fire sending a massive shockwave rippling out from the car. The videos of the explosion have a combined 5 million views.”

We understand that the standard Tesla warranty does not cover “damage resulting from intentional actions,” like blowing the car up for a YouTube video.

EVs Per Block In Your Neighborhood

A home charging system for a Tesla requires a 75-amp service. The average house is equipped with 100-amp service. On most suburban streets, the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla. For half the homes on your block to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly overloaded.


Although the modern lithium-ion battery is four times better than the old lead-acid battery, gasoline holds 80 times the energy density. The great lithium battery in your cell phone weighs less than an ounce while the Tesla battery weighs 1,000 pounds. And what do we get for this huge cost and weight? We get a car that is far less convenient and less useful than cars powered by internal combustion engines. Bryan Leyland explained why:

“When the Model T came out, it was a dramatic improvement on the horse and cart. The electric car is a step backward into the equivalence of an ordinary car with a tiny petrol tank that takes half an hour to fill. It offers nothing in the way of convenience or extra facilities.”

Our Conclusion

The electric automobile will always be around in a niche market likely never exceeding 10% of the cars on the road. All automobile manufacturers are investing in their output and all will be disappointed in their sales. Perhaps they know this and will manufacture just what they know they can sell. This is certainly not what President Biden or California Governor Newsom are planning for. However, for as long as the present government is in power, they will be pushing the electric car as another means to run our lives. We have a chance to tell them exactly what we think of their expensive and dangerous plans when we go to the polls in November of 2022.

Drs. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris

Dr. Jay Lehr is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute He is an internationally renowned scientist, author, and speaker who has testified before Congress on dozens of occasions on environmental issues and consulted with nearly every agency of the national government and many foreign countries.

After graduating from Princeton University at the age of 20 with a degree in Geological Engineering, he received the nation’s first Ph.D. in Groundwater Hydrology from the University of Arizona. He later became executive director of the National Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers.

Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. He has 40 years of experience as a mechanical engineer/project manager, science and technology communications professional, technical trainer, and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament.

Message from the Owner / Forum renewal fees
« on: March 11, 2022, 02:52:17 PM »
Its that time again. I am only putting it out there, not asking for any help
The renewal costs are around $750 for the hosting and the Clementine security services that we use. I'll have to pay the fee in mid April.
OK, back to the mission in progress.

Intel / China...From the FBI
« on: March 11, 2022, 02:06:38 PM »

The greatest Existential threat of our time

Could it be that the liberal left is the greatest existential threat to our lives? I’d like to raise that question because I believe there is ample proof to support that possibility. First of all, let me define the left. It is embodied in the Biden administration and all its incompetent leaders. Practically every department or cabinet head he chose is incompetent, has no prior experience to lead their area of focus, or is a closet communist. Look no further than day to day demonstrations of this incompetence from him or his vice president who talks to us as though we were in kindergarten. Recently we saw a transportation secretary who took paternity leave to care for a baby while American industry was melting down due to a supply chain mega-problem. We are forced to listen to a press secretary outright lie to us about almost everything. I mean, seriously, how much of this are we going to put up with?

I think Biden is an empty suit. He is senile and managed by who? His chief of staff? Other players outside the government? Who is running our government? When Trump was in office everyone and I mean everyone knew that man was large and in charge. Sure he had ankle biters hounding at him every waking second, but he still did so much to make us great again. We can still not quite fathom exactly what we lost when the election was stolen. OK, confession here: I do not believe Biden won a legitimate election. There is just a mounting mountain of evidence to the contrary.
Biden and what he represents is a great threat to our moral self, to our outright safety, to our freedoms, and to our dignity as a nation. He has created a very dangerous world out of one that stayed in check under Trump. Just like ISIS learned one Donald Trump will squash you in a New York minute if you try to cross us.

Biden has a decade’s-long history of gaffs, bad decisions, sexual harassment, possible pedophilia, and weakness. He could have only survived as a senator who came from a “State” which only has three counties! Yea, three! People like Kim II in Korea, some fanatic in the Iran, Putin, of course and President Xi of China all saw weakness. Heck, for that matter, everyone else knew that with Biden came an era of uncertainty, poor decisions, a super divided America. He telegraphed a coming flood of refugees, and a quick return of all of those Obama favs like ANTIFA, LBTGQ!@#%$, BLM, radical Islam and every other Anti-American organization you can name on several sets of hands and feet.

Putin is invading Ukraine. He did not fear a west led by a feeble idiot, so he went for it. He openly bombs refugees fleeing in pre-negotiated corridors. (Hope the man burns in hell for just that one, but that’s just me). Putin knows Biden is a fool and he knows he can do anything he likes or wants to do while the best support man he could have hoped for goes about screwing up the United States. That is the biggest reason he will probably be the first to use battlefield nuclear weapons. What has Putin to fear? More harsh language from the old fumbler? Grab Putin by the throat, shove him into a corner, close up eyeball to eyeball and tell the man, “You do that, and I’m going to immediately bury you in a thermonuclear hole.” Do that, show some manhood, and Putin will understand. Oh and Xi, Kim, and those Persians will also get the hint.

But wait, there’s more! Now this unbelievably incompetent fool is asking Iran, and Venezuela to ease our oil shortages? The same oil shortages stupid little joe created in the first place??????? Ask enemy states to please help us out, pretty please? UNBELIEVABLE! Venezuela is a communist nation. Allow me to explain: Speaking like our equally capable VP, Venezuela is a small country. They have oil and that is good. But they are killing and starving their people and that is bad. But now they will help us and everything is good once again!

And what of this peace loving Iran who is always the first to help the world with aid and comfort? You do consider women and children wearing bomb vests as an act of aid and a good thing, right? Sorry, just making a point. But, seriously, could a nation who believes in such an obscenely hideous practice somehow be trusted to keep their future nuclear weapons safely locked down and under control? NO! They will develop one or more, then use them while the paint is still drying on the “death to America” ink stamp on the side of the thing.

Now should Iran start selling this oil to us, I’m sure they wouldn’t bargain away any of their sanctions, now would they? We can all agree that they fully realize they are “Bad” and not “Good,” right? Of course they will take every last dime of that US coin and put it into the finishing touches of the Islam fission bomb. But hey, that may still be a good thing! Biden’s thinking: if at least one middle class American household converts from their 2008 Buick to that shiny new $150,000 Tesla then it’s a step in the right direction. Man I hope these new EV’s all have good radiation detection systems installed along with the heated steering wheels!

We could shortly relieve the oil supply crunch by simply easing regulations. I think that alone gets us back to even. Then we turn on Keystone and with that, start to supply most of Europe. We push some holes into the ground off shore and we are pumping natural gas as well. We become the primary supplier of energy to Europe giving us unimaginable leverage there, we keep Putin in his corner until his people figure all this out and replace him, and we give notice to the Saudis that we will be dictating the oil terms from now on.

Yea, call me an American bigot, because I am bigoted toward all things America first. That makes me a bad guy? Hold your opinion, I don’t care. We need to do some things pretty quick in the America we love before it’s all regulated into stupidity. First, just say no to stupid. That means no to everyone who is not aligned with the America first thinking. Fire them, recall them, vote them out of office and make life a bit more “Real” for them. An example of the latter that the Sherriff of LA and the Police Chief of New York could do today is to release every criminal released back to the streets by those left leaning communist DA’s directly in front of the homes of those two communists. That might clue them in. Oh, and let’s include the addresses of all the super-rich left leaning people financing those campaigns, yea, them too!

Next, arm yourself, and I mean everyone. Most states have open carry laws, so mommas when you go shopping for those pampers, carry your purse, handbag and an AR or Glock. Next let’s stop accommodating idiots speaking hatred toward our nation. When they start to talk, just walk away. Turn a back on stupidity. Hey, that’s a good name for a new movement, “Turn a back on STUPIDITY.”

Next, challenge them everywhere. They like to use the courts to frighten us and push their agendas. Let’s use the same courts against them. I’ll bet if you just read the employment agreements, code of conducts, accepted rules for conduct or something like those, you’ll find ample justification to file something against one of these idiots from the left.

If we don’t do something soon, people like Biden are going to literally get us all in such a mess as we may not be able to get out of, short of actually fighting. Last time we did that the country was a general mess for a long time afterward and a lot of good folks died. We don’t need that. Biden will recreate a strong communist presence in our hemisphere in the persons of Cuba and Venezuela. They will try to threaten us. They may even pull out the 1963 Khrushchev’s play book of stationing Russian nukes in their countries. Next, get a copy of “Red Storm Rising and watch/read it. It’s about to transition from fiction to reality.

These artificially created (Purposely?) rising oil prices will just crush people already suffering under 7% inflation and business will fail. Electric cars are not sustainable now, nor will they be as a viable replacement for fossil fuel for decades. Sorry, but it’s just a fact, and I like the Tesla’s. I also like my diesel truck, so that’s a wash. Should Putin extend his land grab then more and more people will suffer, and Europe will destabilize. Add to that my two boys who dream of becoming Army Rangers soon will be at risk. I’d like for them to wear that coveted tab, but somewhere around the continental US, pretty please. I don’t want to see American blood spilled in some god forsaken place with a name none of us can even pronounce.

Could I get a little help here? Could we all get busy getting rid of these fools and begin righting our ship? Worse things are coming. After the movie review suggested earlier, give Ezekiel 38 a read. Gog is Russia BTW…

What are you building? / Pond Aeration system
« on: March 06, 2022, 10:12:55 AM »
My pond is now full all the way to running over

Many of you watched the pond being dug and built, and over the winter it filled all the way up and has been running over the top for some time now.

You may recall I released bass, bluegill, catfish, minnows, Crappie, and grass carp in it in the fall.

Now that the spring is solidly in the crosshairs, it is time to get an aeration system going to keep it healthy and free of algae and pond scum.

After viewing many setups, I elected (Like always) to build my own

The system will be solar powered which will power a linear septic air pump then transfer that air to a diffuser that is mounted to the bottom of the pond.

D.O.T. / A man of his word!
« on: March 05, 2022, 09:06:00 PM »
Totally believable!

CIEMR: Commentary about this Ukrainian situation

I think we are in some pretty deep trouble with this Ukraine war. Superficially, thousands are getting killed and injured. Children are getting abused, killed and injured, but frankly I am not sure why that matters to a desensitized world, we kill babies every day in the womb, right? What’s the difference?
OK, starting off pretty rough right there, but that’s the thing about the truth, it’s just there, standing out in the open with no regard for anyone’s feelings or sensibilities. I, for one, like that about the truth. It told me one day I was not who I thought I was. I had to take some time and deal with that but, the truth was right about that one. I allowed it to change me by putting it first in my life, ahead of my own perception.

Back on topic. The war over there looks bad because it is. Today cities are being destroyed, women are fleeing to surrounding countries, and an angered despot huddled up in a famous Greek-orthodox designed building in Moscow is desperately wondering what can he do? Just looking at it from his viewpoint, I believe he is now playing a bluff. He holds a hand in five card poker that is nothing, but he’s playing it like four aces. He has enough military to create a convoy 40 miles long, while still having three more armies of equal or greater size. He no doubt has a lot of military power.

On the other hand, he also has an economy that is about to collapse. If we close off oil imports, it will. That means that millions of people there in Russia, and we should care about the people in Russia, will begin to flip light switches on that no longer work. They will try to buy food that isn’t there, and so it goes. An economic collapse is not something that is easy on anybody. It alone, could lead to war. We do not need to completely collapse the Russian economy.  But wait, there’s more…

Mr. Putin also has a population who is both well connected to social media and is in large part, it would seem, against his invasion. Those people are taking to the streets over there, Bravo! Part of the Ukraine speaks Russian and all of it is seen as a close sibling by mother Russia, so killing it can’t be an easy pill to swallow. Imagine how Russian combat soldiers must feel about what they are doing.

Now, with your Army all deployed in your cousin’s house, your people squawking about it, the money running out, Mr. Putin may be looking at an empty box of options. I would think he is about out of options and not far from being out of time as well. He knows he has to get this done soon to prove he had the power to do it in the first place. There is no other option for him. He can’t throw in the towel and admit he made a huge mistake. Lives have been lost, blood has been spilled, cities, homes, families, and lives have been torn asunder. His only option is to win this war before his own nation turns on him. He is a war criminal to us. Europe would try him at The Hague. Ukrainians would kill him. Soon his own people may also try that, and who knows if the Russian Army general staff isn’t quietly talking about it as well?

I will suggest, we probably have never been closer to a nuclear confrontation than we are right now! You back a man with a pistol in his pocket into a corner then relentlessly continue attacking him, and I think I know what I’d do. I’d come out shooting. Mr. Putin may just do exactly that. Catch a bunch of the Ukrainian Army in a forest somewhere that is somewhat isolated, and “boom.” One mushroom cloud later and they are gone, and he is off to the next problem and he has sent a pretty big message to the Ukrainians and to us and NATO. Mess with me and I’m gonna nuke you too. Check me on this, am I way out there with this concept? Please, tell me to go back to bush hogging and shut the heck up.

Nukes produce Mushroom shaped clouds, we all know that. Real mushrooms created the classic shape. They did that because if you get just one, then the underside of that mushroom opens and spreads out millions of spore like seeds which in turn create many more new mushrooms. In the modern context, I think the radioactive type would operate in much the same way.

I’m sorry folks, but I am not done. We aren’t hosed only when and if Putin deploys a nuke, we are already screwed. We have the biggest refugee problem in history developing. That will take a lot of work, and money, and will involve our military, and will slow everything down. We have the collapsing Russian economy, the eighth largest in the world which all by itself is a big deal. Take away an eighth of Fat Albert's cheeseburgers, and over time he is going to start to lose weight. So we have that.

But we also have this huge bread basket of the world, the Ukraine, no longer doing anything with its farm land other than fighting tank battles. The Ukraine is the largest producer of wheat, Sunflower oil, and so many other food products in Europe. They also make nitrogen fertilizer which in turns allows farmers to grow more bountiful crops. See where I’m going with that? Odessa exports those foods to a hungry world, but isn’t Odessa currently being blown to pieces? Weren’t two ships in their port blown up yesterday?

The Ukraine also mines and exports all manner of raw materials and minerals like Iron, Aluminum, Uranium, lumber, and who knows what else, probably kryptonite too! So we have a hungry Europe taking care of what is now probably millions of Ukrainian refugees who need everything but the storehouse is drying up. You have zero natural resources flowing out, so say good bye to hundreds of thousands of paychecks of normal people throughout Europe whose factories were closed because of the lack of Ukrainian raw materials. Ukraine has now become an importer of things since a week ago. They now import Stinger and Javelin missiles, artillery shells, 7.62 mm cartridges, medical supplies, grenades, mines, and all sorts of things like that. Make for some pretty strange looking shelves at the local grocery store.

On this side of the ocean the Biden’s are well prepared to supply them with solar cells, batteries, and rose colored sunglasses. This idiot of a president thinks Americans are better off now than we were a year ago. I’m sure he is likewise inspiring a lot of confidence to the people over there. I think the way we lived back in 2019 is a thing of the past. The world changed. We elected weak socialists who either were a part of it all or couldn’t see it coming. Evil was allowed to flourish and worse, we have been evicting God at every opportunity. We will see very high gas prices. We will be told that is a good thing because we will all be happier or some nonsense like that. We will continue to self-inflict gunshot wounds to our nation and spiritual welfare and we will watch news analysists try to figure out what happened.

I already know what happened! It’s simple. We abandoned God! It’s really just that simple. We kicked him out and a cesspool flowed back into our neighborhoods, our sacred institutions, our TV’s and our minds. And just as sure as I am about that, I also know exactly how to fix all this. It is also quite simple. You see God, who is truth and love did not make things complicated for simple minded creatures like us. He marked it with a crayon on a big chalk board, he said:
2 Chronicles 7:14 ►

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I know that some of you may be like me, (Not all that smart) so I’ll break that down for ya. The people our lord is refereeing to are those who are called by my name, are “Christians” after “Christ.”
He asks us to 1. Humble ourselves…Just toss out all that pride and your egos and who you think you may be and just get down on your face in prayer. 2. He wants you to pray. 3. He wants you to seek his face. That means turn off MSNBC and those fools and look to the heavens earnestly seeking HIS face. 4. Turn from your wicked ways. (Stop sinning)


1.   God will hear you! He will hear a prayer that is not full of self and pride, but one that is washed of all that through a repentant heart, and.
2.     He will forgive you of that sin, and here’s the win for a win part:


I'm there!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / 7.3 Godzilla, Is the Diesel dead?
« on: February 28, 2022, 11:53:41 AM »
I'd like to start a discussion about this Ford 7.3 Godzilla motor.

From what I can see it is one outstanding motor.

In stock form it makes a lot of power. I have seen gains of over 50 HP under the curve where we live just by tuning. I have seen the addition of headers add 40-50 HP. There are supercharged versions making in excess of 1,000HP and a thousand pound/feet of torque!

It looks like reports on fuel economy from owners place the day to day unladen mileage of a 7.3 gasser vs a 6.7 Power stroke to be similar. When towing the gasser suffers with numbers less that 10, but so does the diesel, but with slightly better numbers.

So, gas costs less than diesel fuel, so dollar for dollar, one could simply buy more gas for the same cost as a tank of diesel. Next up is the initial investment. I just looked and to buy a Super Duty with a 6.7, you are going to have to anty up $10,600 for that motor. The gasser Godzilla motor only costs $1,700 over the cost of the base 6.2 gas motor. So there's that, almost $9,000 in savings to order the gasser.

Then if you just look at the sheer complexity of that 6.7 Power Stroke, you have to be kidding. Under that hood it is ridiculous! There are multiple EGR coolers, a bunch, I mean, A BUNCH of ducting and piping. You have a big water/air intercooler and you can't see the turbo. I hear that now the motor pulses the injectors as many as five times per combustion event. Doesn't that mean that those $1000 apiece injectors are now completing five times the number of cycles as they used to? And don't injectors wear out? I was looking at the intercooler hoses. If you wanted to tighten up the lower hose clamp, I'd like to know how any normal human could hope to do that. I tell you that motor is just too complicated

Then I hear the motor still has the crappy CP4 Bosh pump. The same pump that has been grenading regularly also taking out the fuel injection system. I checked and found that repair is likely over $10,000!

Now let's look at the 7.3 gasser. The thing is a simple cam in block, pushrod V8. I hear you can pull the intake off in 10 minutes! It has 6 bolts per main journal, an iron block, monster head bolts and lots of them and huge BOSS 302 looking ports. I read that installing headers is an easy two hour job. There is just nothing complicated about it.

Finally is the handling. The much lighter gasser truck handles briskly and feels light, whereas the nose heavy Power Stroke does not. It feels, well, heavy.

So you buy the gasser Super Duty for $9,000 less, then bolt on headers, get a tune and a supercharger for maybe $8,000. You now have a truck which does 0-60 in 4.8 seconds and will pull anything the diesel will. For the cost of the injector repair on the power-joke you can buy a whole new crate 7.3 and start all over.

No brainer to me, that 7.3 is going to really leave a mark. And GM's anemic 6.6 and the gas thirsty Mopar 6.4 are not even in the same arena as this new Ford big block.

I may be a Chevy fan, but I am really liking that Ford Godzilla Super Duty.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Tracking the war in the Ukraine
« on: February 26, 2022, 11:02:30 AM »
I'll try and track this developing war in the Ukraine. I will just add to this first post as things develop.
Red notes refer to (red)China/Taiwan operations

The night of fighting with heavy shell attacks has taken a great toll on both sides, with estimates suggesting between 1,000 and 3,500 Russian soldiers have been killed.

Live – Kiev is surrounded by: Follow the news of the war in Ukraine

A Japanese-owned cargo ship has been shelled in the Black Sea, south of Ukraine. One crewmember has been injured.

The State Dept advises US citizens not to travel to Belarus and urges US citizens in Belarus to depart immediately. Minsk airport has flights to limited international destinations. Land borders with Lithuania, Latvia & Poland work at normal capacity.

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Tod Wolters activated the multinational force consisting of land, air, sea and special operations forces from the allies that can deploy quickly in support of the NATO alliance. The activation of the response troops does not mean that any US or NATO troops will go into Ukraine, which is not a member.

China announces maritime drills starting tomorrow off their coast near Taiwan

1059 02262022   115,000 people cross from Ukraine to Poland since invasion

1840 02262022  Russia-Ukraine latest news: western allies to cut some Russian banks out of Swift payments system

1907 02262022  Elon Musk has said SpaceX’s Starlink satellites are now active over Ukraine after a request from Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov.

Eight countries, including Czech Republic, Poland and the UK, have now introduced full or partial bans on Russian flights.

Anti-war sentiment grows in Russia despite government crackdown

1943 02262022  After reading a bunch of tweets out of the Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers killed: Something around 200 with 400 injured. Russian far worse with 3500 killed/wounded and 200 POW's. One person walked through an abandoned Russian BM-21 multiple launch rocket system unit which were all out of fuel. Other reports of Russians running out of gas and Ukrainian forces hitting them hard near the border on the supply routes.

2021 02262022  According to United States military information, Russia now has at least 50 percent of its estimated 150,000-strong invasion force inside Ukraine.

0834 02272022  Russia-Ukraine latest: Putin orders nuclear deterrence forces on high alert; Zelenskiy says Ukrainian and Russian delegations to meet

0830ish 02272022  Belarus special forces are believed to be preparing to assault the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, the Daily Mirror can reveal. Ukrainian intelligence has learned from within Belarus that “special ops” troops have been spotted loading up planes for a major attack.

0940 02272022  There are 'no Russian troops in the capital,' Kyiv mayor says

1700 02272022  BUDAPEST, Hungary - Some 66,000 refugees have entered Hungary from Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion on Thursday, with more than 23,000 entering on Saturday alone, according to the Hungarian police and Hungary’s foreign minster

1700 02272022 Soviet shuttle carrier aircraft destroyed in Russian attack on Ukraine (Note: This is a big deal. There was only one AN-225 in the world, and it was the largest cargo carrier on earth. Many a specialized load was carried around the planet in that thing. That will leave a vacuum that won't be filled)

Evening 02272022  Ukraine could tip balance of war if it resists Russian forces a few more days, expert says
AM 02282022  Radioactive waste disposal site near Kyiv hit by airstrike, Ukraine officials say (I actually wrote a paper once about this facility which has a history of leaks and fires)

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: The Ukrainian war is growing
« on: February 26, 2022, 10:42:27 AM »
This war in the Ukraine is going to get bad and quick. Allow me to make the following observations:

Russian losses early on are huge. To me it looks like Putin bungled the invasion. Sun-Tzu suggests that one attack with overwhelming force, Putin did not. He attacked on four axis of advance with only 60,000 troops out of around 200,000 he had on available. That looks like a miscalculation to me. It looks like also Putin under estimated the intent of the Ukrainian people. He thought he would waltz in there like he did in the Crimea, but these Ukrainians are fighting hard for their country. Now Putin has to play catch-up.

The thing about attacks is that they have to have at least sufficient combat power, and his attack does not appear to have walked in with the big stick. The attack has to be utterly forceful and timed appropriately. Why you ask? Well an attacking Army will run out of everything pretty quick. Things like fuel, ammo, people, time, food will get used up fast. The logistical tail is probably the most important factor to a successful attack that takes any length of time. Sure you can conduct a special operations assault to snatch a person, get in and out, but when you start driving fuel sucking tanks around, you'll need to be able to refuel them every couple of days.

The supply lines are highly vulnerable. Tanker trucks are especially so, ask me how I know. One day in Afghanistan I was the air mission commander providing overwatch for a huge convoy that eventually stretched out to be sixty miles long. The Taliban waited until our helicopters were no longer concentrated, then they hit us. We lost three tankers that day.

That is just one example, one convoy on one day. Putin will have dozens of convoys going all the time. They will get chewed up by the Ukrainians and eventually he will lose much of his invading Army if he doesn't close this thing out soon.

But the war is expanding. Today a Japanese freighter was hit by Russian gunners with fatalities. The US Government is now telling US citizens in Belarus to get out. Why is that? Its because of what is coming.

Putin seems to have lost his mind to some extent. His taped release the other day threatening the use of a terrible response (Nuclear weapons?) is pretty uncharacteristic for a nation state leader. Well except for those like Hitler...

We have now heard talk by US analysts about the use of battlefield Tactical Nuclear Weapons. Ever hear anything like that before? Now for those of you who may not know this, in the US and I'm certain almost every other nation, the release of nuclear weapons can only come from the leader of that nation, the president. The Russians use a different system. At some point they will distribute these "smaller" nukes to their battlefield commanders. Those commanders will have some latitude with respect to employing them. A Russian Artillery Battalion Commander may still be in his thirties. That man may have a silver bullet in one of his ammo trucks. He may in an extreme instance be the last person in the chain of command who holds authority to release (fire) that weapon.

Now I know that is an extreme example, but it is never-the-less a remote possibility. So what if Putin is nuts? What if he is actually delusional? What if he sees this as his one and only chance to put the band back together?  Why does he have 5,000-8,000 troops massed near the polish border? Those troops just happen to be close to our 82nd Airborne guys who will be helping with the refugee crisis that will happen in a day or two. What would happen if he pushes into Poland and our guys lock horns with him? Scary prospect right there, but here we sit, US and Russian forces not even 100 miles apart and there is a shooting war going on...hmmm...

I think at the very least Putin has calculated to take back the Ukraine for his own. I believe he will use this crisis to break apart NATO. That seems to already be happening. Germany, the largest military in Europe is pretty quiet. They need to be, they are currently running on Russian oil. Yup, nuclear power plants are bad...Russian oil is good! So is Italy. Germany sent helmets to the Ukraine as their initial aid package, while we sent Stinger and Javelin missiles. No doubt those stingers are what shot down a bunch of Russian fighters and our Javelins no doubt already killed a bunch of Russian tanks. (Can I say YIPPEE right here and not seem to be too politically incorrect??)

NATO lacks resolve. NATO is all that keeps the three Balkan states from not being overwhelmed by an aggressive Russia. I'm sorry folks but we are staring down the barrel of world war 3 and China hasn't even begun with its attack on Taiwan. Should NATO break up we are screwed. Should the war over there turn Nuclear, we are screwed. Should the war expand into western Europe, we are screwed. When China attacks Taiwan, we are really screwed.

Those of you who voted in this progressive government are squarely to blame and at fault. Weakness always allows bullies to have their way. Our withdraw from Afghanistan, a place where a bunch of us fought pretty Gosh darn hard, signaled to Putin that we have the weakest leadership we have had since Jimmy Carter. For those with a brain, you are about to see the world hand us our butt. Since this presidency cannot keep us safe, cannot control crime or even close our borders here we will likely be on our own. While idiots like the governor of California cries out, "Send us your homeless, Send us your drugs and crime, Send us your freedom haters, other idiots like Kerry are more concerned over the loss of the initiative for climate change!

Folks, we are really on our own...Oh and did I even mention a nuclear armed Iran? God help us!

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Good Advice
« on: February 26, 2022, 08:41:30 AM »
Even Godzilla is in danger from these!

It may be time folks

Jock up!

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Whatttt? Already???
« on: February 26, 2022, 08:37:23 AM »
It happened again!

It is Biden and his handlers that need a warm war more than Russia.


And it is Biden walking away from diplomacy to get it going. 


Remember, Russia will profit greatly from increased petroleum sales while Biden will get higher gas prices so they can implement green energy climate changes as promised.  Plus the establishment gets a state of emergency to maintain their big budgets and power.


Neocon Republicans are in bed with the globalist Democrat's. 


Win win.


Except if it turns hot and global. 


Then China takes Taiwan.


Also note a warm war can replace covid as the emergency while driving up petroleum so Biden's handers can implement climate change and the green agenda.  Even the phony sanctions will help drive of gas costs.  Which will fund Russia with a profit so the crisis can last years.  Problem is if a hot shooting war starts with nukes as well.  Though the Russians stand to gain more by a warm war of long duration.  Very few casualties, increased revenues, and cornering the petro market with the Arabs.


Note the largest world investment in Russia is oil companies.  Lots of American oil companies.  Not one word on sanctioning them ..... but Russia could seize them.  Win win for Russia.  And will drive up US costs higher so more green energy for Biden.

Faith Discussion / How well do you know Millenials?
« on: February 23, 2022, 03:57:21 PM »
This is sobering, and aside from the fact that God is in control, this is frightening and unsettling!

Studying the sobering results of Dr. George Barna's research, "Millennials in America," I felt fear for the future considering the views of the largest generation in our history.

I listened intently as he shared some of his key findings. Here are some of the startling discoveries:

Almost one-half of young adults prefer socialism to capitalism.
Foundation of absolute truth has been replaced by relativism, with feelings and friends forming one's worldview.
9 of 10 are syncretists, picking a mixture of beliefs from different religions so as not to appear "intolerant."
Being "born again" doesn't result from repentance and faith in Christ's sacrificial, substitutionary death and Resurrection but refers to being a good person, doing good deeds to merit one's salvation.
Only 28% believe the Bible is the Word of God.
The overwhelming majority reject the concept of an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator and do not accept the biblical/historical view of Scripture, sin and salvation.

Two portions of Scripture come to mind in light of the younger generation drifting dramatically from God.

"That entire generation passed away, and after them grew up a generation who did not know the Lord or the deeds that He had done. …" (Judges 2:10)

"Moreover, in those days I also saw Jews who had married the women of Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. Half of their children spoke in the language of Ashdod, yet none of them could recognize the language of the Jews." (Nehemiah 13:23-24)

Upon assessing the situation in his day, Nehemiah was definitely not complacent as he confronted some of them with righteous anger. He "cursed" … "beat" … and "plucked out the hair" of those responsible for "doing all this great evil who are behaving unfaithfully against our God. …" (Nehemiah 13:25-7)

Scripture does not rejoice over Nehemiah's actions but does record them! In our day of comfortable, compromising and cowardly "Christianity," it's refreshing to see a leader not being silent and submitting to the fear of man.

Years ago when President Obama and LGBTQ activists were aggressively pushing for same-sex marriage, I partnered with a professional videographer on a biblical instructional video entitled "Is Gay OK?" From a biblically informed worldview it addressed questions like "Is a person born gay? Can someone be a Christian and practice homosexuality? Is same-sex marriage allowed by God?"

I was subsequently let go by the church where I served in leadership for five years, being told by the leader to "just go and don't come back." Previously, he'd warned me in no uncertain terms that to continue the project was a "deal-breaker" and "we don't want to go there because we could incur death threats."

A primary reason I worked on the resource video was to help rescue millennials being bombarded by an avalanche of deceitful propaganda on this and multitudes of cultural hot-button issues. Because many pastors decided to be "seeker sensitive" and play it safe, steering clear of controversy ("We don't get into areas like abortion, living together, homosexuality, transgender stuff, voting, elections … you know, anything political") we now have a generation like in the time of Judges.

More sobering data

Apart from deception assaulting the younger generation in the area of morality, Dr. Barna's research reveals chilling beliefs in the realm of spirituality:

Two out of three millennials believe they are "Christians," yet their responses indicate they are not true disciples following Jesus as Lord.
Three out of four believe all religious faiths are of equal value.
56% reject the existence of absolute truth.
A scant 4% of millennials hold to a biblical worldview regarding God, life and morality.
Only one in four millennials believe they can trust Christian pastors.
A high percentage identify themselves as "DONTS," meaning they don't know or even care if God exists.
Inspiration from 5 divine interventions

Before anyone succumbs to cynicism and pessimism concerning the future of the millennial generation, let's remind ourselves of God's sovereign intervention in similar seasons of history where outpourings of His Spirit broke through the darkness.

First Great Awakening. I've been to Northampton, Massachusetts, where Jonathan Edwards helped ignite God's miraculous intervention in the darkest period of the 1700s, which resulted in unbelievable societal transformation.

Second Great Awakening. I've had the privilege of ministering repeatedly at Oberlin College, a ground zero destination where in the 1800s Charles Finney was catalytic with others in bringing sweeping revival fire to America in what is now known as another great awakening that revolutionized society.

Azusa Street Revival. I've been to Bonnie Brae Street with revivalist Lou Engle where at the turn of the 20th century a handful of people gathered, and soon God poured out His Spirit in an unprecedented way in Los Angeles birthing the Pentecostal movement that today has reached almost a half billion people worldwide! And God used a humble, one-eyed black man, ironically named William Seymour ("see more"), who wanted to see more of God in his day!

The Jesus Movement. In one of the most turbulent times in America's history, God rescued me from a '60s "Lost Souls" rock band and swept me into a revolutionary youth-centered Jesus revolution that saw millions of sons and daughters converted and changed by the power of the living God! I joined with Dr. Michael Brown, Mike Bickle, Greg Laurie, Keith Green and others in a heaven-sent move of God that birthed Calvary Chapel, The Vineyard, Contemporary Christian music and a cover story in Time magazine!

Brownsville Revival. Revival broke out in Pensacola, Florida, and providentially God planted me in the midst of a divinely orchestrated move of His Spirit where in a five-year period 2 million came from across the world and 200,000 were converted – to the glory of God!

7 common denominators

Dr. Barna's excellent research revealed sobering data. It's our time to seize the opportunity, remembering God's sovereignty and the church's responsibility. Historically, we find common denominators to guide us.

1. Passionate and prevailing prayer.

2. Genuine repentance and living lives of happy holiness.

3. Freedom for the Holy Spirit to move in spontaneity under godly oversight.

4. Rekindling lifestyle evangelism and consistent, compassionate outreach to the lost and those suffering in poverty, persecution and exploitation.

5. Rediscovering the passionate preaching of the Word of God.

6. Restoring a healthy fear of the Lord through a revelation of divine judgment and experience of Holy Spirit conviction.

7. Most importantly, rekindling the fire of first-love zeal and simple devotion to Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Here's the deal: "In the last days it shall be, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams" (Acts 2:17).

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: Makes me wonder
« on: February 21, 2022, 10:18:06 AM »
CIEMR: Makes me wonder

I’ve noticed something about my posts that goes back years

Whenever my wife or I post something family related, I’ll get well over 100 “likes”. Not that I care about it all that much because my sun does not rise and set on what others think or how many people respond to something I put out. I’m a man, I can take it! ;-)

But looking at recent posts here, My wife shares a post where I purchased a new Caddy for her and 136 people chime in. She shares something about the super bowl and another 50-60. But sandwiched between those are pieces about the Venezuelan-like Trudeau government of Canada crushing freedom fighting truckers and there will be 1-2 responses. It seems there are very few responses to pieces I write about freedom, repression, what’s off in America, and things like that

So, I am wondering why that is?

Is it that my wife is just a lot more popular than I on these social media platforms? (I certainly hope so!)


Is it that people are uncomfortable with reading about all that is going wrong?
You know, just set it aside, and don’t talk about politics and religion, and all that.

I thought most people in my circles would be conservative. I believe in a little less than zero percent of what the left believes in, so why would a progressive person even be hanging around on my page?…Make sense? If that be the case, then why doesn’t anyone respond to something that is clearly conservative like the “Save 30% by switching back to Trump” thing I just posted? I mean aren’t you proud of all the accomplishments of that presidency? He was an American first and just set the left back on their heels!

I hope it isn’t because conservatives are afraid or uncomfortable over stating so in public. Kind of harkens back to Jesus telling his church that if they are ashamed of him, he will return the favor or words to that effect.

I don’t want to believe it, but I think it is a courage issue. I did have that man come up to me after I gave a talk to a men’s ministry and tell me that if they came into his street, he was afraid he would just surrender! Yea, I am sorry to have known such a weasel, and sorrier for his wife who was obviously shortchanged one husband.

It could be nefarious. It could be that Facebook analyzes the tenor of a piece and if it leans right, FB then somehow limits its distribution, dunno but could be.

I hope it isn’t that people are afraid to stand for what they believe, or publically state it. I hope it isn’t that, but know what? It probably is. Americans, historically don’t want to get involved.

No worries though, we are strong. I harken back to the 3.5% of Americans who rose to fight the British and liberate the 13 colonies while the 96.5% remaining sat that one out. Well, not all of them did. Freedom fighters certainly got some help along the way. But because every single American didn’t stand up, the British actually thought there was a chance of restoring order under the crown. As a direct result, thousands of good Americans died unnecessarily.

But I still wonder why you don’t hear a peep here when pointing out some absolute criminal act by those stealing our freedom?

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / 30% discount
« on: February 20, 2022, 05:27:13 PM »
What a deal!

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